View Full Version : Overheating problem AGAIN!

07-16-2008, 11:54 AM
Hey guys,

265 PV motor, running a NGK BR9ES plug and water wetter.

Now I have my overflow hooked up. Im not getting anything in there but when I park it after hard ride I can hear it bubbling like the sound of boiling water. I dont get it, my plugs are coming out a nice tan colour as well. It idles and runs great!

The only thing I can think of, is the motor was meant for a quad frame. Aka more cooling due to a bigger rad? And the trike rads just dont provide the same amount of cooling? Guess my next purchase if this is the case is PWR rads.

Thanks alot for your help, ill do another plug chop but Im pretty sure my jetting is close to 100%.

07-16-2008, 12:04 PM
when you stop the circulation stops as well, and in turn the coolent temp rises, so a bit of bubbling after turning off your machine is aight, if you have a manual temp gauge you can see for yoursef. I freaked out years ago with my 383 mopar in a chrysler I had, it did the same thing, come to find out everything was cool.

07-16-2008, 12:05 PM
well damn, never thought about that! Maybe I did solve it! Thanks for that alan makes me feel a lil better

It probably lasted like a minute or 2 then it stopped bubbling

07-16-2008, 12:20 PM
my 295 would do that after running it hard at the hillclimbs, but I figured if it didn't run out on the ground then the overflow was doing its job. you can try a kx500 radiator cap also, but make sure every clamp and hose is in good condition. HH

07-16-2008, 10:58 PM
I was told to try more octane as well. sounds like it makes sense to me.

07-16-2008, 11:00 PM
Careful Josh. Mine did that at TF right before it died.

07-16-2008, 11:04 PM
Way to burst my bubble rick lol go get some freshy :)

07-16-2008, 11:06 PM
I RUN STOCK RADIATORS ON MY 500 IN az WHERE ITS HOT,,, i don't have any issues related to cooling until the ambient temp gets close to 100,,, so i would hope you can cool a 265,, i run the water single pass through both radiators before it goes back to the motor too,,, no worries

Derrick Adams
07-17-2008, 06:49 AM
cooling system 101:

liquids expand when heated. coolant is pumped thru the radiators by the water pump and cooled when the engine is running. when you shut the engine off there is no where for the excess coolant pressure to go so it pushes to the overflow as it expands. the cool thing is, it sucks it back in as it cools because its a sealed system. just make sure your overflow hose is hooked to the bottom of the overflow jug.

top off the radiators, add a little to the overflow for good measure and let it rip. also note that the first time you ride it, it will purge and air bubbles in the system thru the overflow jug.

07-17-2008, 08:27 AM
Josh...it's really very simple and you and everyone else is waaaay off base.

You just need to quit trying to fry your bacon on the motor!! :lol: shens :beer

Louis Mielke
07-17-2008, 08:34 AM
Josh is this after really thrashing on the engine or just any old ride? Technically I would think you could fatten your jetting a bit and alleviate it to a point but then you won't have max performance. Octane is a good idea too.

07-17-2008, 09:02 AM
Josh...it's really very simple and you and everyone else is waaaay off base.

You just need to quit trying to fry your bacon on the motor!! :lol: shens :beer

damn I was way off! thanx mistress!:naughty: :lol: :lol: :beer

07-17-2008, 09:58 AM
It was about 90 out when I did. Putting very hard laps down on my track. 15 solid HARD laps of 2nd gear just flying.

That is also a good point derrick about the new rad system, this was all fresh rad coolant so it couldve been the bubbles.

Im going to try some 112, and try it again and see how shes goes.

Thanks for all your help guys!