View Full Version : where to ride now?

05-27-2008, 10:18 PM
So I get home from a long day at work, and I hear this tractor in my back yard, I said OH, NO,!!!, looks like I need a new place to ridehttp://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll124/tankispmaximus/f68e3e55.jpg

05-28-2008, 06:26 AM
That sucks! Are they gonna build houses or what?

05-28-2008, 12:22 PM
Here in the sukiest state in the country, we take what we can get....

Every time one place closes, someone else finds another. I can't believe ANYONE would build a development in this rotten economy.

Best thing to do at this point is plan on 2 day rides in another state. Bring a tent, bring everything you need and meet some people from the boards.

NH, PA and Maine are all places that seem to encourage us to ride. Mass has just about NO LEGAL RIDING whatsoever unless your a dirtbike. All the taxes we pay, all the wasted money in this state and nothing for us.

Mark Bettencourt of Bettencourts Honda has tried time and time again to open legal riding areas with very little luck. Even with hundreds or more supporters, he's finding it tough to get places open.

Back in the day Myles Standish was an incredible place to be until one rich women built a home on nearby land and had the whole friggen forest shut down. I'd honestly like to strangle her with a 520 chain.............

05-28-2008, 03:52 PM
That sucks! Are they gonna build houses or what?

Na, no houses, they're just going to be planting 3 acres of corn, still "edited, edited" for me though!:wondering

05-28-2008, 04:01 PM
Here in the sukiest state in the country, we take what we can get....

Every time one place closes, someone else finds another. I can't believe ANYONE would build a development in this rotten economy.

Best thing to do at this point is plan on 2 day rides in another state. Bring a tent, bring everything you need and meet some people from the boards.

NH, PA and Maine are all places that seem to encourage us to ride. Mass has just about NO LEGAL RIDING whatsoever unless your a dirtbike. All the taxes we pay, all the wasted money in this state and nothing for us.

Mark Bettencourt of Bettencourts Honda has tried time and time again to open legal riding areas with very little luck. Even with hundreds or more supporters, he's finding it tough to get places open.

Back in the day Myles Standish was an incredible place to be until one rich women built a home on nearby land and had the whole friggen forest shut down. I'd honestly like to strangle her with a 520 chain.............

I was thinking of that old track in middleboro Ma. any idea if that place still exists? I had bought a KX125 off of a guy that said that the bike used to be raced there.

05-29-2008, 12:31 PM
Lots of riding area up here in Nova Scotia.:D I have been riding for 16 years almost without a problem. I do not have papers, so I just go where you do not need them.:naughty: I am trying to clear my way through crown land (my mother is a native and she is alloud to cut hard wood" I have never brought home any wood yet but that is an excuse of why im there. Miles of long twisty roads with no houses or camp around. And I call it $hits creek. If you break down, well you know the saying...