View Full Version : R.I.P.: one 1986 Tri-Z three-wheeler

02-25-2008, 03:37 AM
Well, my son (FactoryXperimental) went riding this weekend at Coos Bay, Oregon. I stayed home, and he went with some friends. From what I understand, another gentleman gained permission to ride my son's Tri-Z, and went on a night ride with his daughter, and one of my son's friends. The poor guy was apparently somewhere deep into fifth gear, and came across a drop-off (they show up in the middle of nowhere out here, one day the trail is just fine, the next, worn away by either water or wind, there will be giant craters or gullies cut into the trail)....and he didn't see it. He sailed off the edge, and fell about 15-20 feet....slamming his face into the bars and triple clamp, and snapping off the thumb throttle with his right leg. I haven't seen the guy yet, but apparently, the right side of his face was busted up, injuries to his mouth, a possible serious concussion, and maybe a bruised femur. I think he will be okay....
"Yes, but is the bike okay?"
No. Forks are broken, frame seriously tweaked, with the front half of the frame bent up and to the right....it aint' going anywhere anytime soon, not in this condition...so we are going to wait for the guy to get healed up, and he said he would take care of my son (no question about the guy who wrecked, and I am more concerned about the guy than I am the bike right now), and when he is ready, we will assess the bike and make a decision. Whatever happens, it's going to need fork repair/replacement, and another frame.

Anyway, one more Tri-Z out of commission.