View Full Version : 350x hubs

12-05-2007, 01:33 PM
Hey all I was not sure if I should put this in Ebay Discussion because I have two questions about these hubs I found on eBay. I wanted to know if these would be good on a 350x and who makes them


12-05-2007, 01:37 PM
they apear to be g-force but they dont make any for the 250R/350X also chris200x emailed the seller and from what I beleive hes just using that pic as a general pic and only selling stock style replacements.

12-05-2007, 01:43 PM
Syko, the stock replacement ones were the other hubs on ebay (they resemebeled the weastcoast ones.) but I deleted the auction outta my ebay (I was going to post a link)

These ones here a believe are an inch and a half wider on either side. For a total of +3 or so. I hope they have a stockpile of these.!!!