View Full Version : 250R bushing/bearing questions. powder coating issues

10-28-2007, 05:49 PM
Im triyng to have all my shock and suspension parts powder coated for my 83R. The shock arm and the link associated with it have bearings and bushings and collars in them. On bike bandit I have been noticing most are discontinued, making my scared to press out these parts just to powder coat. I'd say just about half of them are no longer available through bike bandit.com so I think honda no longer offers them. What can I do here? I dont really feel like polishing all these parts to avoid the powder coatingprocess, but I will if I have to.

that makes me wonder though, what are you 83-84 R guys doing about these parts when they need replaced? Just looking for an answer for my situation, Id really like to have all this stuff powder coated and to do so the bearings/seals/collars must come out! These older bikes are starting to make me angry cause no one sells what I need!!!! :(