View Full Version : Air cooled 250R bottom end noise question.

07-21-2008, 10:57 PM
I would like to pick the brains of some of the air cooled R' mechanics if I could. I am working on a 250R, a 1980, and I hate to say it but a CR. I think that these are quite similiar to the 81-84 ATC's without the counterbalancer? Anyhow, the bike starts perfect, runs great, etc, but while running there is an awful noise coming from down low. It sounds as though the clutch basket or flywheel is hitting a case or something. I disassembled the top end and checked the piston, rod and main bearings, all seem very tight and perfect. Checked flywheel, fine, removed clutch side and everything appeared as new, with the exception of the clutch basket itself. This basket appears to be made with small grooves where the clutch plate ears ride. The basket appears to be perfect, but you can rotate the basket quite some distance before it hits the ears of the plates! I have never seen a basket like this with this much play in it with no wear marks! If you shake the clutch basket back and forth against the ears of the plates you can make the sound that you hear when it is running. Are all of these early ATC, CR baskets made like this with this much play? Is there something else deeper in that could make this noise? Someone also told me that these CR's are quite loud because they dont have any rubber dampeners in the cooling fins, I dont really believe this one but have any of you had these issues? Any info. would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

07-23-2008, 12:33 AM
yes, these motors are quite loud.
if the bearings in the bottom end are tight, try taking out the whole clutch basket assembly and starting it up. (make sure you dont run it for very long like this, just long enough to determine if the noise is still present)

if it is, then yes, the motor really IS that loud. they are god-aweful hammery sounding. .

but it does sound like your clutch basket and friction plate ears are a bit worn.