03-05-2008, 01:35 AM
I have an 84 200m engine i would like to get running. I have all the wireing harness, but i am missing the ignition coil. I was thinking of just using any random coil i have laying around as i have alot of them from snowmobiles and other engines i have. But than i was told that i need to have a coil where the primary and secondary resistances are the same as stock. and that i would be better off with original coil. I own an 82 bigred and the coil fits the same wireing as the 84 200m so now i have something to go by. its the single prong verson of 84 200m to make it clear. I have a manual for both the 200m and bigred, i checked out the ignition coil specs for both of them, they both have the same primary resitance, but the secondary resistance is different, I went on bikebandit.com for a new coil and discovered the 200m and bigred coils are different part number and difference in price is around 20 bucks if i remember so. So my question is, can i just use any random coil with my 200m, or do need to use the stock one. and will any 200cc honda 3 wheeler coil off ebay work with this engine, without causing damage to any of my electronics and CDI. thankyou