View Full Version : Video of 125m some donuts and stuff

01-04-2008, 01:58 PM
let me know what you guys think!

01-04-2008, 02:05 PM
Kool video, but dude, wear a helmet, take a 'Digger' and we won't get to see too many videos from you for awhile.:TrikesOwn
Nice weather too, looks like here in NY.

01-04-2008, 02:16 PM
haha, i think i need more than a helmet - i got hurt a couple weeks ago on a 4 wheeler, tore my acl, i'm waiting right now to get a new one put in, that's why i'm so reserved in this video!

01-04-2008, 03:31 PM
pretty cool, being youtube all the comments are gonne be like "man you suck, learn to do donuts, i could do that twice as good". thats how they all seem to be anyways.

01-04-2008, 03:41 PM
that's alright - it's my first trike, i've only ever used a 4 wheeler for work purposes, and only about 5 times. The video of me doing donuts was actually the very first time i've ever done one - i've done donuts in my mustang once before though. I think that's not too bad being my first time! The thing didn't have enough power or maybe it was because one of my tires is low, if it had enough power, i bet i could have kept the tires from grabbing! anyways, thanks i have another video of me trying to do a donut - haha, it's pitiful! But i did eventually find a nice snowy/icy spot where i was able to do it, that was fun!

01-04-2008, 04:03 PM
pretty cool, being youtube all the comments are gonne be like "man you suck, learn to do donuts, i could do that twice as good". thats how they all seem to be anyways.

Yeah, I did forget to say that in my last post, your 'donuts' pretty much sucked. LOL:w00t: They'll get better, if you not dizzy, jus' do more!!!:naughty:

01-04-2008, 09:47 PM
yea it sounds pretty good but its still stuck in high range? It would be alot more peppy if it was in low!

Threes company
01-04-2008, 10:15 PM
Hey ken.... isn't that the 125 you just put the new carb on a few weeks ago? one of those $20 cheapie EBay carbs? Man, that was 20 bucks well spent, sounds like its runnin great. now go practice some dounuts! lol. ;)

01-04-2008, 10:16 PM
Well I think that the youtube comments would be alot more harsh if you had a helmet on. I honestly don't even know anyone within a 600 mile radius that wears a helmet unless they are on a race track or in a stadium doing a mud bog............LOL I was thinking that when I have kids I think a 125 would be perfect! I like it. Good luck with that ACL! MY field is Physical Therapy. Dont put your foot on the ground next time! That'll be a 6-9 month rehab.

01-04-2008, 10:22 PM
Yeah, I did forget to say that in my last post, your 'donuts' pretty much sucked. LOL:w00t: They'll get better, if you not dizzy, jus' do more!!!:naughty:


sounds like its runnin great.

That 125 runs way better than mine... I need to try a new carb.. Are you riding in hi- range?

01-05-2008, 12:33 AM
Ive torn my ACL. Its a long tough boring road. But they seem to be even stronger after the surgery. Cool video too.

01-05-2008, 01:40 AM
yes, the thing is still stuck in hi range... i think it would be more fun to get it in lo. yeah, that was the $20 cheapie - all i did was move the clip down one notch and shorten up the throttle cable a tad. Well spent is right! If anyone wants to see better pictures of the carb(so they can get one too), look for one of the threads i started, it has tons of pics of the carb. yeah, i think it would be safer to wear a helmet, but..... it would make me look so dumb. i definately should not have put my foot down... it was instinct though. yeah, physical therapy will suck, surgery will suck - the whole injury sucks. I know i need to practice my donuts, but i really shouldn't with my leg and all. it sure is fun though. YAY! My atc runs better than somebody else's! Yes, the ACL will be stronger than the other one. they said it's because they always harvest a stronger ligament from the cadaver. anyhows, this was a nice little thread - my first almost successful thread! thanks!

01-05-2008, 08:14 AM
here's to your almost succesful thread :beer

01-05-2008, 03:20 PM
Dude...WHERE'S YOUR HELMET?!?!? are you trying to kill yourself? You just got injured on 4-wheeler, and safety is still not your concern, Your actions are dumb! And FYI...read the forum's rules, if you post a picture or video on here its required to be wearing a helmet.

01-05-2008, 05:18 PM
someones concerned:naughty:

01-05-2008, 09:00 PM
Geez... Its just a 125M... Its not like he's ripping on a 2-stroke... I have gone faster than that on a bicycle... Would people be upset if he posted a video of himself riding a bicycle without a helmet?

01-05-2008, 11:10 PM
i'm sorry, i didn't realize that I needed to be helmeted all pictures and videos. should i delete the post? or is it ok if i just remember to do it in the future?

01-06-2008, 01:21 AM
Yes...a little concerned. "Because it makes me look dumb":crazy: is what my neighbor said with her atc90 and "its only a 90" :crazy: is what her dad said.....until she went up hill too large for the bike, it rolled ontop of her and her head hit a rock on the way down. :eek: she was a vegetable in the hospital for 5 years until her dad pulled the plug. People don't think of the consequenses before they do things :rolleyes: . But oh well, I shouldn't get worked up over someone I don't know. I'm a nurturer by heart.

01-06-2008, 10:21 AM
Sorry to hear about your neighbors accident. That is very unfortunate. Helmets are always a good idea.. But I still dont see the need for an adult to wear one while riding a 125m in a driveway or small yard... IMO thats similar to wearing a helmet, neck restraint, and fire proof suit while driving to work..

01-07-2008, 10:23 PM
ok, i admit probably should wear a helmet. i'm sorry that i may have offended people. and i am very glad there are people who are that concerned. i understand the risk and i made the decision to go helmetless. i cannot blame anyone if i hurt myself. I really do think that it should be mandatory for children to wear helmets, but if adults decide not to wear them, it's their own stupidity if they get hurt. thanks to you all for the concern!