View Full Version : Trimoto 175 crank seals

06-05-2008, 10:20 PM
I was riding the trimoto 175 last weekend then all of a sudden the amount of exhaust smoke doubled. Before I started up the trike I had filled up the crankcase with oil, check after it started smoking bad and less then 1/4 of the oil was left. I am assuming the crank seal blew out and the oil got sucked up and got burn't off. Does any one know how to remove the old seal and replace it witha new one? I have the motor already out of the trike and I was goonna start tearing it down tomorrow.

06-06-2008, 03:18 PM
You really need to get a manual bud. Not just for the torque specs, but for the pictures tips and instructions. You don't want to ruin an otherwise good engine do you?? Guys on the board have lots of tips, but those tips compliment the basic procedure outlined in the manual.

I know I sound like the manual police, but I've just seen so much junk from people "wingin it", then they sell it to me and I scratch my head in disbelief....