View Full Version : Suspension seat?

03-17-2008, 06:47 PM
Well i just got home from a 5 hour ride on the 200S and am sore as hell! :cry: I got to thinking... i know dangerous thought, but had anyone put a suspension on their seat? I mean like the old harley hard tails with their spring seat suspension.... does anyone thnik it's doable?

tri-Z ripper
03-17-2008, 07:29 PM
sure why not hell weld some springs on there with a plate for them to sit on unless your seat is a good oem then sell that one and get another!!

03-17-2008, 08:16 PM
Where's the eject button gonna mount? LMAO!!!

I'm still sore 3 days after a 60 some mile ride and thats on a big cushy 350x. Just a part of life for us trike riders... no matter how good of shape your in. You use a good portion of your body to steer the thing... and it catches upto you after a while.