View Full Version : ahhh timing help please( DONE )

02-21-2008, 08:29 PM
i have an actron digital light from sears and want to check timing on 82 200e. i've never used a timing light before. first ? i have is, the manual says to hook a portable tach well my timing light has an inductive pick up clamp that measures rpm is this good enough or does it have to be a separate unit? second is light manual talks about the timing adv. buttons is this something that is only used on engines with vacum adv. dist.? thanks for the help

02-21-2008, 10:52 PM
can anyone tell me about this?

02-22-2008, 10:08 AM
you can use a timing light on a bike but its not as easy as using it on a car

years ago my buddys messed with this and i seem to rember them useing a shiny peice of tape for the light to reflect off of....or maybe this was a rpm counter

ether way you dont use a light to ajust the timing on a atv

02-22-2008, 03:30 PM
you can use a timing light on a bike but its not as easy as using it on a car

years ago my buddys messed with this and i seem to rember them useing a shiny peice of tape for the light to reflect off of....or maybe this was a rpm counter

ether way you dont use a light to ajust the timing on a atv

i'm talking about checking timing ( to adjust timing I turn the pulse gen, according to manual ) and to CHECK timing the manual also says to use timing light so if you have another way of doing this please elaborate. Thank you.

02-22-2008, 05:22 PM
We used a digital timing light to check our timing. I shows rpm and uses a induction clamp. We just hooked it up to a spare 12v battery for power. It worked great.

02-22-2008, 05:27 PM
to tell the truth the reading dont matter at all

as long as you have it advanced and its not pinging your set

02-23-2008, 04:45 PM
so i tryed removing the timing cap while engine running and now i got oil all over did i miss something or what? if i dont use a timing light which way do i turn the pulse generator to adv or retard? Will i hear a noticeable difference in engine sound?

02-23-2008, 05:30 PM
Did you take the timing bolt out of the pullstart case to see the flywheel or the CDI cover off?

Either way NO oil should be in there thats a bad seal and possible bad bearings!

Best way to time them is to get the T mark to show in the timing bolt hole and then line the pullse generator coil mark up with the pulse coils rotar behind the CDI cover.

02-23-2008, 06:06 PM
Either way NO oil should be in there thats a bad seal and possible bad bearings!

You don't know much about 200e's do you? The 200e's stator / flywheel is in the oil area on the machine, so it is normal for oil to be in there.

02-23-2008, 06:11 PM
Did you take the timing bolt out of the pullstart case to see the flywheel or the CDI cover off?

Either way NO oil should be in there thats a bad seal and possible bad bearings!

Best way to time them is to get the T mark to show in the timing bolt hole and then line the pullse generator coil mark up with the pulse coils rotar behind the CDI cover.

I took the timing cap off shown in picture, are you saying there should not be oil in there?? this is where it all came from when i took the cap off to see timing marks.

02-23-2008, 06:20 PM
I took the timing cap off shown in picture, are you saying there should not be oil in there?? this is where it all came from when i took the cap off to see timing marks.

Read my reply 5 minutes before yours. Oil in that area is 100% Normal ( on 82-83 200e's and 84 200es's ). I would be worried if you didn't have oil in there. The oil is needed to lubricate the starter gears and assembly. No oil would cause them to wear out quickly. ;)

Now if you have oil in the pull starter, then you have a oil leak. ;)


02-23-2008, 06:47 PM
Thanks Howdy i kinda thought it was supposed to but i am still learning on this mechanic stuff.

okay i thought maybe cause it was realy full that this caused a bigger mess and it needed a oil change anyhow so when i refilled i just put it at the half way point on dip stick and when i tryed it again not near the problem.

so to adv do i turn pulse assy. clock or counter clock? Thanks

02-23-2008, 07:07 PM
^^^Thank you! Better than anything my manual told me!

Should the cam rockers be facing down or up?

02-23-2008, 08:59 PM
alright so after i lowered the oil level a little i was able to take cap off with out much mess. to adv timing i rotated clockwise and to retard i rotated counterclockwise and got pretty much on the F mark so timing is done Thanks guys for your help. now i'm still playing with the carb a bit but it's probably do for a complete rebuild for now i'll just get it as close as i can so i can get back to my (first mods thread) i started this morning lol. Haven't even started that yet, but we all know that a running trike is more important than a cool trike. Again thanks for the help!

02-23-2008, 09:39 PM
bigred1, can you tell me if the cam rockers were down or up?

02-23-2008, 09:51 PM
i'm affraid i don't quite follow what your asking. are you installing rockers and not sure what way they go in? i have a manual if you can be more detailed about what your doing. other than that i'm still learning as i go.

02-23-2008, 10:52 PM
Thank you =) Got it all together... now to try it out =)