View Full Version : Brake bleeder screw broke..........great.......

11-07-2007, 11:55 PM
Im getting really frustrated here. I went to go bleed the brakes on my Z only to find out that the front bleeder was seized. So I covered it in pb blaster and then tried to loosen it.....it broke off......DAMN IT! I soaked it overnight in some pb blaster. So, I get out the good old easy-outs. The ones that you reverse thread into the hole. I was thinking to myself, this should be a piece of cake. I thread the easy-out in until it tightens then I start putting pressure on it to get it to break loose....THE TIP OF THE EASY OUT BREAKS OFF IN THE BLEEDER! MOTHER FUC&^*&!!!!!!!!! This mofo is stuck pretty good. I tried drilling it but just as soon as I started, I realized that it was going to turn into a catastrophe and I was going to chew up around the screw pretty bad so I stopped. So I figured I would take it to a machine shop and have them do it but after talking to a few people, I am worried it will cost more to repair this caliper than to just buy a new one.

So what do you guys think? What are my options? Anyone have a front brake calpier for sale?:) :TrikesOwn

Bryan Raffa
11-08-2007, 12:04 AM
I did the same exact thing on my drag bike...it does suck..

11-08-2007, 12:30 AM
nu caliper......dont throw the old one away, because in 10 years, that broke caliper will be worth fixing........

11-08-2007, 01:03 AM
i have had this happen. a good trick it to take a nut that has a hole in the center the same size as the bleeder and place it ower the broke part and weld it in the center of the nut with a wire feed to the stud. cool the nut with water and it will usually break it loose and then you just unscrew the nut with the bleeder welded to it. works with all kinds of broke off bolts.

11-08-2007, 01:22 AM
soak your valve repeatedly with PB for a couple days... maybe put a torch on the valve and heat it up a couple times - then stick an ice cube on it after its 350 degrees.. let it expand and contract and keep PB on it. Try it again in a few days. If you have left hand drill bits they really help - but don't forget that valve is not very deep!

I am going to try that some day gofast - always looking for new ways to do this.

11-08-2007, 12:59 PM
soak your valve repeatedly with PB for a couple days... maybe put a torch on the valve and heat it up a couple times - then stick an ice cube on it after its 350 degrees.. let it expand and contract and keep PB on it. Try it again in a few days. If you have left hand drill bits they really help - but don't forget that valve is not very deep!

I am going to try that some day gofast - always looking for new ways to do this.

I like this idea...but i dont know how i can get it out now. I broke the tip of the easy out off inside the bleeder. That small piece from the easy out is made fom super hardened steel...and i do not have the means of drilling that out. I dont have a bit strong enough and I dont have a way to hold the caliper or drill so that it wont drift and chew up the metal around the bleeder.

11-08-2007, 01:05 PM
can you cut a slot and use a flat head with a lot of heat or drillout weld up and retap

11-08-2007, 01:21 PM
can you cut a slot and use a flat head with a lot of heat or drillout weld up and retap

Hmm, how would I cut a slot? Dremel maybe? If I do, how deep should it be? I dont want it to leak. I have another nos bleeder screw and would like to use that if possible. If I can possibly avoid retapping the hole, that would be great.

Could I combine this idea and the heating and cooling rapidly idea?

11-08-2007, 05:40 PM
Hmm, how would I cut a slot? Dremel maybe? If I do, how deep should it be? I dont want it to leak. I have another nos bleeder screw and would like to use that if possible. If I can possibly avoid retapping the hole, that would be great.

Could I combine this idea and the heating and cooling rapidly idea?

Cut the slot as deep as you want. The actual "seal" is made well below the caliper bleeder threads. All those threads do is tighten the bleeder into a taper way down at the bottom of the hole. Pop out another bleeder if you have another caliper and you'll see what I mean. The threads themselves are probably 10mm deep but the taper and part that seal is well below that. And it all corrodes and thats why it broke.

Throw it in the oven, let it cool and throw it in the freezer, blast it again. Warning, nasty smells from oven!! That extractor is real hard, it would be real good if you get it out of there. I always drill as large a hole in snapped off bolts as possible. Those tiny extractors are near useless and break easy. A LH drill bit works much better.

11-08-2007, 07:14 PM
hey dirt, i was going to recommend a Left Hand drill bit if he got the extractor out. Have you ever used them? How did it work?


11-08-2007, 07:43 PM
hey dirt, i was going to recommend a Left Hand drill bit if he got the extractor out. Have you ever used them? How did it work?


They work great because they grab and sometimes it just spins out...

I gotta hook up with you sometime, we ride just about every Sunday. I rode more last year than ever in my life :beer

11-08-2007, 07:45 PM
hey man fine with me, just gotta get a running triz and im set to go. Will be pretty soon hopefully, if not, definately next spring.

I ordered these today to have on hand in case i need them.


you think they are a good set or am i going to waste my money on them?


11-08-2007, 08:00 PM
Looks like a good set to me... Not everyone forks out the money for Snap On....

I may grab another set myself, I've broke a few....

11-08-2007, 08:09 PM
I've broke a few....

I only have two left!! But I will buy more before I use an extractor.

Flat head slot with a dremel is definately an option. Between the LH bits and the dremel you will rarely find a non complying fastener

sorry, venom, I forgot you had the dam thing broke off in there.

11-08-2007, 08:23 PM
screw it. Im getting a new caliper. Thanks for the help guys.

Bryan Raffa
11-08-2007, 09:11 PM
screw it. Im getting a new caliper. Thanks for the help guys.

:lol: :lol: thats what I said.. :beer