View Full Version : who feels safer on three wheels than 4 (I do)

05-30-2003, 06:09 AM
Threewheelers get such a bad rap. ("Threewheelers flip to easy you'll get hurt on one, isnt that why the government banned them")
I'm tired of hearing such bull____.
I feel safe and secure on my r. Quads seem to swirve easy at high speeds or is it just me. I dont click with a quad. Hardly do i ever drive a quad, I'll just ride one. If a :rolleyes: threewheeler flips and I'm underneath I'll be bench pressin while your crushed or dead. I will never be convinced quads r safer than trikes. I'll be chillin and 3wheelin while 4wheelin is killin

05-30-2003, 09:08 AM
Youre mixing two point here.

First, do trikes roll or flip easier than quads? Of course they do! That makes them harder to master, and is the appeal to many of us who ride them.

Second are they "more dangerous" than quads? In skilled hands, probably not. In unskilled hands, of course they are!

This is why they are no longer being made. Too many accidents in unskilled hands, which got blamed on the machines, because had these same unskilled riders been on quads, their liklelyhood of accidents is reduced. Poor choices in selecting the proper machine to match your skill level and riding ability increases the likelyhood of accidents. The trike is not the best choice for everyone. Most of us who can and have mastered trikes would consider ourselves a select few with a skill that sets us apart from other ATV riders in general, and not a skill that blends us in with them.

05-30-2003, 09:43 AM
very good point timsr. i agree with u. i just hope that petion works and gets them making them again. :shock:

05-30-2003, 09:49 AM
Thats right, It takes more skill to 3 wheel 8)

05-30-2003, 09:59 AM
Threewheelers get such a bad rap. ("Threewheelers flip to easy you'll get hurt on one, isnt that why the government banned them")
I'm tired of hearing such bull____.
I feel safe and secure on my r. Quads seem to swirve easy at high speeds or is it just me. I dont click with a quad. Hardly do i ever drive a quad, I'll just ride one. If a :rolleyes: threewheeler flips and I'm underneath I'll be bench pressin while your crushed or dead. I will never be convinced quads r safer than trikes. I'll be chillin and 3wheelin while 4wheelin is killin

I agree with you on quads "swirving" I think. Do you mean how the back end of a quad is looser (easier to spin/slide out) than a trike, on which the back tires stay planted most of the time, unless you don't want them to, or if its a 250 2-stroke ;) ?

05-30-2003, 04:36 PM
I feel that my 110 is more stable than say a Suzuki Eiger in certain terrain, also you can use your body weight to throw a trike around, quads are just big numb lumps!


05-30-2003, 05:11 PM
lets all think about it for just a second...
now try to remember all the accidents you've had on a trike.
i'll bet $$$ that 90%+ were due to NOT RESPECTING the machine you were on(doing something it wasn't designed for) then i'd say 18% were just due to rider error,that leaves around 2% for equipment failure,ect.

the main reason i like trikes is because of thier ability to go places a quad won't even think about going(with the exception of the 4x4)those are more like a JEEP than a quad!!!(600+pounds)
in deep snow what happens to a quad they bottom the frame out between the wheels (the snow we get around here is heavy)On a trike hmmm... seems like the front tire packs down the snow or pushes it out of the way so you don't bottom out.
MUD kind of the same thing less weight and the single front tire is easier to keep on top of the mud than the heavier front end of a quad.

if you can see the reports for your area check the number of accidents on 3 wheelers in 1983 or 84 vs the number of quad accidents in 2000 i'll bet they aren't much different!!!
it seems there were more trikes than quads in the early 80's and there are far more quads than there are trikes now.so it should be about even...
i know around here there are an average of 3-5 fatalities or serious injuries on quads every year!!!

This part might belong in another post but here it is:
A buddy was out riding one night last year with a bunch of other guys
he was on a kx 250 or 125 dirt bike,there were quads and bikes with him.
The FIRST MISTAKE drinking and riding they were all drinking beer for most of the day in between rides.
after dark they started to head to his house about 2 mile ride on a dirt road.
SECOND MISTAKE no headlight !!! he knowing the road flew ahead of everyone else to his house everyone but 1 guy made it back in a matter of minutes.
he took off on his bike
THIRD MISTAKE (didn't really matter in this case but still) to find the missing rider... the rider had gotten turned around(he thought) and sat on the road cross ways looking for his way,
along comes my buddy...well lets just say he found his missing rider,they hit in a cross between a t-bone and head-on on guy(missing rider) was stopped.
the missing rider had serious injuries on his right side(spent months in the hosp.).
The guy that was moving(my buddy) was not fornute enough to make it off the road he landed on (he hit the handle bars with his chest and it did alot of internal damage...)

i believe that if you repect the machine and know youown and the machines' limits and use common sence...you could ride your whole life without a serious injury(might have a few broken up machines tho )
the longer you ride(or drive anything)the greater your chances are for a crash!!!

ATC crazy
05-30-2003, 05:30 PM
I feel about the same safeness on either a quad or 3-wheeler.
My quad felt safer on hillclimbs, and off camber situations (of course) But my trike was a lot more fun AND I could still take it as many places as my Foreman (except deep mud or snow (4x4)).
I have also never experienced the sway that you guys talk about on quads at high speeds. My Foreman, my brothers 250R/372X, and my cousins Warrior all felt great and very stable. I've never had a quad swirve on me at high speeds.

I guess that means I'm a better rider than all of you. ;) LOL

05-30-2003, 05:41 PM
Hey mudduck, You're wrong about one thing, Cough up the money, (the rest i agree with u)Im not that old, im 13, you are old enough and lived through the three wheeler days. I've only wrecked once on my r ( I flipped Power slidin in the sand dunes. Wow i got hide peeled off my leg). You on the other hand you have wrecked maybe a gazillion times more than me. There might be a day in the near future that im goin to wipe out. I've wrecked more on quads, But im a more experienced rider now. Its time for quads to get a bad rap. Oh yea i wrecked on my 200s once, the throttle hung up and i nailed my cousin on my brothers dirt bike.My left wheel clipped the rear wheel on the dirt bike. 8) I rest my case 8)

Honda ATC 200m
05-30-2003, 08:47 PM
I like three wheelers more than 4 wheelers. I dont really feel safer on 3 wheelers but I do somehow like them better.

05-30-2003, 09:39 PM
Hey mudduck, You're wrong about one thing, Cough up the money, 8) I rest my case 8)

what was i wrong on??

05-30-2003, 09:47 PM
I'm with HondaATC.

05-30-2003, 10:47 PM
the reason i bought a 3 wheeler is to improve my skills as a rider in general, the body position and balance are much tricky-er on a trike, and will improve over all skills as a rider.

ATC crazy
05-31-2003, 01:13 PM
Its time for quads to get a bad rap.

We don't want ANY 3/4wheelers to get a bad rap...or the damn greenies will find a way to limit them in some way. Is that what you want??

05-31-2003, 01:42 PM
if you know what your doing, and have a concept of riding, anything is safe, if you put a trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro on a fast machine and they wreck it, its the dumbasses fault, not the machine, never have i ever blamed a machine for an accident, it only does what you make it do, its a machine, not a living thing, i've seen people in trikes smoke the piss out of quads, and i've seen trikes eat roost off quads asses too, its mostly in the rider, unless you put something like a 110 against a 250r

06-01-2003, 10:40 PM
I bought a trike also to improve my riding skills. I ride a 250r quad and dirtbike. I bought a tecate 3 and it greatly impoved my riding skills and recently got a atc250r(got rid of the tecate, motor was locked up), the trike needed parts and with the motor on the qud blown I stole parts to make the trike ride(I got hell for doing that from my friends). Yes, you can smoke quads on trikes. i've found on fire roads and pits, wide open riding you smoke them, and trails that aren't deeply rutted. On deeply rutted trails, extreme off chamber hills the quads rule. my 85 atc250r has a 38 a/s, lonestar +4 axle, xcr tires, off set rims, v-force reeds, no air box lid, fmf pipes and it smoke quads on fire roads. I took my tecate to chattsworth last year and smoked most of the quads, there was a guy on a 350x who wasn't far behind. the last time I rode my trike, I was ridng with one guy on a raptor and a ds650, the raptor flipped twice and he was no where in sight, the ds650 had mechanical problem and I was closely following most of the time, except in deeply rutted, slick quad trails. ITS NOT ABOUT THE MACHINE, BUT THE RIDER.

06-01-2003, 10:55 PM
i feel safer on 3, some utility quads are too big, and they feel like your standing on a 100 story building... still, it doesn't matter which i ride, i am perfectly fine on some sport quads..