View Full Version : Rebuild help

05-11-2008, 10:39 PM
Ive got an 85 200s and im having problems getting it running. I had it running fine but took it on a trailer to my house where i now live. It will not fire, sounds like its not getting spark. I messed with it all day yesterday and finally got spark by cleaning out the cylinder and putting a cleaner plug in it. The guy i bought it from said it had been rebuilt and as far as i can see he is telling the truth, ie: gaskets, rings. My problem is that it sat overnight and now i can not get the motor to start again and it is harder to pull on the starter. Its not locked up but it is harder to get to pull start. Im very new to this but would like to get into it more. Can anyone help me or get me a site that can help. I would also like to know about more sites for parts and info. Thanks for the help.-Dan

05-11-2008, 11:16 PM
Was the gas shut off when you were hauling it? I know my 85 200x wouldn't fire if you wanted to haul it somewhere and then ride. I could kick that thing forever and it wouldn't go unless you pulled it for a bit or let it sit for a few hours. Maybe yours flooded and thats why you had the initial plug issue.

What do you mean by cleaned out the cylinder? Did you pull it a few times without a plug? I'd try a brand new spark plug, and just make sure you didn't have a wire come unplugged or a damaged ground.

And welcome to the site, the classifieds here and ebay are about the best places for used parts, and this is the site for any tech help you may need, TC...

05-11-2008, 11:29 PM
thanks for the welcome, i sprayed out the cylinder after spraying with carb cleaner and yes the gas was on. all the wires look good. i was thinking about re wiring the entire trike, but i want to get the motor solid first. It has alot of power and easily hits 40, no slip at all. My wife has a 110 and we are rebuilding hers first so im tied on time for mine, but i just wanted to get the thing running solid first. the plug is kinda dark, so maybe i will start there, but what would the hard pulling be caused from? Im really starting to sink some dough into this and i hope it comes out great.

05-11-2008, 11:38 PM
I dont know why it would pull harder unless the carb had issues and you dumped a ton of gas into the crank case and its overfull. I doubt that would happen/cause it to pull hard so maybe someone will chime in with a better answer for you...

05-12-2008, 02:07 AM
its harder to crank because you washed the oil outta the cylinder. Sounds like you should start by changing the spark plug and the oil.

05-12-2008, 09:07 AM
I would definitely start with a new plug. Does your compression release work? There should be a cable running from your pull starter to a lever on the right side of your motor. If the cable isn't there you can just flip the lever before you pull on the starter.

05-12-2008, 01:57 PM
the cabel isnt there but i know what release your talking about. if i hold it open its super easy to turn. should i hold it and then try to start it like that everytime. ive traced every ground and wire and everything is now tight and clean. ive got all the plastics off now cause my wife is painting them and my tank is supported up so i can get fuel to try to start it but still no go. i was going to get a new plug tomorrow but im just concerned about the hard pull. how do i get that to go away.

05-12-2008, 05:54 PM
i just realized you said it was just rebuilt, it might seam harder to crank cause the rings are sealing.

05-13-2008, 01:23 PM
its not like a ring seal pull, its like no way am i going to budge pull. could it be a valve poblem

05-14-2008, 01:52 PM
put a new plug in and same thing on the pull. I think im going to have to break down and take it to a shop.

05-16-2008, 03:10 AM
ok so i think i may not be getting spark. with the boot off when i pull i dont see a spark and with the plug in the boot im not seeing a spark either. call me dumb but i think i might have a problem. how should i trace this to the problem source....HELP!!!!!

05-16-2008, 05:40 AM
i may sound like a smart ass in saying this but is the ignition switch turned on

05-16-2008, 07:31 AM
i hope you gonna fix it because those 200s are fun.

05-16-2008, 07:43 AM
Take the spark plug out of the head and see if it's easier to pull. Check the crankcase breather tube (the 5/8" hose under the carb) and see if it's plugged up or stopped up. If all that checks out ok, I would try to bump start it, have someone pull you with another 4 wheeler or something, have your trike in 5th gear and hold down on the shifter (to 'clutch' it) when you get going pretty good release the shifter and hopefully it will start within a few yards.

Check the oil level too, like the guys said, you may have filled the crankcase up with gas on the ride home on the trailer. It seems all my ATC's do best if I haul them with the gas off, float bowls drained.

Hope this helps, don't give up.

05-16-2008, 02:10 PM
oh im not giving up, i have to get the motor solid so i can start my resto, frame, plastics, etc.

it is easyer to pull without the plug in and yes the ignition is on. How do i drain the crankcase if it is full? Ill be dumping some good change on this resto but i just need the motor solid first. i hope this works

05-16-2008, 06:39 PM
To drain the oil, take a 17mm socket to the big cap bolt thing in front of the shifter on the bottom of the motor facing out. There is a spring and thimble looking oil screen. Drain the oil good then refill with about 45 oz of 10w40.

05-16-2008, 09:37 PM
If its really that hard to pull you prolly have a more serious problem like, the cam seizing up from lack of oil. Did the guy use silicone on the head? Or it could be a problem with the pull start assembly. I'd start by pulling the starter assembly off and try using a socket and ratchet to crank it over and see if it feels normal.

05-17-2008, 12:16 AM
If its really that hard to pull you prolly have a more serious problem like, the cam seizing up from lack of oil. Did the guy use silicone on the head? Or it could be a problem with the pull start assembly. I'd start by pulling the starter assembly off and try using a socket and ratchet to crank it over and see if it feels normal.

the thing about it is that it pulls fine with the reliefe valve open

05-17-2008, 01:15 AM
maybe it just has more compression than you are used to?

05-19-2008, 12:46 AM
ok big problem now, took off all the wires, cleaned and pull started with th plug out and flt the plug shock me so i know im getting spark, it started right up after i found that out, rode it for 10mn, shut it off and it sat for about 2hrs while i was working on my wifes 110. Went back to it and it started doing the same ole thing again, after 3hrs of chasing problems i found out that the on/off switch is possibly going out on me, sometimes i would get spark, then loose it so i would wiggle the on/off and get spark again. But what is getting me frustrated is that sometimes i can get 5-10 pulls with no hard string, but then it will go 10-20 pulls with a hard ass pull. Could it be a bent exhaust valve? It really only happens on the up stroke. My second thing is that my plug boot screws onto the wire and also screws into the black ignition box, is that right? Im starting to get very adjetated with this 200, i get 3 good rides and BAM, it goes back to its old ways. HELP

05-19-2008, 02:18 PM
tried to start her again, first two pulls were easy 3rd almot broke my arm. Could it be the starter assembly?

05-24-2008, 01:58 PM
still need help on this thing guys

05-24-2008, 02:07 PM
sounds like it has a high comp piston...i will never pull start another high comp motor again

as for the on off switch...just unplug it and it should have spark

05-24-2008, 06:55 PM
have you taken the pull start off and played with it? Sometime too much rope can cause it to bind up