View Full Version : Teacate 86 Shifting Gears Problem

03-27-2008, 06:17 PM
Hi Guys,

I have got a strange problem (and this time major issue) with my 86 tecate : sometimes I don't succeed in shifting up the gear then 30 seconds I try again and it works and then the problem come back and so on... Most of the time I get the one and second gear but the problem often happens to shift the 3,4,5 gear and sometimes to the second gear also.

What's strange is that sometimes it works and sometimes no...
I will change the oil in the tranny (not sure the previous owner has changed it during all these years!!) but I really don't think this is the problem. And I don't know if it could be a clutch problem or really something defect in the transmission.

I just have read that for drag racing they shift the gear without using the clutch... I haven't tried yet so I don't know if this this make a difference and has any impact on my problem.

Any help would be really appreciated.

03-27-2008, 06:22 PM
Great news!!

Because, if it were limited to one or two gears, I'd say it's in the center case... I'm not a GREEN guy but they are all similar and different. Most likely your shifting mechanism and lock are under the clutch cover case. Take that cover off and put the machine up on a stand. After the basket is removed, turn the tires while upshifting and watch that mechanism. More than likely something has come loose or rounded off when it should have a square edge.

I say this all the time "95% of all shifting problems are NOT a bad gear or bent fork, they are a simple problem of the external shift locking mechanism"

So grab a clutch gasket, new kicker seal and check it out. The clutch basket has to come off just so the tranny can freewheel while your looking at things work. It may NOT screw up because your not under power, if thats the case just take the 10 or so parts apart that allow the shift drum to roll and lock and inspect them for any wear or damage.

Good luck! and let us know what you find................

03-27-2008, 06:41 PM

Thanks for your answer. Here is the pic of the external mechanism of a 86 tecate. So you are saying that the problem is located there somewhere ?

03-27-2008, 06:48 PM
Your missing the picture of the shift drum and associated parts.....

I cannot say that it is DEFINITELY in those components but when it's not limited to one gear, it usually is.

Guessing is just a waste of time and will keep you awake wondering and thinking. Just tear off the cover and check it out. Lots of people sell there machine at the 1st sign of shifting problems as they are terrified that the case has to be split. Then you have the other people that just split the case anyhow and ruin everything in the process because they didn't use the right tools and had no buisness touching it in the 1st place.......

03-27-2008, 07:15 PM
Well I must admit that splitting the case was not really the think I was hoping to do after having my tecate since only a few weeks. It's really a hard begining although I must admit riding this 3 wheeler is awsome. But I have read the repair manual and damn the part over the transmission was really what seems the most difficult to do for someone without mechanic background like me. It's really learning by fear and pain...

03-27-2008, 07:44 PM
No biggie, just drain the oil and the water. Take off the kicker and remove the clutch cover, then the clutch spring bolts and onto the basket. Then you can see whats up....

Just don't continue to ride it, if it is an external problem, you'll only ruin the internal parts because they'll be halfway locked in gear......... If it's in the gear box, you'll just have to deal with it. Not that big a deal for someone who takes there time and reads the manual ahead of time.

03-27-2008, 07:57 PM
Ok you are right having the manual is already a plus point. I Have checked it meanwhile and seems ok after all with the clutch removal think. I am just worried about the special tool think that I don't have : clutch holder and oil seal guide.

Could you explain why I can't continue to ride it ? because if I got the 3gear and stay in that gear why is it a big deal ? I am riding in a limited space so I never go in 4 or 5 anyway. In fact I want to enjoy the tecate this summer and check the prob at the end of the summer when it starts to rain and be cold here. But if you say I can't ride it like that then I won't have any other choice.

03-27-2008, 08:06 PM

If gears aren't locking / fully engaging in, whats gonna happen to the teeth and the gear lugs that engage one gear to another?? They are gonna round off more or break and or just ruin more crap.

Had a bud with a bad star shift wheel on an XR200 and he rode it like that forever - Somehow!! when I tore it down it was just a worn starwheel and everything in the center case was good.

HE..... Got LUCKY!!!! - It's just a gamble, your gamble....

Being where your overseas and I believe parts are a pain for you, I wouldn't dick around........

Take the cover off and check the chit out. Call up one of your buddies thats a gear head and have at it.

Air impacts wrenches don't need "clutch holders" etc etc.... Just a zap of the trigger and it will take off those nuts.


03-27-2008, 08:29 PM
Parts are indeed impossible to get here :-( there are maybe less than 10 tecates still running in Belgium. Ok I will open this right side and see what's up in there. Thanks for your help.

03-28-2008, 08:42 AM
Hi Dimitri,

If you take of the clutchcover you'll need to dismount the powervalve lever, If you want to loosen that little not of the powervalve, watch out, because it is reverse threat !.

I think your problem could also be the clutchplates that are a little worn, or sometimes even old or bad oil.

If you take the clutchcover off, take some pictures and post them.

03-28-2008, 08:53 AM

Thanks for the info and fortunatly I have the repair manual and I have read about the counterclockwise rod of the exhaust advancer. Well I will try with new oil and if the problem is still there no choice I will have to open the clutchcover. Ok I will take pics and post them.

03-28-2008, 10:04 AM
i had the exact problem on my tecate and it was a worn starwheel the starwheel is a round part with little nipples on it its right under the clutch basket

03-28-2008, 12:53 PM
Indy650 thanks for your message. Just to be sure Starwheel is it the part number 13091 on this schematic ?

03-28-2008, 02:45 PM
yep thats it

03-28-2008, 02:59 PM
Thanks for the confirmation. I will let you know what I will find when I will open the clutchcover.