View Full Version : Over reaction to an e-mail offer??????

11-30-2007, 06:28 PM
There is a 1985 ATC 125m for sale near me on Craigs List. It is in excellent shape. I e-mailed the seller a couple of time making offers. Below is my e-mail to him, and then he goes off on me? Check out my e-mails below. We 3 wheeler guys are kind of laid back and like to get the best reasonable deal possible. In fact you see where I offer $900, which should be a fair price for that model. He also responded twice in all caps. Anyway here is the result. I actually responded with an apology, because I certainly did not mean to offend him. Geesh, are people sensitive or what?

My e-mail:

Mr Glover, I'll go $900, and thats only because my wife says it's OK. I'm in a bind here. Come on dudeman??????????????? I'll pay cash in hundred dollar bills! I have a nice warm basement where I can keep it. It will only be ridden around my yard. And you can come visit it anytime. What do you say? It will look great sitting next to my pristine 200X.

Regards, Shawn

(Just an helpful hint. Typing in all caps is the equivalent to shouting at someone in a letter or e-mail.)

His response:

I have decided to hold out for the 1500.00, I know what I have. 200x hondas was built with a different purpose in mind. To be road hard and fast. There is very few 'pristine" as you say, ones out there, and its doubtful you have one. I'f you do, I will give you $500.00 offer for it, And I did not have to ask permission from my gal to do so. MONEY is not a object to me, I own a well known Paint & Body Shop. You sent a very ASSHOLE sounding message to start with, then you through in the hint. My cap button was locked, who gives a damn. The bike is NOT FOR SALE to you for no price

11-30-2007, 06:35 PM
What a dink.

The Goat
11-30-2007, 06:38 PM
very few in mint condition? the guy is a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* tard.

i've yet to see any atc 125 i would drop 1500 on, well, i might for a rolling chassis from a tiger. hehe. but even then only if it had everything.

I say being polite goes only so far and you tell mr. glover to stick that bike where the sun don't shine...he won't, because his head seems in the way, and the bike might get dirty.

11-30-2007, 06:43 PM
Wow, what a douchebag. You should post up copies of that letter (screenshots, if possible) all over the place and watch him get 1500 for his ATC125.

I wouldn't pay 1500 for a 125 even if it WAS mint condition. :roll:

Threes company
11-30-2007, 06:44 PM
Dude are you serious? That guy has a serious problem. :crazy: Your email sounded cool to me........ someone should tell this fool its an atc he has there....... not a 67 Vette. The part I don't get is why does he question your having a pristine 200x? Like the other poster said..... what a dink. Kind of funny to though....... when it comes to buying and selling bikes and cars.... you can really meet up with some freaks. :crazy:

11-30-2007, 06:46 PM
Here is the CL link. Everyone e-mail him at once!!!!


11-30-2007, 07:10 PM
That 125m was/is owned by someone here I do believe.

Louis Mielke
11-30-2007, 07:16 PM
I dunno man. That bike is REALLY nice. I think he could get 1200-1300 from the right person.

He was kinda mean though. A simple, I'm holding out for $1500 but thank you for your offer would have sufficed.

How many messages did you send him? How many separate offers? Did you low ball and then go up slowly? That would be a little iritating to me, the way he replied kinda feels like he was irritated. That would justify such a stern response in my mind.

He was kinda rude but maybe you could have handled it differently. Traditionally I start out haggling with the ole' "Whats the lowest you can take for it?" question. Generally most people expect to get about 200-300 less than what they're asking for something. Course thats not set in stone is just a "usually" if they're not asking much to start it usually means they won't go any lower.

11-30-2007, 07:17 PM
It's nice ( look's Minty ) , Man if i had the Cash i think i would hand it to him ....

11-30-2007, 07:36 PM
Shawn, if I would have received your email, I'd just take it as a freindly offer with a dash of humor thrown in, I don't see anything wrong with it at all.

I'd just simply write back to you with a "No way dude, 1500 I want etc,etc..." there was no need for the guy to get nasty like that.

It's definitly worth more then 900 though but so what, that was your offer, I can see you meant no insult to his asking price.

"The bike is NOT FOR SALE to you for no price"

Get a buddy to buy it from him, then email him a pic of it in your basement :lol:


That's just not true, lots of times there are close ups and much clearer then his also. I have seen a few nice 125M's, very close to that condition, just keep looking, you'll find one.

11-30-2007, 07:37 PM
His grammar absolutely stinks.... I think I'll send him an email and point that out to him because he is just soooooo perfect LOL....

11-30-2007, 07:45 PM
i'd "stop by to look at it" and back-hand his punk ars

11-30-2007, 07:48 PM
You don't want it if he's going to act that way.

Louis Mielke
11-30-2007, 08:04 PM

Come on guys, how dumb is that?

"Jee, Lets gang up and flame his ass for being rude." Thats dumb. Don't do it, thats a bad representation of yourself, your peers, and this forum. Its tempting but just don't do it.

11-30-2007, 08:13 PM
He deleted his post.

11-30-2007, 08:37 PM

Come on guys, how dumb is that?

"Jee, Lets gang up and flame his ass for being rude." Thats dumb. Don't do it, thats a bad representation of yourself, your peers, and this forum. Its tempting but just don't do it.

Do you know this guy or something? who cares what these guys say to that loser:twisted:

Louis Mielke
11-30-2007, 08:58 PM
No I don't know this gentlemen from Adam, I care what these people do because they represent all of us. I don't want to be misrepresented.

On top of that, its down right wrong and it makes me angry to read about people doing that, people who email a stranger in retaliation. Its no ones business but the the two people who were originally involved. Its WRONG to email a stranger because your buddy says, "This guy screwed me, flame him for me will you." Thats so many levels of wrong its not funny.

11-30-2007, 09:00 PM
Dirtcrasher - are you refering to his use of "through" instead of "threw"? ha ha

11-30-2007, 09:04 PM
I think I agree about not retaliating. It was me that sent the original e-mail to him and told him about the all caps thing. I originally offered $800, then e-mailed my posted e-mail at $900. That was all. I think he just had a bad day and took it out on me. I agree with Louis. I guess it'll make all of us look foolish if we "gang bang" him. I would really like to own the trike, but it's out of my allowable range for the asking price for that model. If it was a cherry 350X, I would already be polishing it in my nice warm basement! :) Thanks to all for your opinions.

11-30-2007, 09:33 PM
I wonder if he deleted his post because our forum guys was pounding on him? Oh well. Suely he did not know that his sassiness got nationwide attention.

You guys would have enjoyed the nice pics of his trike.


11-30-2007, 09:36 PM
I low ball people on CL all the time. Screw people if they get pissed about it. It happens to me when I sell stuff too. Comes with the territory.

11-30-2007, 09:47 PM
I wonder if he deleted his post because our forum guys was pounding on him? Oh well. Suely he did not know that his sassiness got nationwide attention.

You guys would have enjoyed the nice pics of his trike.


It still works for me :wondering


12-01-2007, 10:49 AM
Dirtcrasher - are you refering to his use of "through" instead of "threw"? ha ha

LOL, "road (rode) hard" and "then you through (threw) in the hint", "There is(are)very few", "you for no(any) price".

Maybe it is dumb to send him an email but it sure is fun to blow smoke up a jerks arse like him. It isn't any type of representation of 3WW or the members of 3WW unless it's referred to in a response to him.

I didn't see anything wrong in your email to him at all. I do believe it was worth more than your offer, but all he had to say was "I believe it's worth allot more than that, thanks for the offer".

No one should ever feel insulted by a low offer. Aren't most people living paycheck to paycheck? I think most of us try to pay as little as possible for anything we buy, or are we supposed to feel bad because someone put allot of hard work into their part? Should I not buy a TV on sale from Sears because it's a Black Friday sale and I got it for 40% less than the original price??:wondering

All ya gotta say is "NO THANKS!!"