View Full Version : always wear chest protectors!!!!!!!!

11-22-2007, 03:31 PM
Well guys yesterday i was riding my xr200r in the yard and i was getting ready to hit sixth gear and i hit a hole someone piled leaves over (kids):mad: i dumped the bike and hit my chest on the handlebars. it hurt really bad and i was getting to the point where i couldnt breathe so i went to the ER and found out i have 4 broken ribs and my sturnum is cracked right down the middle so i am out of commision for a bit so i think the moral of this story is "chest protectors are just as important as helmets" i should have been wearing one next time i will.

on a side note the bike was fine and i am gonna try and trade it for a new rifle lol

11-22-2007, 03:34 PM
I know a guy who had his nips pierced and he was riding his dirtbike with a chest protector and ripped the piercing out so nasty...

But what happed to you is a lot worse.

I hope your okay


11-22-2007, 04:10 PM
ive had worse injuries and ill probly have worse yet but i just thought i would give everyone who doesnt know the dangers of not wearing a chest protector a heads up. i would hate to hear of someone seriously hurting themselves from a mistake i just made you know lol

11-22-2007, 04:51 PM
Got mine ready for this weekends ride.

That sucks about the ribs. Glad it wasnt worse.

the great gazoo
11-22-2007, 04:52 PM
Wow, that sounds painful! I snapped my achille's tendon Saturday, if I woulda been wearing MX boots, it never woulda happened......
I hear with broken ribs there's nothing they can really do like cast 'em, they just need time to heal, is that true?. And what ever you do, don't cough, sneeze or laugh! Hope you heal up fast,TGG..................

11-22-2007, 04:57 PM
Wow, that sounds painful! I snapped my achille's tendon Saturday, if I woulda been wearing MX boots, it never woulda happened......
I hear with broken ribs there's nothing they can really do like cast 'em, they just need time to heal, is that true?. And what ever you do, don't cough, sneeze or laugh! Hope you heal up fast,TGG..................

Thats what I know, they say give it time.

Good luck, and a speedy recovery.

11-22-2007, 05:45 PM
I simply BRUISED my ribs 3 weeks ago and it still hurts to laugh, cough, sneeze or raise my hands above my head.....

Hope you guys both heal up well. Injuries STINK!!

Threes company
11-22-2007, 06:42 PM
Sorry to hear about the injury......... but it sounds like it could've been alot worse! So when you were in the ER did how did the nurses and docs react when you said ATV accident or worse yet......... THREE WHEELER accident. Did they all say you're crazy?? :crazy: Heal fast my friend.

11-22-2007, 07:44 PM
a guy who had his nips pierced...

:confused: :confused:

was riding his dirtbike with a chest protector and ripped the piercing out so nasty...

:crazy: :crazy:

Actually a chest protector is something I have wanted to get for a while... Anybody know of a really good one? Its worth the money to me to find one that is actually comfortable enough I will use it...

11-22-2007, 07:52 PM
I use HRP flack jack, you can look in my sig for HRP website, I usually only don my chect protector when racing or hitting a new spot and when I know Im going to act the fool!

11-22-2007, 09:52 PM
i have a thor body armor chest and back plate but it needs fixed i should have been wearing it. my accident was on a dirtbike and the er doc said bikes are dangerous and i just told him that everything is dangerous if you get too comfortable on it and abuse that fact. i havent had any foot accidents yet (achiles tendon? ouch!!!) my ribs and sternum will heal but laughing breathing deep and raising arms and bending hurt bad but coughing sneezing and hiccups hurt like crazy. man there are so many ways my wreck could have been worse like if i tried to pull out of it instead of laying it down gracefully (so to speak) just learn from my mistake guys chest injuries rate right up there with head and back injuries in my book.:beer