View Full Version : Honda 1985 200x wont start...help

03-15-2008, 09:10 PM
Ive got a honda 200x and It wont start. I was riding the other day and it just died. No bark or sputter just died. I took it apart today and split the cases to change a gear that was slipping (2nd gear counter shaft). I checked it over when I had it apart. No stuck valves, bad crank etc. There was shavings in the oil but that was from the gear. Im getting fuel and when I pull the spark plug out im getting fire. The timing is set but it wont even bark. Any suggestions? There was alot of shavings on the magneto and fly wheel but I wiped them all clean.


03-15-2008, 09:35 PM
is the plate behind the cdi cover tight and in the correct place? it could have slipped

03-15-2008, 10:47 PM
is the plate behind the cdi cover tight and in the correct place? it could have slipped

The cover behind the pulse generator?

03-15-2008, 10:57 PM
The cover behind the pulse generator?

Yea, believe that's what he means, if you took it apart, make sure you put the pulse gen at the right spot, or whatever hits it, not sure on those top models, mine has it on the flywheel, because if it's on the wrong TDC stroke, it will have spark, but the spark will hit at the exhaust stroke and not the intake one, or vice versa, check it with a timinglight if you got one.

03-15-2008, 11:51 PM
ill do that man thanks..very helpful...any more suggestions anyone..could it be my ignition timing is off?

03-15-2008, 11:55 PM
not doubting what you guys said....just wanting all the suggestions I can get.

But If you have fuel fire compression...then timing is the only thing left.

Bryan Raffa
03-16-2008, 07:02 AM
make shure the the two bolts on the cam gear are tight..and check your timeing.. it could have jumped

03-16-2008, 10:52 AM
cam bolts are tight

03-16-2008, 11:07 AM
also..if i kick it over sometimes it will shoot fuel back out the carb

Bryan Raffa
03-16-2008, 11:07 AM
streched timeing chain?

03-16-2008, 11:11 AM
new timing chain man. im just about to head out and check the cdi plate...how do you know if its set right..its about the only thing i never checked. keep in mind i was ridin it and it just up and died...i switched carbs with another one I had so its not a plugged carb

03-16-2008, 12:52 PM
if i remember correctly, you take the timing inspection plug out (on the side case). take the pulse generator cover off. when the timing mark is visible on the magneto or flywheel, the generator should be ponting precisely in the center of the pick-up on the plate. Ive done this but I obviously dont know the name of everything. I started out on two strokes and some of these parts werent there.

03-16-2008, 01:45 PM
Is there enough compression to blow your finger off while kicking it??

03-16-2008, 02:13 PM
alright thanks for the help guys..we figured out.

There is a line on the pulse generator that when you put it on should be pointing at the "O" on the cam gear. It was firing when the piston was at the bottom.

Now its time to get rid of the wheeler and head to New Hampshire to pick up at 85 Tecate

tri-Z ripper
03-16-2008, 02:50 PM
HUH is it from someone on here!! who is selling there 85 tecate??

03-16-2008, 03:17 PM
nope its not a memeber..i cant say where it is or itll be snatched from under me.

Well I got my 200x running and now im having a tranny issue. When i started it went thorugh all the gears and now when i try and put it in second it just grinds untill you put it into either first or 3rd. Anyone got any suggestions on what this could be.


03-16-2008, 03:29 PM
Doesn't sound good... Take the clutch cover off, lift up the machine, remove the plug and spin the rear tires while shifting and watching the external shift locking parts. If it is shifting positively and the lock roller is in place and nothing is loose, then your gonna have to take out the whole motor and split the case.

03-16-2008, 04:05 PM
i already split the cases twice lol.

2nd worked this morning..then it quite working later. I just cant think of whatd be