View Full Version : How do you justify?

05-15-2008, 02:51 PM
Ok my 3 wheeler addiction is getting pretty bad. I don't have alot by any standard just 3. This is how I justify getting a new to me trike:

Me: Man I need that 3 wheeler! It's cheap and only needs a few thing to get running.. and...

Wife: Stop! Why do you need another 3 wheeler? 3 is not enough?

Me: Well for us it is, but when family comes to visit I don't want anyone being left behind.

Wife: ...

Me: Comeon, you know you want me to buy a new one... :)

Wife: ...... Wack! We have to many!

What do you use to get more 3 wheelers. I have seen some peoples collections in here of like 10 or more :drool:

Post your methods of persuasion :naughty:

05-15-2008, 03:01 PM
Thats easy... Bribery!

She wants that (fill in the blank)... I get a new trike.

Ok I only have one trike but thats how it went for me.


05-15-2008, 03:20 PM
I am going sunday after church to pick up yet another big red. I told the wife it is a nice 87 big red for under 500$ and now I dont have to ride the MINT 87! HAHAHA

05-15-2008, 03:29 PM
I hide mine in the back of the feild in the thick bushes, and then when she isnt looking move one into the thick of the others, it tends to blend in with the others, and then when she asks "did you get another trike?" say "what? no honey thats been there see...its in the back" hahahaha! worked for me!

05-15-2008, 03:42 PM
ok no trike for me no sex for you!!!!!!

05-15-2008, 04:08 PM
i say sack up and buy what you want.........maybe this is why i have an ex wife...lol

200x Basket
05-15-2008, 04:19 PM
i just buy the beast and let her deal with it!!!!!!

05-15-2008, 04:30 PM
Haha we have a system, i have a set fund for 'toy' money, and i'm only allowed a certain # of things, old cars are limited to 3 (but i have 6 and had all but one since before the rules, not sure about the daily drivers though) and 3 wheelers are set at 3 right now so if i buy one something has to be sold within a reasonable amount of time. She also gets money for whatever she spends it on...

05-15-2008, 04:45 PM
Sack up! She has her toys and you have yours. Everybody is happy then.

05-15-2008, 04:51 PM
I hide mine in the back of the feild in the thick bushes, and then when she isnt looking move one into the thick of the others, it tends to blend in with the others, and then when she asks "did you get another trike?" say "what? no honey thats been there see...its in the back" hahahaha! worked for me!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Wife makes me cut the brush down in the backyard so that idea is out... lol.

ok no trike for me no sex for you!!!!!!

Then I lose both ways..lol

Tri-Z 250
05-15-2008, 05:38 PM
I haven't had the conversation yet.... I told her I need the spare trike for parts because of the age of the 86 Z. I tore the 86 down to trike-n-a box. I then swapped the spot with an 85 1/2 Z barn trike stripped the black plastic....She thinks it's the same bike:beer . Slowly I've been collecting parts for both trikes. Thanks Sprock and Mosh for all the help along with all the other part suppliers. I'm not sure what the reaction will be when build time comes around. I figure if I build them seperate and sneak one to the shed(till finish):confused: . I'll let you know how it goes...but for now I'm focused on parts and the end argument is so far away at this point maybe she'll forget I only had 1.;) I don't spend $ on me except for dirtbiking...It's my true release from build to ride, I love it all. She's understanding as long as she doesn't ask for the cost of the entire project. Which to us guys/family men spread over time and buying right the cost can be managed to not effect day to day expenses.

05-16-2008, 01:48 AM
Wow, you guys have some crazy women :crazy:

If I want something I get it, I work my ass off 5 or 6 days a week 9 hours a day. If I want to blow my hard earned money on more trikes or cars I dont see why I would need to ask anyone but myself permission.

That being said 99% of the time I toss the idea past her firsthttp://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y280/chix0r/whip.gif

I currently have 5 trucks, 5 cars, 3 trikes, 2 quads, 3 motorbikes, 2 boats (building a third), 2 snowmobiles, 1 tractor, 2 lawn tractors and numerous other toys (tools, 'lawn implements', home stereo etc.)

I am the winnah! lol actually she never minds me buying more toys, I buy her diamonds ;) I'm telling you, its the 1st class ticket to the easy life.

The $900 rocks in her ears means I can go drinking with my buddies, track mud and/or grease across the house, drag home parts cars for vehicles I havn't bought yet, and fart in bed with no severe consequences for the next 7 months :naughty:

Its like a game, you just gotta learn how to play it.


05-16-2008, 07:49 AM
It's pretty easy in our house ("our" hehe). We keep everything seperate. It's MY money, hehe. I'm trying to get as many trikes as she has dogs. 5 trikes, 12 dogs! ( 8 Boston Terrier pups she hasn't get rid of.)

We get married/met after college, and after we had developed successfull careers, so thing are way different than if we had met young and married young. We already had our hobbies and lives set, so we just do our own thing.

05-16-2008, 10:36 AM
my old lady is cool with my trikes...... I wheel and deal to get get them. I'm starting monday morning on a barn demo project for a 200 big red :D

05-17-2008, 12:31 AM
its easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

05-17-2008, 12:36 AM
my wife loves trikes more than i do

Jim mac
05-17-2008, 01:01 AM
We both work a second job, I usually work more hours, because I usually want more toys. But the second job money is play money. Buy whatever comes up with no questions asked. I also buy broken trikes and fix them up to sell. I may make 5 bucks, or 500 bucks. That all goes into my play money jar too. Only thing I have issues with is Im out of space in the yard. We're up to 8 cars, and 4 trikes. 7 of the cars are insured and tagged, the 8th one we built to run at the dragstrip. jim

05-17-2008, 01:20 AM
it's "better" than spending your time/money on coke or the strip club.