View Full Version : tri zinger reeds

01-09-2008, 02:56 PM
I recently bought a set of boyesen reeds off of ebay for the yt60. They are part#674, I went to install then and the instructions say to eliminate the stock reed stop plate and use the rev plate, but if I do I have no way to srew the reeds in. I called boyesen and they said that the part# is for a pw50. The correct part#for a zinger is #605. Has anyone else experienced this. Is everyone just running the stock reed stop with the reeds? ANy info will help

Thanks Denn

01-10-2008, 12:21 AM
I used the pw50 reeds. I eliminated the reed stop and used the little bar across the top and no problems. A big improvement over stock worn out reeds. I hope you bought your dg nationals pipe and are using the large opening exhaust gasket too.

01-10-2008, 12:30 AM
HEY DUDE! Glad to see you around again. I was wondering what happened to you. Are you back from Iraq? We really must get out and ride somewhere.

sorry... can't help with the reeds. just wanted to say hello. :D

01-10-2008, 09:03 AM
Hi chris whats up, I have been down in nyc for a while. Haven't been around for a few. I'll take you up on that ride just let me know. Also the problem I am having with the reeds is that the little plate that came with them is not threaded. So how do you secure the reeds? The stock reed stop is threaded so I am assuming that boyesen should have there little plate threaded too. I know a bunch of you guys have zingers, I am trying to get this ready for my son and any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Denn

Bryan Raffa
01-10-2008, 09:44 AM
vealmonkey..where does one find this large opening gasket?..I put the dg on with no gasket..because its nothing like the stock flange.. way bigger!

Denn thanks for bringing this up

01-10-2008, 04:24 PM
You have me thinking now, but I'm pretty sure mine used the stock large opening gasket that you can get from the yamaha dealer. I have to ask the guy that bought my zinger. I don't remember mine coming with a gasket. The dealer offers 2 different gaskets, the small hole opening which governs the engine down and the large opening gasket.