View Full Version : 85/86r shifting

12-06-2007, 05:17 PM
i'm wondering if it is common on newer or older condition 250r to occasionally miss the shift when racing hard thru gears. this happens to me occasionally when going into 4th in higher revs. 4th is very strong! is it me or the tranny showing its age/wear. sometimes it will act like the brakes are applied. but i can then clutch and shift back down and neutral like its fine. it doesnt get stuck in gear or anything. shifting feels normal always and clutch is great. i didnt have this problem with my 81&84r back in the day. not that i remember. does this happen with a few mods due to the extra strain? -anyone?

12-06-2007, 05:43 PM
No thats not normal. Sounds like a bent-worn shift fork.

12-06-2007, 05:45 PM
Needs trans repair. Something is binding up when you shift into 4th. That is what is feeling like the brakes are applied. Probably worn out forks and or syncro gears.

12-07-2007, 12:40 PM
well that sucks. i really got robbed on this ebay motor. and i paid alot from a well known and credible seller i wont mention his name or anything--(deals2make) even arrived with cracked casing around oil drain from box being dropped around during shipping with not enough cusion under. i also took top end off before installation to find a cracked piston! he didnt believe me and didnt have means to prove it. makes me wanna go postal-you know. anyway, thanks guys. gonna have to stay that way. it happens only sometimes & dont have the funds! & to find good used parts is gonna be chancy too.-