View Full Version : TrikeFest thrash begins !!!

05-25-2008, 11:19 PM
Well, like many of you, I'm trying to bust ass and get my rides ready for TF beacuse I've been lazy for a year :lol: I have 3 machines to finish, and just started thursday. Between working 2 jobs, and trying to help raise a almost 3month old daughter, I barely have time to blink. But I"ll get these done if it kills me. First is my TRI-Z, just started throwing crap together, and it's not too bad so far. Still have a lot of odds and ends to finish up but it's close.

05-25-2008, 11:22 PM
Next up is the T-3, it's a decent start, but it needs alot more than it looks like.

05-25-2008, 11:24 PM
And last is this disaster...:rolleyes: This is the R I"m going to run during the MX, and yes, it is worse than it looks.

05-26-2008, 01:15 AM
Holy crap what happened to that R!!!!? :eek:

Good luck man, Im in a similar situation, so I feel your pain.

05-26-2008, 07:16 AM
Wow Eric you have your hands full!! Not only a 3 month old but 3 22 year old trikes , Dam! Get r Done!

05-26-2008, 07:23 AM
Holy crap what happened to that R!!!!? :eek:

Looks like it was on fire... that sucks Good luck on your builds should be really nice bikes when done.

Bryan Raffa
05-26-2008, 07:47 AM
Holy crap what happened to that R!!!!? :eek:

Good luck man, Im in a similar situation, so I feel your pain.

looks like it was running lean and the pipe got hot:eek: :lol:

05-26-2008, 07:53 AM
Wow thats going to be a tall order. Good luck with all of them i assume you have most of the parts laying around already?

And i wish you luck with the new baby around, we had our 2nd on the 5th of this month and i haven't been able to work on anything since...

05-26-2008, 09:11 AM
Go visit my thread for some inspiration !!

Get at it boys......

05-26-2008, 07:42 PM
Well if I could fly down and give anyone a hand it would have to be you for sure. Thats alot of work for one man. Good luck with it. Nice to have all 3 tho.

05-26-2008, 07:55 PM
Thanks for the words of encouragement, I need them :crazy: Yes, I have almost all the parts to fix them, except for a few parts for the R. So, I'll probably be hitting the classifieds before long. You guessed it, the R was left beside of a fire by some pill heads just beacuse they were tired of it. ( this thing was almost perfect 6 months prior )
Getting the T-3 frame sandblasted and painted tomorrow then it's going back together. I'll post pics as time allows. Just going to spray bomb the R since I"m just going to abuse it anyway.

06-01-2008, 02:58 PM
ok, Tecate frame back from sandblasting and painting. Will post pics as soon as a few more pieces are painted. Right now, I"m in DESPERATE need of an intake boot for a 86 R. I've already posted in the classifieds. If anyone has one I need it badly before TF!!!

06-02-2008, 10:29 PM
Ebay has them all the time.


06-05-2008, 06:29 PM
Ok, making progress. The R is apart except getting the axle out. The nut has pretty much welded it's self to the axle so I have to take it to a friends tomorrow and get it off. And I have an intake boot on the way. The motor is almost back together.
The T-3 is pretty much the same, just waiting on a few more pieces to be painted. The Tri-Z hasn't been touched. Sunday is my only day off so it's going to be a mad dash to have them finished. I'll post some pics in a day or 2.

06-05-2008, 07:10 PM
Damn Eric, I thought I was bad. "You got long way to go and a short time to get there" I hope you get 'em done in time. See you at TF.

06-05-2008, 10:23 PM
Damn Eric, I thought I was bad. "You got long way to go and a short time to get there" I hope you get 'em done in time. See you at TF.

"The boys are thirsty in Atlanta, and there's beer in Texarkana".....:lol: I'll see ya there man.

06-06-2008, 03:22 PM
I'm getting there and now I'm getting sick as a dog, hacking up green/yellow flem. I think thats Yamaha and Kawi telling me I suk.....

Gonna be fun tomorrow in 95 degrees and humid :(

06-06-2008, 06:28 PM
I feel your pain, I have no a.c. in my shop. My real " thrash" day is going to be sunday and it's suppossed to be mid to upper 90's then.:confused: Worked some on the T-3 today but the tripples are giving me fits. The top just refuses to go back on. Oh well, wouldn't be fun if everything went smoothly :lol:

06-06-2008, 08:53 PM
and yes, it is worse than it looks.

HAHAHA that is a too funny!

06-08-2008, 01:42 AM
Quick up date. Current state of the T-3 and the R.

06-08-2008, 01:45 AM
Are you going to have these ready in time ? Looks good so far!

06-08-2008, 01:54 AM
Keeping my fingers crossed, but at the moment it looks like I"ll have them done. Don't want to get to confident and jinx myself...:D

06-08-2008, 11:51 PM
Another update. Been busting ass on the R today. It still looks like hell, but it is very mechanically sound. Spent 2 and 1/2 hours just on the rear brakes. few more hours and it's ready.:w00t:

06-08-2008, 11:57 PM
Bring that T3 w/ you to TF even if you dont get it done. I'll help you finish it there!!! I can see every bolt in my sleep LOL. Ill bring along a manual w/ me if you think you need it.

MIK6 / Mike

06-09-2008, 12:58 AM
Bring that T3 w/ you to TF even if you dont get it done. I'll help you finish it there!!! I can see every bolt in my sleep LOL. Ill bring along a manual w/ me if you think you need it.

MIK6 / Mike

Thanks man, really appreciate that. But hopefully I've got it under control. Just waiting on my carrier to come back from painting, and need to have the rear of the motor welded up around the swing arm bolt hole. Other than that, I"m good...lol. "IF" I have enough time I"ll put my TRI-Z together, but I'll probably just end up bringing my Big red.

06-16-2008, 06:47 PM
Just thought I would put a period on this thread. Didn't get a chance to post before leaving for TF. Yes, they were there, but they did have issues and I didn't get a chance to ride them. :( Oh well, I'll definately be prepared for next year :lol: There will be more pics of them in the TF08 pic thread.