View Full Version : Well she finally bucked me off..lol

02-29-2008, 04:54 PM
Well this weekend I was doing my usual puddle jumping and bogging when I see this little puddle that was not even as long as the 200s maybe about as long as the rear wheels width. So I went slow over it as I was not sure how deep it was. Front tire went in then out with no problems. The puddle was wide enough to get the rear tires to both be in at the same time and deep enough to toss some mud on my son behind me on the 110 :twisted: So like I said I put the rear tires in the mudd puddle and waited a few seconds for him to catch up and I hit the throttle. Well instead of the rear tires climbing out of the puddle they dug down and got stuck and did not go any further or turn. I think you know where this is going.. Well at that point I had hit the throttle pretty hard to kick up a pile of mud when the tires did not move and the front end just lifted straight up and tossed me on my fat *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*. Luckly the back rack stopped it from coming all the way over on top. Here is the funnier part ( I think ). Once I hit the ground the front dropped back down and like nothing had ever happend the trike on it's own climbed out of the puddle and continued to drive across the field without me. :lol: So I jumped up and chased it across the field with me britches half down and full of mud. Looked like I had filled me shorts. To top that it continued to drive across the most bumpy and unstable part of the field. Then I catch up to it and realize at some point I had some how jerked the left handle grip off and it was MIA. I yelled to my boy and he calmly got off his trike and walked 5 ft in front of him and picked it up. Needless to say he was laughing pretty good. I got what I deserved..lol Was fun anyway.

Anyone else got a story like? I would like to hear some. :w00t:

02-29-2008, 05:08 PM
:lol: Awesome riding story. I once out-bogged a Honda TRX300 4x4 on an ATC 110 with bald tires. He wanted to "mud-race" me through a couple of pits and I owned him!

More to the point of your story, last fall I went out bogging on my lifted Big Bear, and I saw a pond/puddle that was about as big as the quad itself. "That can't be too deep" I thought to myself. So I take off into it and I get 1 foot and the front bumper is already totally submerged! :eek: The quad was nearly vertical and losing ground every second, it was almost like I was getting sucked into the pond like quicksand! :lol: Anyway, we got a rope around my rear axle and pulled me out with a Suzuki Quadrunner 160. That was a good laugh.