View Full Version : carb. spacer??

10-30-2007, 12:01 AM
I realize this is apples to oranges but on wet intake car and truck engines adding a carb or throttle body spacer can increase mid and high end performance. Would adding a smaller spacer to the intake of a 200X do anything worth while? Just random thoughts I'm having.

10-30-2007, 01:53 AM
I've never heard of this...and every little thing around here is blown way over...maybe someone will fill you in soon.

10-30-2007, 09:30 AM
It would not help

10-30-2007, 08:20 PM
Spacers are added on multi-cylinder engines that have a single manifold for either the air or the air/fuel mix to help keep all cylinders running a similarly mixed air fuel ratio. When air enter the manifold just after a butterfly valve, it is acted upon by the closest cylinder on an intake stroke and not the one fartherest away and tends to starve the farther cylinder of air, mind you, not too badly at all, maybe just a little. The short spacers they sell to the masses are mostly junk. A spacer might be beneficial if it were longenough to increase the phlenum length so that the air/fuel mix increased in velocity, meaning it traveled down farther, thus the reason for hi-rise intakes and the really high ones on dragsters without forced induction. Higher intake speed means more air/fuel mix passes the valve while it is open and results in a more densly packed combustion chamber and greater cylinder burn efficiency. I would work on a trike, but the intake would look rediculous and would sick out above the gas tank to do any good. Just my 2 cents, Chris