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06-20-2008, 07:14 PM
So i have noticed that recently when i shift my trike from neutral to 1st it jumps quite a bit (no the idle is not that high), and when i shift into 2nd it lurches as well. When i shift into third it almost seems like its crashing into gear...fourth and fifth shift great. In addition when i am at a lower RPM in fifth and i hammer on it my engine rev's really high then goes back down low and then increases with speed.... i would assume these sympotms are signs that i will be needing a new clutch? Also does anyone elses trike almost like tick on them while driving. This is my first trike so forgive all the questions.


06-20-2008, 08:01 PM
At first reading this, I would have said it could be the shifter fork sticking or not moving. But as I read it again, it sounds more like your auto clutch is going out. Since it revs when in gear, it means the clutch is not functioning correctly.

06-20-2008, 08:27 PM
have you tried adjustign the main clutches so they engage propery? ther eis an external adjustmentont he kicker side case i belive.

06-20-2008, 10:45 PM
If it's idling, you should be able to pull up the shifter with your foot, and hold it up. The trike shouldn't move. When you let the lever back down, that engages the primary clutch and it should go, possibly jump. If you pull up and hold it there, and it jumps, then I'm pretty sure you adjust the bolt on the kick starter side like Brapp said. On the Honda Recon 4-wheelers, they used a 3 shoe centrifical clutch, and it was really weak. If you revved it up and slammed it in gear, it'd explode the clutch. I had 2 Recons that it happened to (before I bought them). The clutch parts would lodge themselves tight, and it would jump like it had no clutch, and it wouldn't sit still in gear. It was like it was always stuck in gear. I've never heard of that problem on a SX though. Another thing that could be bad, the springs that hold the centrifical clutch in at low RPMS could be weak or broken, not allowing the clutch to disengage. If the clutch is adjusted correctly on the right side, I'd say pop your right side cover, and inspect your clutches.


06-20-2008, 11:08 PM
just try adjustign the lock screw to adjust the engagement point and didengagement point first before u tear anythgin apart and try it .

06-22-2008, 04:06 PM
If it's idling, you should be able to pull up the shifter with your foot, and hold it up. The trike shouldn't move. When you let the lever back down, that engages the primary clutch and it should go, possibly jump. If you pull up and hold it there, and it jumps, then I'm pretty sure you adjust the bolt on the kick starter side like Brapp said. On the Honda Recon 4-wheelers, they used a 3 shoe centrifical clutch, and it was really weak. If you revved it up and slammed it in gear, it'd explode the clutch. I had 2 Recons that it happened to (before I bought them). The clutch parts would lodge themselves tight, and it would jump like it had no clutch, and it wouldn't sit still in gear. It was like it was always stuck in gear. I've never heard of that problem on a SX though. Another thing that could be bad, the springs that hold the centrifical clutch in at low RPMS could be weak or broken, not allowing the clutch to disengage. If the clutch is adjusted correctly on the right side, I'd say pop your right side cover, and inspect your clutches.


Thanks to everyone for the reply! Now where abouts is this adjustment and which way would i adjust it, left or right? I am in the process of hopefully winning a shop manual tomorow on ebay but this is all new to me. Someone also mentioned about the forks...is that what this is adjusting? I tried holding the shifter in the up position and the bike did not move if i reved it up..however on one of the trials it did move an inch forward for a split second at idle but that was the only case. Is this something i should really be worried about or more like one of those things to just let go and drive the damn thing?

Kind Regards,

06-22-2008, 06:57 PM
On the right side case under the oil filter housing, find the adjusting nut and screw (they are together). Loosen , do not romove, the 14mm nut, and take a flat head screw driver and turn it to the left till it bottoms out then right 1/4 turn, hold the screw in place and tighten the 14mm nut down with a wrench.

06-23-2008, 04:09 AM
On the right side case under the oil filter housing, find the adjusting nut and screw (they are together). Loosen , do not romove, the 14mm nut, and take a flat head screw driver and turn it to the left till it bottoms out then right 1/4 turn, hold the screw in place and tighten the 14mm nut down with a wrench.

I was looking over my trike today and i couldnt find this adjustment? Is it inside the case somewhere? Perhaps i am blind?

06-23-2008, 06:51 AM
In this picture, see the little black cap somewhat to the rear of the motor. The clutch adj. screw is covered by this cap. On most people's motors this cap has come off and been lost.

06-23-2008, 07:37 AM
Here is alittle bit closer view of the area (middle pic). You can also get a manual downloaded on this site here>>


06-23-2008, 01:22 PM
Thanks for the posts guys. I am going to head over and adjust it today hopefully. Scott, went to that web page for the manual but i get an error message saying 'page cannot be displayed'.


06-23-2008, 01:33 PM
Dude......sorry about that. Lets try this one more time! haha


06-23-2008, 02:23 PM
thank you VERY much!!

06-23-2008, 02:39 PM
i downloaded it and it wont open?


06-23-2008, 03:33 PM
Yeah you need adobe reader for them.

06-23-2008, 06:55 PM
ok so i adjusted my clutch and it seems alot better. I loosened the bolt a great deal and went to town turning it to the left then back 1/4 turn...the shifter wouldnt even move. Then went it did go into gear and i gave it gas it wouldnt move...went to far i guess. I fiddled with it and got it to where i think it should be. Still shifts into 1st and 2nd with a bump but not as bad. Also it doesnt seem like the clutch is slipping when i mash the fun pedal at low RPM. The other thing is do they shift hard...like are they supposed to glide into gear or is it supposed to take a mimimal amount of effort?



06-23-2008, 11:30 PM
I never glide mine into any gear. I pull it up with enough force that I know it will put it in the next gear. Yes, they lurch and jump a little when you put em in gear, not enough to spin the tires or anything, just a little lurch and you know it's in gear. Don't pussy-foot it when shifting gears, that could cause damage quickly if you get the clutch slipping and gun it.

06-24-2008, 12:09 PM
gotcha! Thanks for the response. I think i got it where it needs to be then.