View Full Version : terrible historical library loss

05-21-2003, 03:51 PM
well after saving all my dirt wheels,3/4 wheel action,3wheeling, and other trike magazines since 1981 they have uncaringly been thrown into the garbage along with them where all catologs,brochers, and other memerobila preserving ATC history. its a shame. thank you Anne

ATC crazy
05-21-2003, 03:55 PM
Man...I hate to hear that. :( Good luck with everything else MR ATC.

05-21-2003, 04:29 PM
man,if i were u i would probably have killed her evil ,u have some real restraint

05-21-2003, 05:14 PM
Dude don't you just want to trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro bricks.

05-21-2003, 05:32 PM
Funny how the women in our lives know just where it'll hurt the most.

Who taught them that sh!t anyway??

05-21-2003, 07:20 PM
do me a favor and have her fingers cut off and maby a leeg also

05-21-2003, 08:34 PM
keep your focus, some things are more important than three wheelers

05-21-2003, 09:18 PM
I think if it were my wife she would have been dead a long time ago....

05-21-2003, 09:20 PM
mymint, exactly but as i prepare stuff to sell i am finding more and more things missing and slowly finding out what happend to everthing. the good news is its not all bad, i still had (i just put up for auction) in my possesion in another shed all tiger's antique furniture and china left to her by here great grandmother stuff that was antique's when she bought them. lots of old books like first printing of alice in wonderland and others dated back to 1800's. its sad to do but 4 months and no word from her i won't pay to store it anymore and the money will replace what i lost or close to it. also this weekend is the yard sale for the rest of her stuff. all the proceeds go to lawyers fee's to get sole custody of kids and pay for divorce.

05-21-2003, 10:51 PM
its good to know your getting back up on your feet.............................

dude ...freaking having your life put in a blender and poured out in the gutter is not fun.....your still in my prayers....

time will heal...........

now, lets go have one of those heated, primadonna, personal, trashtalking, arguements over the pros and cons of thumb VS. twist throttles....hehe

05-21-2003, 11:31 PM
i still had (i just put up for auction) in my possesion in another shed all tiger's antique furniture and china left to her by here great grandmother stuff that was antique's when she bought them. lots of old books like first printing of alice in wonderland and others dated back to 1800's.

maybe you should have contacted other family members,,, selling things that have been in a family for generations is pretty cold too.. the things you have lost are alot easier replaced than things with family history......
revenge sux!!!! nobody wins..... especially in two years when you too see eye to eye again (it could happen) maybe your stuff is stored somewhere and not sold like you think,,,,

05-22-2003, 12:19 AM
replace??? you think so
replace the lost time with my kids
replace my sons Birthdays all 3 of them Tyler's 5th on dec 4 (she issued a O.O.P. that day then 3 days later dropped it and asked to come back) Jacob's 10th on Feb 5th, Brandons's 4th on Feb 9th ( i was in jail on hers and his B.S. charges.)
replace my sons christmass.
replace the 127 days i was in jail.

(she even tried to have me arrested for sending my son a B-day card how cold is that who is that hurting???)

replace all the rare and no longer avalible ATC part only made for 3/4 years

and remember she abandoned it and i've had to pay 900.00 to store it for the last 7 months with no contact from her in 5 months. how concerned is she about it.
contact family members? well lets just say that is a whole other issue. i see where tigerlily learned how to lie and make up wild stories. lets just say there whole goal for 15yrs was to split us up. ha ha ha now they have a "rat boy" for a future son-in-law. they hate him more then me. lol
be carefull what you ask for you just might get it.

05-22-2003, 10:36 AM
DUDE YOU NEED TO MELLOW OUT,, i don't care about you or your divorce!
i was merely saying that the stuff you lost can be replaced , you know material things , thats what they are material ,,, what steps are you taking to assure that the kids make this major change in their lives ,,,, i haven't read anything about the most inportant part of your marriage,, just about how you have been wronged so bad,, and your stuff,,,,

05-22-2003, 10:58 AM
thanks for your concern over my kids...what have i done for them:

got a restraining order prohibiting any of her drug friends or any friends for that matter from being around them
got it that tiger cannot be around the kids while on drugs/alcohol
tiger will have to go through drug evaluaton/testing
as long as she is with "rat boy" she can not have the kids

now this might sound mean but i will not allow my kids to be around that enviornment

as for me i have totaly coporated with D.S.S. and as soon as i have a new place to live will get them back. but first i have to sell everything to get back on my feet

05-22-2003, 11:07 AM
Damnit! MR ATC that sucks... sorry all this happened to you. I hate how people disregard marriage as they do. Tearing apart a marriage is bad enough, then destroying the rest of your hapiness is just evil.

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help...

05-22-2003, 04:27 PM
what the he11 is with those type of people????

ATC crazy
05-22-2003, 06:45 PM
mymint, exactly but as i prepare stuff to sell i am finding more and more things missing and slowly finding out what happend to everthing. the good news is its not all bad, i still had (i just put up for auction) in my possesion in another shed all tiger's antique furniture and china left to her by here great grandmother stuff that was antique's when she bought them. lots of old books like first printing of alice in wonderland and others dated back to 1800's. its sad to do but 4 months and no word from her i won't pay to store it anymore and the money will replace what i lost or close to it. also this weekend is the yard sale for the rest of her stuff. all the proceeds go to lawyers fee's to get sole custody of kids and pay for divorce.

I agree...If you do contact her, see if you guy's can't trade one thing for another ( :rolleyes: worth a try right)

And 250RMAD...chill out...put yourself in his position