View Full Version : guess this is gonna be a big project

Epix FQX
11-19-2007, 05:53 PM
hey guys i'm new up here.
so this will be both my introduction as a project thread.
my name is bart i'm from the netherlands and i spend most of my time workin as a crane operator.
in my spare time i ride ATV freestyle most of the time.
and during the long winters i restore old bikes from the 80's

A couple of years ago i owned a kawasaki T3.
that was my first bike that had more then 2 wheels, since i had only been riding dirtbikes before.
i kinda restored it but i was pretty young back then and had little experience so it didnt turn out that good for the old T3.

sold the bike and bought a dirtbike again.
owned that for a couple of months untill i saw this quadzilla for sale for 1500.
sold the DB and bought the LT500.
this bike turned out quite good.
sold it again after owning it about 8 months.
the day after i sold the 500 i went to amsterdam and bought a TRX250r from a bar owner that used it to ride supermotard.

also fully restored that bike and sold it again.
i do regret the fact that i sold the both of them cause they where fun as hell to ride around.

from the money i got out of the 250 i bought a YFZ450 that i only use to ride freestyle.
it has everything it needs.

but now that winter is comin up again i need a project bike to get me through the cold months.
and so i bought an atc250r yesterday.
its 86 model.
engine got blown to peices there's a hole in one of the cases.
5 gears broke is several chunks.
the former owner split the cases using pry bars so i guess you guys kinda understand what this engine looks like.

today i started to tear it down.
allready found a good running engine at a guy i know from some sales.
and came across some nice addons.

well i wont bother you guys with the bad english anymore heres the pics frome the bike with the plastics on.
and some pics of the engine and gears.

Epix FQX
11-19-2007, 05:57 PM
the rest of the pics i have till now.
more will folow

11-19-2007, 07:07 PM
:welcome: Bart!! Looking forward to seeing the finished product! Your english is not bad at all, in fact its better than most people on here, including myself :lol: Good luck with your project!

11-19-2007, 07:32 PM
Your english is not bad at all, in fact its better than most people on here

I second that, lol. Welcome Bart! Seems you have the experience to get that R running again. Keep us updated.

11-19-2007, 07:34 PM
looks horrible now,but idont see i pile of** Do not type around the word filter!** i see oh-so-much potential. if you already got a motor lined up, it wint be too bad of a project at all. good job keeping another one on the dirt! good luck with the build!

11-19-2007, 07:48 PM
is the cylinder damaged??? the T.H. engraved on it means it was ported, i assume... it might be worth putting on the other engine if it is undamaged...

the 2 stroke guys can help u more than i can though... i only know what i read... plus some common sense....

11-19-2007, 07:58 PM
i would have toimagine if the case has extreme damage, the top-end would need rebuilt. the VERY least, new piston, rings, and a hone-job.

11-19-2007, 08:10 PM
HOLY FENDER RIVETS BATMAN!!! And the launched gear too!!

Us USA guys don't know how lucky we have it with parts and all..... Best of luck with your build, once it's done you'll smoke the whole dam Country!!

Epix FQX
11-20-2007, 04:12 PM
thanks guys.
i got the frame stripped today and the swing-arm to.
so its ready to get powder coated.
i will get my new engine around christmas or so.

about the cilinder.
it has been ported since the exhaust and inlett are like twice the normal size.
and it has 2 extra ports drilled
it only has a few marks on the inside.
so i guess a hone-job, and a new piston will do the job.
ill run the new engine stock at first.
and then ill slap the TH cilinder on it.

i downloaded the PDF file derrick made a while back about building an MX 250r so i'm trying to stick with his directions.


11-20-2007, 04:37 PM
A quick tip - these frames are notorious for corroding from the inside - out, before you go to the expense of powder coating, check the frame buy tapping it with a small sharp pointed hammer, especially around the lower engine cradle area and lower head stock supporting tube.

There's nothing worse than getting a frame back after shot blasting & powder coating to find there's small holes in the frame after shotblast has worked it's magic.

Anyway, look forward to seeing the finished project,,,,:welcome:

11-20-2007, 05:56 PM
Keep us posted.... and :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

11-20-2007, 11:15 PM
hey, can you ride on the canals in the winter? that would be a blast if you can.

Epix FQX
11-21-2007, 12:43 PM
250rfan thanks for the tip.
ill go after it right away.

about the canals i wish i could.
but it doesnt get cold enough up here.
and there is to much current to freeze them

to bad though that would be one hell of a ride.
could go from the coast all the way up to austria

11-21-2007, 03:24 PM
250rfan thanks for the tip.
ill go after it right away.

about the canals i wish i could.
but it doesnt get cold enough up here.
and there is to much current to freeze them

to bad though that would be one hell of a ride.
could go from the coast all the way up to austria


A couple more things i forgot to mention, prior to p/coating.

Check that the frame is straight before you break it down ie, while it's in a rolling chassis phase, look at the bike straight on and see if the front wheel is sitting perfectly central to the rear wheels. You can check for centalization by running a straight edge along the rear wheels and forward to the front wheel, simply measure the distance each side.

* Nows the time to straighten anything which is bent or off centre*

When these bikes roll over which over a period of 22 years could be alot, the front wheel hits the deck with enough force and the leverage applied buy the length of the front forks to twist the head stock/upper, lower frame tubes.

*Twisted frames are a very common issue with three wheelers*

Also one last thing - check all bolt holes for good thread, just incase you have to weld any up and re tap them.

Sorry if am going on a bit, but i would 'nt want you to make the same mistakes i have over the years,,,,,,,,, :welcome: