View Full Version : rebuild top. honda 200es

12-05-2007, 09:35 AM
Hello I just aquired a Honda 200es. It runs but not well. I would like to rebuild the top end because it smokes alot. Since I have never rebuilt the top end before I want to know how complicated this is and where are the timing marks when you put it back togther. Also I bought this from some guy it was sitting in the backyard for a couple of years before I got it. now it starts ok but I need to work on the wiring because every wire has been cut and spliced and the solenoid is not right there are wires all over hooking it to the rectifier. and the frame has been cut and welded. the foot brake is missing from this so eventually I would like to get a frame and put everything on the frame. So another question is are the frames from 200m and 200es the same.