View Full Version : 200s engine problem.

06-27-2008, 07:27 PM
i was riding my 200s today through some water, nothing deep enough to get in the air box. anyways, as i rode on, it started making a really weird sound, it sounded like the chain was dragging on something but it was way to loud and it was coming from inside the engine kind of like the piston was rattling around in the cylinder. it does it in mid-high rpms and when i let off the throttle while in gear it pops a lot. it also wont idle in nuetral, it just dies. if you leave in 1st when you stopped it idles a little while but eventually dies. i just got the carb tuned and it was running great until now. anybody know what this might be?

06-28-2008, 02:42 AM
Take the carb off and clear it out with air. While you are doing this, change the oil and crank the motor a few times. Check your air filter, then make sure everything is adjusted correctly, filler up with oil, put the carb back on, and see if she rolls. You may have gotten water in the carb...or a million other things.

06-28-2008, 03:18 AM
it sounds more liek you have a trany issue. you may want to start with having someone look at the clutch set then if that loooks ok, have THEM drain the crankcase fluid and look for any siens of internal damage such as metalic flakes or even watered down fluid.

06-28-2008, 01:26 PM
i changed the oil right before this happened. and it isn't milky or anything, so it's good. I checked the carb and it was fine. it sounds like it in the top end so i was thinking cam chain. if thats the problem, i figure while i'm at it, i'll go ahead and do my xr cam swap with a DID cam chain. what all is needed to do this swap? wanna get all the parts at once. it also had a bad plug wire. it worked but was in bad shape. i dont think that would cause this particular problem though.

06-28-2008, 01:38 PM
if its making sounds like a piston rattling around id be doing a compression test.if its not that then it more than likely is the came chain slapping around. also it might be the valve gaps. that sound could be the valves slapping into the rocker arms.

06-28-2008, 02:10 PM
Did you check the adjustment on your cam chain? When it's loose, it affects timing (backfire) and the motor makes a lot of noise. I just had mine loosen up and it sounded like a diesel. 30 secs with a 14mm wrench and it's quiet again.

06-28-2008, 04:39 PM
how do you adjust the cam chain? also, i feel pretty dumb, but when i put the carb back on, i didnt put fuel back in it and now it wont crank. are you supposed to put fuel in the bottom part with the floats before you put it back on?

06-28-2008, 08:15 PM
no you do not have to put fuel in it. check to make sure you have the pecock set to run.

06-28-2008, 11:15 PM
it's set to run, but fuel isn't running into the carb. i figured it had to be running to pull fuel through it.

06-28-2008, 11:37 PM
if you were going pretty fast and then just plunged into the water it wuda made a pretty big splash and sprayed heaps of water up some of which could have went somewere it wasnt ment to