View Full Version : 84 250r gas ratio

02-10-2008, 12:01 PM
hey guys just rebuilt my r what would be the best mix for my gas? 32 to 1? how many ounces of oil to 1 gal. of gas. thanks Joe

02-10-2008, 01:13 PM
Not sure about the 84, but the 81 (basically the same motor) recommends 20:1 on the gas tank. For break in, it is usually best to run a bit richer of a ratio, from what I've heard

http://www.dansmc.com/2stroke_oil.htm scroll down a bit, there is a chart. Usually this chart is on the back of a 2-stroke bottle (but not always).

EDIT: The service manual I have has an '83-'84 addendum, and shows 20:1 (Second line from the bottom)

02-10-2008, 02:10 PM
Yep, rich on oil for break in, a cylinder breaking in makes more heat.

Ive run 10:1 in my 86, but the oil smoke is bad.

128 ounces to a gallon (right?)

For 32:1, divide 128 by 32 = 4 ounces.