View Full Version : '87 250 es carb/ choke question

02-03-2008, 03:08 AM
i pulled my carb apart, cleaned it put it back together, everything was fine... 2 weeks later the choke was stuck hard, i found that the needel and seat for the choke had become stuck hard in the carby... i tryed soaking it in petrol but nothing was gonna move it, until finally i pulled the cable out of the needle, now i have no choke, but the trike still starts fine for the moment, if it come loose tho it wont work at all... dose anyone no how to get it out? dose anyone know how it got stuck so bad? no way to punch it out or pull it out, any ideas would be great..and no.... im not drilling it.....

cheers ben

02-03-2008, 11:12 AM
Heat it, soak it, tap it and then it will just break off anyhow.

LOL, hopefully it will free up but usually there stuck for good and I drill them out in a milling machine.

02-04-2008, 02:14 AM
i think im gonna just leve it as is, here, in queensland, australia, it very rarly gets below 20 degrees celcius... well above freezing point.... if it ever becomes an issue, i guess ill have to mill it out to and replace the cable.. sounds like a common problem too.... i dunno how it ever seized up so bad in such a short time...

tri again
03-19-2010, 10:05 AM
You guys got alcohol in your gas yet?

they're even putting hydrogen peroxide in our gas here.

That stuff likes to foam with most dirts, right?

Maybe your gas has some sort of bacterial or fungal infiltration.

(just kidding)

I got the same prob with my new 87 bigred right now and I'm scared to death to try and take it apart and break it.

so I'll put it the f--- back on the the xth time and hope the choke works enough for it to run (as in withOUT the choke working)