View Full Version : Scored an awesome 200X - Pics and story

11-06-2007, 08:25 PM
Thanks to Vegas250RR. Great guy. He also has a sweet tecate that I really want but can't. Someone needs to buy the thing it is cherry. Thanks again Jeremy, it was good meeting you!

I have been off the site for a while just riding the past few years

And it has been on a long winding road with my three wheelers. I got 7 stolen from me and grenaded the tranny on another. Finding this 200X saved my whole year I swear.

My boring story follows:

I bought my first two an ALT185 and an ATC110 ( since I rode one as a kid in the 80's) a few years back and they were in rough shape.



Then I scored a package deal of a 110, 185, a parts 110, a 350, and a 250R rolling parts trike for cheap. Here are some of them:


So I used the ALT 185 as a utility around the property and kind of made it half way presentable replacing some parts and spray painting the busted out plastics.


I rode the 350 as my trail trike after I changed out the paddle tires, and had the 185 and 110's as rides for my friends and family when they came to visit my acreage.

I then picked up another 185S for trail riding. Why i don't know I saw it and liked it.


Then right before christmas last year some scumbag(s) stole all my trikes and parts bikes while I was out riding my dirtbike and my dog was at my girlfriends. They left the Alt-185, probably because it looks rough or the scum didn't have any more room to take it. Either way they took everything except the ALT-185. Broke my fence, smashed my storage shed, and cleaned me out, trikes, tools, and all.

Dejected as hell I decided to start restoring the ALT185 to make into my new trail rig. Replaced a cracked transmission case, put a new carb and other misc new parts on it, found some original plastics from Mike in Long Island :beer and put some new tires on it and had it running like a top and actually looking good



Well it was great for a year and then I grenaded the transmission and cracked the case ( the one I has replaced) on it being an idiot and running full speed for too long( I was told 37MPH by the polaris running tail gunner) on a dirt road trying to keep up with some friends on quads and I was almost in tears as I was towed the long shameful 6 miles back to my property behind a quad. It totally sucked.

So then I just scored this sweet ass 200X and it made my whole year. I actually like it better than the 350 for some reason. I have been looking for a replacement for th3 50 for a year now and just never saw something that was worth thr price, well this was.



Sorry for the rambling, just wanted to share my story due to the fact that this site has been great and introduced me to an awesome hobby and gave me enough resources and technical info to enjoy it. :beer :TrikesOwn

Tri-Z Pilot
11-06-2007, 08:35 PM
Yeah, that sucks, but unfortunately thats the world we live in. Glad you came across something thats got your spirit up. Dont give up and keep on trikin!

11-06-2007, 08:46 PM
man.... those trail pros always makes a machine worth the price!! sorry for all the other bad luck, hopefully this 200x will fill the void!

11-06-2007, 08:50 PM
Thanks for the story, glad to see your back and riding again!!!!

11-06-2007, 09:21 PM
I like the story too! But it's a real shame you got ripped off so badly. I am real hesitant to show my stuff or invite people over, as soon as someone sees something they can get some $$ for, there trying to rip you off.

I had about 1000lbs of scrap copper here last week from my job. An old friend asked me if I could weld his exhaust and he ended up bringing some F$%#!&*! SCUMBAG with him who saw my stash. It forced me to cash it in the next day because I just DON'T TRUST ANYONE!!

Sorry you got robbed bud glad to see you starting off again, I can't believe you couldn't recover any of them back.... They had to end up on EBAY...
Enjoy the 200X, don't show it to anyone and lock it up well.

11-06-2007, 09:26 PM
omg... only one person has mentioned trail pros....
your luck really is bad.... i would cry if someone stole my trike.... and i only have one thats mine!

good luck with the 200x and please buy new rear tires :-D

11-06-2007, 09:27 PM
Sad, very sad. Real glad it didn;t end it for you. Nice score on the X. Lock em up this time tho.

11-06-2007, 09:30 PM
something I should know about trailpros?

11-06-2007, 09:31 PM
Sad, very sad. Real glad it didn;t end it for you. Nice score on the X. Lock em up this time tho.

They were locked up. :wondering

They torched through the fence, bolt cut two padlocks and then torched the shrouded lock and busted out the motion lights Dammit

11-06-2007, 09:39 PM
I realllllllly don't trust people around my stuff. I know how you feel.

Nice score by the way!!!!!!!!!!

I also see that it has a oil cooler. Got any better pics of it?

11-06-2007, 10:33 PM
Well I certainly hope you have as much fun on it as I have!.... Just remember to keep the oil higher than the stick reads to account for the extra capacity!
http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/youngberg1/Rides/pine%20nut%20canyon/th_HPIM0987.jpg (http://s112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/youngberg1/Rides/pine%20nut%20canyon/?action=view&current=HPIM0987.flv)

11-06-2007, 10:37 PM
I am glad you told me that! Thanks again!

11-06-2007, 10:42 PM
video works now ...

11-07-2007, 04:55 AM
It sounds like those a**holes who stole your stuff knew exactly where everything was and were prepared for it. Sounds like they also knew when you were going to be gone. Sorry you had such a bad bout of luck. I've had alot of things stolen too throughout the years. Most of it by people I knew but didn't know well. Glad you got a nice trike to replace your loses. Always keep a junkyard dog in the yard and have someone come by and feed him if you're gonna be gone for a while. My dog is really on point if I have him fed every other day while I'm away.

11-07-2007, 05:17 AM
Thanks for posting up the pics and sharing your story,
I can guarantee the 200x will give you hours & hours of fun..