View Full Version : camshaft confusion

04-26-2008, 06:35 PM
I was going to swap cams out today on the 200x with what I thought was an XR200 cam. I pulled the two cams out and had them side by side and noticed the existing 200X cam physically had larger, broader lobes then what I thought was the XR200 cam. I got my 200x book out and from base circle to lobe center spec'd at 1.252 and 1.256 I believe and on the existing cam in my 200X it was 1.262 and 1.265. I measured the cam that was thought to be an XR200 cam and it measured just a hair under what the stock 200x cam specs were. I ended up putting the existing cam back in the 200X. I thought it ran pretty well for just an overbore and very mild port work but evidently it had a bigger cam all along. I didn't see any part numbers on the cams. How do I identify what cam I have in my 200x?