View Full Version : Deepa! Here's my Rider

12-09-2007, 09:18 PM
ALmost finished up for the time being. just waiting on a few small things. ;)

I did manage to fire it up after about three kicks. :twisted: :w00t:

12-09-2007, 09:24 PM
chris it's looking good. those are the same stickers on the back fenders of my 86 350x

12-09-2007, 09:36 PM
looks good...just think no more blown top ends!

12-09-2007, 09:59 PM
whooohoooo!!!! looking good there buddy!

12-09-2007, 11:32 PM
NICE! Maybe another month or so I'll get one :naughty:

I did manage to fire it up after about three kicks. :twisted: :w00t:

And after it was good and hot?:wondering :lol: :welcome:

12-10-2007, 12:53 AM
I've also got black boots and red shrouds. not sure what looks better. but I absoluly refuse to paint the headlight black. it scrapes right off and is a pita to repaint.(for those of you about to type "just paint the headlight shell!") lol

12-10-2007, 02:19 AM
Black headlight guard, red decals on the tank, black decals on top of the headlight shell.

And spray some WD40 on that motor. :D

12-10-2007, 02:42 AM
Black headlight guard, red decals on the tank, black decals on top of the headlight shell.

And spray some WD40 on that motor. :D

I second those choices, leave the boots and shrouds that are on there as well.

12-10-2007, 03:36 AM
I got wings.. but they seem to be to large for the tank! I've also got this and a kerker silencer I was thinking about installing but dont feel like rejetting. :rolleyes:

12-10-2007, 06:12 AM
Naaah, your both wrong :D , I say take the headlight shell to a paint shop and have it done in black, if he is going to repaint frame in that red, have a red headlight guard as well, that will balance out great!

I had hard shell plastic painted on a street bike I had Chris, you can not tell it was even redone.

The seat looks great but not on there, you want some contrast, don't ya ? You might be planning on it in future maybe ?

12-10-2007, 06:17 AM
Black headlight guard, red decals on the tank, black decals on top of the headlight shell.

And spray some WD40 on that motor. :D

of course wash it 1st :lol:

I thinkengine needs a car wash/degrease, hand scrub, pressure wash job, should look pretty decent then. Take the header off 1st, plug up exhaust hole, so you can get the front good.

12-10-2007, 06:53 AM
God.. those little maier sticklers are anoying!http://smilies.storagebin.us/smilies/CRYING.GIF To be honst though I'm gonna use this as my daily rider.. so I wont be doing a heck of alot of polisheing.

I've discovered soaking a motor down with purple power for a few hours than taking a small wire brush usually does the trick. I trip to the carwash wouldn't hurt either. I may spruce things up a bit as I swap frames tho...

Bryan Raffa
12-10-2007, 07:10 AM
chris that looks good ..keep up the good work!

12-10-2007, 02:01 PM
another reason not to trade a honda for a yamaha...

glad it went to a good home. looks great. hope you enjoy it.

im still having no spark after i drained teh water from the flywheel/stator cover..figure that out...soon enough hahahah.


12-10-2007, 02:29 PM
Looks great....

I always told Mike that if he just put new plastics on it, it would be a sweet ride. Cleaned up real nice.

The maier stickers are the absolute worst for removal. I wish some of the other stickers that i buy would adhere like the maiers.

the great gazoo
12-10-2007, 03:10 PM
Lookin' good, Chris! I hear ya about the maier stickers, they're tough to get off completely. Oh, who did your seat? The Mosh's? Looks great...........

12-10-2007, 03:13 PM
when ya get that thing? where the tri-z go?

i havent been around much the last 2 weeks.

looks cool though!

johnny's X
12-10-2007, 03:57 PM
here is a pick of one painted with flex additive in with it. It has not chipped or peeled yet and it got rode almost every weekend.

12-10-2007, 04:05 PM
Little less on the sharpening of the pics.Looks good!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!RIDE RED!!!!!!!!!!or black in your case.lol

12-10-2007, 08:14 PM
here is a pick of one painted with flex additive in with it. It has not chipped or peeled yet and it got rode almost every weekend.

If it's not too much trouble. Can a get a close up shot. all painted plastic I've sen looks terrible after a while. Then you gotta sand it all back down so it matches again if you repaint.

This aint a mosh cover Brian. Mike had it done locally and I like it alot. Might look better with some red flames on tho. :D

12-10-2007, 08:49 PM
On the painting of the headlight.....

I painted the one on my 85R and it held up great, especially if you use automotive paint and clear. it doesnt get the flex like the fenders.

12-10-2007, 08:51 PM
i painted my 250r headlight with fusion and it looked great until i bashed it up

im glad you started it on the 3rd kick. i miss that feeling...

soon enough, youll be the jealous one at brapppppppppppppppppppps

i never realized how nice that seat cover was done up. fell bad about talking the guy down to 75 from 85 lol


12-10-2007, 09:15 PM
I painted the headlight bezel on this 200X with Krylon Fusion.It came out great!

12-10-2007, 09:19 PM
You never rode that 200x to know if it would scratch or peel. Sorry folks... ain't gonna do it! :lol:

I gotta take the front rim off to swap so I'll experiment with the diffrent fork boots and shrouds. I think it looks ok the way it sits. ;)

Any one have a headlight guard they want to part with?

12-11-2007, 05:59 AM
Dammit! Huffa was right,,, I have one of the rear fender decals on wrong. :eek: how come noone else noticed that. :wondering Ow ell... gotta stay like that for now.

12-11-2007, 06:14 AM
I wouldn't paint an obsolete part like the 350x headlight shroud. That would leave another golden part useless to anyone else...... I know its your trike but...IMO. Its one thing to paint an ailing set of fenders for a last effort shine, but thats me..

I think the red HL shroud looks just right on that bike. Silver front rim would finish it nicely, then ride it.

Pick one up thats already been molested if you have to paint it.

12-11-2007, 06:17 AM
Dammit! Huffa was right,,, I have one of the rear fender decals on wrong. :eek: how come noone else noticed that. :wondering Ow ell... gotta stay like that for now.

:lol: That is really odd that no one mentioned that, it's not like you have to look :shiftyeyes: real hard to see it .

Hey man, cool XOSE you have, never heard of one, that rare ? :lol:

You really hate that fusion paint :lol:, what did you see that you have such a grudge against it ? On certain parts, like underneath fender, I'm sure it won't hold up at all and won't hold up like

12-11-2007, 06:22 AM
FInally someone that agrees with me! Paul I got as nice silver front rim off brapp thats waiting to go on. Just dont have the time right now to do it.

I think a black headlight guard will set things off nicely. I'm not sure about painting that stainless boot scraper I got (was thinking red) but I just may leave that alone.

The terrian I ride in up here is not kind to fresh looking bikes. they dont stay fesh long no matter how much you wash them. Although black does show scratches more. it helps hid the black dirt and mud better. I'm just waiting for it to stop raining to take it for a rip out on the trails. I can't harldy wait! (been a while! lol)

Hey man, cool XOSE you have, never heard of one, that rare ?

Of all people to notice... I think it was huffa's wife. and I thought for a while she may of needed her head (or eyes examined) :lol: but by the looks of it she's right. ) well. You'll hardly notice as I fly passed you with the gass pinned! :w00t: :welcome: :lol:

12-11-2007, 06:36 AM
:eek: how come noone else noticed that. :wondering

It looked so good from one side I didnt want to say anything :lol:. You'll be fine, when you get your butt on there to ride it will all be good :beer

12-11-2007, 06:55 AM
FInally someone that agrees with me! Paul I got as nice silver front rim off brapp thats waiting to go on. Just dont have the time right now to do it.

I think a black headlight guard will set things off nicely. I'm not sure about painting that stainless boot scraper I got (was thinking red) but I just may leave that alone.

The terrian I ride in up here is not kind to fresh looking bikes. they dont stay fesh long no matter how much you wash them. Although black does show scratches more. it helps hid the black dirt and mud better. I'm just waiting for it to stop raining to take it for a rip out on the trails. I can't harldy wait! (been a while! lol)

Of all people to notice... I think it was huffa's wife. and I thought for a while she may of needed her head (or eyes examined) :lol: but by the looks of it she's right. ) well. You'll hardly notice as I fly passed you with the gass pinned! :w00t: :welcome: :lol:

No, I showed it to her and she thought the X was a B and wondered why you had a Bose (ones that make stereos) sticker on it, :lol: that cracked me up!

Sometimes newly applied stickers, if you don't overheat them for removal, can be taken off and put on again, just have to be sure you don't stretch it out, I've done it already, not because I put it on backwards though :lol:

12-11-2007, 06:58 AM
I already tried and it started to rip so I'll let it go. I'll see if shane can send me a spare or two.

Where exactly do the wing stickers get placed on the tank. it seems mine are to big and the ends of the wings would wrap around the front too much. anyone got a pic of two?

12-11-2007, 12:19 PM
looks good chris cant wait to see it done. but look at it this way at least the stickers mya be on wrong but at least thier the same colorlol

12-11-2007, 12:52 PM
NICE! Maybe another month or so I'll get one :naughty:

And after it was good and hot?:wondering :lol: :welcome:

That trike was really never that hard to start when hot. I can remember 2 or 3 times when i stalled it or whatever and it was a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited*. took about 10 good kicks.

the more i read this thread, the more i get pissed off at stators that work when wet, and dont when dry.

12-11-2007, 01:03 PM
I already tried and it started to rip so I'll let it go. I'll see if shane can send me a spare or two.

Where exactly do the wing stickers get placed on the tank. it seems mine are to big and the ends of the wings would wrap around the front too much. anyone got a pic of two?

What size (length & width) are they Chris ?

12-11-2007, 01:56 PM
Here's a few pics... :eek: :drool:




12-11-2007, 02:22 PM

Lookin' good man. Are you gonna do a total resto (frame, pipe, etc), or just sort of ride it as it is?

Anyway, here's a pic of the '85. It's not great, but it does seem the original tank decals did curve up over it a bit.

Oh, and I meant to say, in my opinion, I really like the red headlight plastic. It's a nice offset.

12-11-2007, 02:41 PM
did you ride it yet?????

12-11-2007, 02:51 PM
did you ride it yet?????

I can't afford Gas. No where to ride (legally or without pissing off my neighbors...) and it's been raining for a week. :eek:
so no.. I just dumped what little fuel I had left in the tank and let it idle it in the garage.

SOON..... :naughty:

12-11-2007, 05:55 PM
The size of the wing is 5.5 x 4. The only size I could find was for an 86.
Chris this is the same size as Karma's as you wanted, and his wraps alittle also. That's why I wanted to know what size you wanted.
So what do you think it's about an inch to long?
Get the size you want and pay for shipping and I'll cut you 2 more and another 350X Rear Fender. Or if your happy with the wings and just want the fender. Let me know.
I did talk to Karma and the wings do bubble a bit ,but he said it wasn't nothing big. Just have to rub it back down. Guess because of the gas fumes? So the stock decals must have some kick ass sticky stuff on them for them not to bubble.


12-11-2007, 06:53 PM
I think Mike's decals are bubbleing because he has a clarke plastic tank. I'm happy with the wings the way they are. I think they look great!

I can use 2 new rear decals. I'll PM you when I'm ready. (money is an issue at the moment! ) lol

12-11-2007, 11:03 PM
stickers on a steel gas tank shouldn't bubble. but stickers on a plastic tank will. they need holes in them for the fumes to breath threw.

chris did you fix the rear frame? or does the seat still point up at the rear?

and i'd leave the headlight shroud red. paint the frame red, and clean up that engine, it'll look sharp! it does look atlot better with new fenders.

whats up with those warning stickers? did they come on the new fenders?

i can see my oil cooler guard pretty good! its not that hidden

ya gotta change those raggity grips!!!!!!

12-11-2007, 11:14 PM
stickers on a steel gas tank shouldn't bubble. but stickers on a plastic tank will. they need holes in them for the fumes to breath threw.

chris did you fix the rear frame? or does the seat still point up at the rear?

and i'd leave the headlight shroud red. paint the frame red, and clean up that engine, it'll look sharp! it does look atlot better with new fenders.

whats up with those warning stickers? did they come on the new fenders?

i can see my oil cooler guard pretty good! its not that hidden

ya gotta change those raggity grips!!!!!!

I'm workin on it! a little bit at a time. I managed to get the header off (rusted badly and one big PITA) and got the other exhaust mounted up.

I didn't do anything to the frame yet. I went to swipe the new grips off my son's quad (since it's just sitting there) but he raised hell. lol Not sure what I'll do about the other frame because of that mounting tab missing yet. If I can't find a decent frame or someone local to fix it I'll probably send it to you when money allows.

It's gonna look bad ass when I'm finished. as long as I can keep the fenders and tank in nice shape until I tear it down.

The oil cooler cover shows nicely... just can't see it very well in any of those pics... and the warning sticker came with the fenders. :)

12-12-2007, 01:01 AM
didnt shawn just have those header nuts loose?

pretty funny that the frame was in RI then PA then going back to MA...sorry i didnt catch the cracks. probably looked at that frame for 10 minutes, and that was taking the plastic wrap off of it.

haha i figured that those grips would have been gone too. they were new when i got the trike, didnt take long to get all mashed up.


12-12-2007, 06:40 AM
didnt shawn just have those header nuts loose?

pretty funny that the frame was in RI then PA then going back to MA...sorry i didnt catch the cracks. probably looked at that frame for 10 minutes, and that was taking the plastic wrap off of it.

haha i figured that those grips would have been gone too. they were new when i got the trike, didnt take long to get all mashed up.


Mike.. don't sweat the the frame dude... I'm tickled pink! :D I never thought in my wildest dreams it would look this nice so quick. Today I'll spend some time with the wire brush getting all the dirt and grime off)

Yes.. Shawn did have the header nuts off... but the header was still rusted to the cylinder. (took some persuasion with a 5 lb. hammer) but I got it off. I'm not screwing around this time around. I bought oem studs and I'm having stainless ones fabbed up at work. wont have to worry about rust no more. :naughty:

I sure wish I can find out where that squeaking is coming from tho. :cry: :confused:

Oh just a side note for those intrested. yamahondaman's 85 tri z fork caps fit right on the top of the 350x foks. Add some bling to your thing!!!!

12-12-2007, 06:45 AM
Mike.. don't sweat the the frame dude... I'm tickled pink! :D I never thought in my wildest dreams it would look this nice so quick. Today I'll spend some time with the wire brush getting all the dirt and grime off)

Yes.. Shawn did have the header nuts off... but the header was still rusted to the cylinder. (took some persuasion with a 5 lb. hammer) but I got it off. I'm not screwing around this time around. I bought oem studs and I'm having stainless ones fabbed up at work. wont have to worry about rust no more. :naughty:

I sure wish I can find out where that squeaking is coming from tho. :cry: :confused:

Oh just a side note for those intrested. yamahondaman's 85 tri z fork caps fit right on the top of the 350x foks. Add some bling to your thing!!!!

What location is the squeaking in, back by rear suspension linkage ?

12-12-2007, 06:54 AM
not sure buddy... I think it's coming from down where the swinger meets the frame. I believe Mike did mention something about it... but my short term memory is horrible.

Both front and rear suspension is A- OK tho...

12-12-2007, 07:33 AM
the top mount on the rear shock tends to squeek on most 350xs. generously spray some PB blaster in the top mount area and bet it goes away - for a while until properly greased.

12-12-2007, 06:47 PM
When's the last time the rear suspension linkage was greased ? :( Fork oil changed, shock gone over ? $$$$$$$ :lol:

You know me with suspensions :D

12-13-2007, 12:05 AM
i greased it up when i blasted and painted it all back in june.

the front fork oil? no clue. threw the shocks on and i didnt see any leaking and just rode it. never got any farther than that...rear? no clue...

12-13-2007, 02:40 AM
Hey Gary..

You know how to change the fork oil and all that other crap? I was never inside a set of forks before. Maybe one weekened you can stop by (or I'll take a ride to slatington) and we can at least get the front squared away? I'm not sure bout this weekend tho... they're calling for FEET of the fluffy white stuff. :eek: :Bounce

Mike.. you get that moneypit runnin yet? :wondering

12-13-2007, 05:17 AM
Hey Gary..

You know how to change the fork oil and all that other crap? I was never inside a set of forks before. Maybe one weekened you can stop by (or I'll take a ride to slatington) and we can at least get the front squared away? I'm not sure bout this weekend tho... they're calling for FEET of the fluffy white stuff. :eek: :Bounce

Mike.. you get that moneypit runnin yet? :wondering

We can do that no problem, it's soooo easy, no big deal at all. You can either use ATF which is about a 10W or go with true fork oil and maybe try a 20W.

12-13-2007, 10:55 AM
forks are easy to do. might as well do seals while you are there. each kit is 20 ish and you need 2 kits + ship from service honda.

No i havent. Flywheel puller coming today. Gonna be at work from 7am today til 330 on friday because of this storm. So ill prob get to it on mondayish.

12-22-2007, 07:04 AM
I have to say - i rode the illustrious Tri-z last night at Mike's place. His neighbors must hate him, cause we were running it up and down the street full throttle doing jetting tests.

Hes got it starting up on one kick reliably but running lean with his pwk39 carb.

It does like to wheelie like a freak, but we were running on asphalt. i bet it will just break loose constantly on dirt - which is cool. Bike's got nice power - i think if he puts his DG pipe on there to exagerrate the powerband hit - that bike will be a real fun ride.

Mike keep up the good work... Fatten up the jetting and ride for a little while. Even if the jetting is not spot on - ride and enjoy it - just make sure its not white color - also i would try that race gas you got to help load it up a little and cool it down.

Dan C. would have been phsyched to see that rig on one of rides in NH.

12-22-2007, 10:01 AM
Pheew! Glad to hear you guys got it going! Ever change up that front sprocket? I dont think dirt will matter much with the wheelies as the thing scared the crap outta me a few times riding it around the yard. :naughty:

....so mike you going to brapp's at the end end of January? :naughty: Maybe we can swap rides for "old times sake!"

Paul... I'm just glad to see he's tearing apart your Z to get my old one going! ROTFLMAO!!!!

I'm just waiting on a few header gaskets for the ole X and we'll be good to go! :w00t:

12-22-2007, 08:34 PM
do you need an exhaust gasket? the one that seals the header to the silencer? i found the one i was supposed to give to you

how did you make out with seat rubbers?

you need that front brake line holder? found it...

do you have the stock front axle?

PA or bust in jan...gotta pick my sx up~!


12-22-2007, 08:43 PM
I've ordered all the parts I need bud. Just a matter of them showing up in the mail is all. See you in a month!

12-22-2007, 11:07 PM
do you still have the stock front axle hanging around for my z??

12-23-2007, 12:22 AM
Oops.. NOPE! That ended up going to Austrialia. (ebay)

What's wrong with the stainless one I got from Ronnie?

12-23-2007, 03:19 AM
oh nothing, but the front tire seems a little tweaked and i was wondering if you know if the forks were bent a hair or if any spacers were missing and such...thats all.

its getting really close.


12-23-2007, 06:21 AM
oh nothing, but the front tire seems a little tweaked and i was wondering if you know if the forks were bent a hair or if any spacers were missing and such...thats all.

its getting really close.


:lol: Your quite mad! man,,, :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: I would of definitly noticed a tweaked front end. You know how many hours of work are into that thing? I'm willing to bet there's over 4 hours into just hand stripping the old paint off the triples. Not to mention countless hours of just sitting there staring at it. :crazy: I'm certian I would of noticed if something was tweaked. ;)

But... after sitting here thinking what on earth could possibly be wrong there I've come up with a few things.

1) One thing I was never inside the front forks...
2) Perhaps I never hammered in the bottom bearing race properly when I replaced the steering bearings...
3) If you noticed on the steering tube on the frame there is a "fresh dent" from that idiot with the hammer... :rolleyes: never rode it after that? but I think that is minimal and really wont affect anything.

I've rode that thing around the house here for a few hours and never noticed any kind of pulling to one side or wobbling... tha's why I say I think your nuts! :lol: :crazy:

12-23-2007, 06:37 AM
here's so you think I ain't nuts! :lol::welcome:

12-23-2007, 08:21 AM
:lol: Your quite mad! man,,, :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: I would of definitly noticed a tweaked front end. You know how many hours of work are into that thing? I'm willing to bet there's over 4 hours into just hand stripping the old paint off the triples. Not to mention countless hours of just sitting there staring at it. :crazy: I'm certian I would of noticed if something was tweaked. ;)

But... after sitting here thinking what on earth could possibly be wrong there I've come up with a few things.

1) One thing I was never inside the front forks...
2) Perhaps I never hammered in the bottom bearing race properly when I replaced the steering bearings...
3) If you noticed on the steering tube on the frame there is a "fresh dent" from that idiot with the hammer... :rolleyes: never rode it after that? but I think that is minimal and really wont affect anything.

I've rode that thing around the house here for a few hours and never noticed any kind of pulling to one side or wobbling... tha's why I say I think your nuts! :lol: :crazy:

If it pulls to the L (visa/versa too) and you just drove around the house in a counter clock wise fashion, you never would have noticed it :lol:

12-23-2007, 10:30 AM
That front wheel is definetly not right, because it was the first thing i noticed when i saw it and rode it the other day. Either that front axle is bent or something is messed up somewhere in there.

I still think my black/red is the shiznit in comparison - sorry guys:lol:. He's got to take the good parts from my old rig to fix yours -haha - No harm meant.. JK

Deepa - i want to hit the troy trails again soon, they should be all groomed and atvs allowed on the RR tracks and *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* - so get that wreck running right soon and we will go in January for some snow blastin'.

12-23-2007, 10:33 AM
... you know now that I think (more and more) I never drove rode it on the street. just grass and dirt. maybe that's why i didn't notice anything.

you guys are funny...:rolleyes:

12-23-2007, 03:08 PM
im going out there now to richen up the pilot and maybe the main too.

still think the 58 pilot is going to be too much

168 main might be ok. i can change that one out easier so ill probably hold off on doing that.

paul i owe you 20 bucks...

12-23-2007, 04:29 PM

12-23-2007, 07:08 PM
OK...fixed the front end...

forks are bent, got them so the tire sits better though.

chris, when you assembled the front end, you forgot the spanner nut that holds the steering stem tight against the bearings and tight in the frame. i robbed one off of pauls old tri-z and now its good to go.

still a little lean. need to richen it up. need to regear too. might go with 14 41 or 14 40. do you know whats on there now?

hows the 350x?


12-23-2007, 08:14 PM
Hmm I might have that thing in the box of bolts I had left over. I'll have to check.. not exactly sure what it looks like.

forks looked fine to me tho... :wondering :confused:

I'm not to thrilled about that cobra I mounted to the X (way too loud) so I'll put the stocker back on for Brapp's ride then worry about it afterwards.

Pics coming soon.. :naughty:
I had Shawn make some motor mount spacer thingies... but the bolt is frozen solid. :(