View Full Version : 1985 200x/auto-x questions/problems

06-01-2003, 11:10 PM
Just picked up a 1985 200x with an 84 200s motor in it, so-so shape
needs new plastics and brakes as well as pull starter replaced.

Couple small problems with it so far and just ordered a manual so won't
have that for a week or so, unfortunately my patience won't last that
long... Here's the problems

1) major pain to start, when it does start it does not wan't to idle, have to
keep the throttle cracked very slightly or it stalls, choke it and it idles
too fast and you end up doing a wheelie when you put it in gear

2) leaks oil from the cdi cover, leaks it pretty good too, will dribble a drop
every 10-15 seconds when running, is this a gasket problem or is their
another oil seal inside the cover that's leaking.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated

06-02-2003, 12:23 AM
You could need some carb adjustments. Maybe turn up the idle screw. Oil is not supposed to be in the cdi unit at all. You have a seal problem or something.

06-02-2003, 07:55 PM
Oil must be coming from around the pulse generator plate itself, there's an o-ring in there, could be bad. Take the cover off, then put it in gear and take the 10mm bolt out, the whole plate and everything should come off, might need a little encouragement to get off though. But I don't think that much oil would be coming out of there, check the valve cover first.

06-04-2003, 01:16 PM
Definitely a bad oil seal in the pulse rotor backing plate. I had the same leak on my 185s. A new seal and 15 minutes to replace did the trick. The idle problem sounds like a partially blocked primary jet.

06-05-2003, 12:58 AM
... Take that pain in the ass 200S carb out (I know, I had one for nearly 10 years), and clean the shizzle out of it!. You already know the answer to the oil leak.

06-06-2003, 11:57 AM
Well..... Think I figured out the oil leak problem.... Looks like the moron who I got the trike from replaced the original motor with an 84' 200s motor that he had rebuilt the top end in. Doesn't look like he really knew what he was doing and put two different sized bolts in to hold the timing chain gear, one of the bolts had a large head on it that contacted the inner plate on the cdi backing plate. Attached a picture showing a nice 1/4" to 1/2" deep 3/4" wide groove in the cover, also shows a nice hole in it which would explain the large amounts of oil leaking from the cover. Beginning to think I might be smart to tear it down and check for other goofs as well.....
Anyways... Anyone have a spare backing plate for a cdi on an 84' 200s
motor they want to part with???? :? :?

06-06-2003, 02:45 PM
Hello, i am new at this site, i just picked up (2) 200x's! i believe i have an 84 and an 85' no tags on frame, the guy used to race it on ice! the engines look the same, but the cams look different. One can looks to be missing a main jounal and the other has 2 main journals? any one know if the cams are interchangeable? i think the chain is differnt also! i am looking for a manual on ebay too! thanks :twisted: :twisted: