View Full Version : Riding Pics

Jason T
05-19-2003, 02:23 PM
We went riding at the weekend and my brother (Ivan T) had his digital camera handy for some action shots!
First ones my dad struggling to get out of a ditch after nearly falling off.

Jason T
05-19-2003, 02:26 PM
This ones me on a steep drop off

Jason T
05-19-2003, 02:28 PM
Finally Ivan T trying to answer his mobile!
Any one else got any riding pics?

05-19-2003, 03:33 PM
Where's the helmets doods?

Jason T
05-19-2003, 04:42 PM
Good point we really should be wearing helmets, but we were riding at such slow speeds on terain we have riden many times before that the risk of being injured is low. But there is still a chance... :oops:

05-19-2003, 04:52 PM
I usually don't ride with my helmet in my backyard...until I flipped over a tiny jump going like 20, and I could have done some serious damage to my neck had I landed wrong, and since my helmet kinda comes down my neck a little I figured I'll wear it all the time riding now, since it kinda supports my neck incase I ever do fall/flip/crash. Not trying to be your mom or anything, just those damn hippy basterds love to see us riding around without helmets...give them a reason to b!tch. Cool pics too, btw 8)

05-19-2003, 05:55 PM
Great picts!

Now, about the helmets... yes, they are life savers, yes they protect your most valuable part of the body, yes it would be ideal to wear them all the time HOWEVER it's getting pretty goddam old when someone posts pictures without their helmet on and every other damn post thereafter is about how they arent wearing their helmet. BIG DEAL? It's not the law, so let people make their own decisions... Let them ride without it. What are you, their Mom? If I wanted to be reminded of safety all the time, I would start hanging out on www.WheresYourDamnHelemt?.com **

And just for that, here's me going fast without my helmet, Mom. :-P

**Please note: Thick sarcasim above. Not to be taken seriously.

05-19-2003, 06:05 PM
Yeah that's real smart dude. Ride and jump 10 feet in the air. Say you land wrong, flip it, and snap your neck and do serious spinal injury, and your in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, because a helmet could have stopped you from bending your neck the the point of breaking??? Sure people should be able to do what they want, but that pic you posted right there is real great for Anti-ATV propaganda people, it shows them how crazy some of us are, and don't even care enough to put on a helmet. Pisses me off.

05-19-2003, 06:12 PM
Yeah that's real smart dude. Pisses me off.

Glad I could make your day. Stop by tomorow and I will try again on a different subject.

Again, I'm gonna say this... Helmets are great and should be worn HOWEVER wearing them is not a law. Stop shoving it down my throat. I wear helmets most of the time, but when I dont, I KNOW I'm not, and I KNOW I could get hurt, I dont need you pointing your finger at me telling me "TISK TISK TISK" I'm a big boy that can make big boy decisions.

Now, can I go surf some other threads for trike tech? ... or am i going to have to wade though your Helmet Propaganda in every thread just to get to the tech stuff?

05-19-2003, 06:24 PM
What a smartass. How old are you, 6?

Ace Mon
05-19-2003, 06:33 PM
I think your overlooking the real reason YOU should wear a helmet . To cover up that ugly mug of yours ! Jeez dude you could haunt a house ! LOL ! Just kidding and being sarchasic ! Ace

Billy Golightly
05-19-2003, 06:36 PM
Yeah that's real smart dude. Pisses me off.

Glad I could make your day. Stop by tomorow and I will try again on a different subject.

Again, I'm gonna say this... Helmets are great and should be worn HOWEVER wearing them is not a law. Stop shoving it down my throat. I wear helmets most of the time, but when I dont, I KNOW I'm not, and I KNOW I could get hurt, I dont need you pointing your finger at me telling me "TISK TISK TISK" I'm a big boy that can make big boy decisions.

Now, can I go surf some other threads for trike tech? ... or am i going to have to wade though your Helmet Propaganda in every thread just to get to the tech stuff?

Theres helmet propaganda in every thread because people care about you and don't want you bashing your brains out on a rock or tree and becoming yet another ATV statistic. I didn't use to wear one either, but when I got my 250R I got one, and even before then theres alot of wrecks (Including the one where my 110 went over backwards and almost knocked a tooth through my lip).

05-19-2003, 06:39 PM
I think your overlooking the real reason YOU should wear a helmet . To cover up that ugly mug of yours ! Jeez dude you could haunt a house ! LOL ! Just kidding and being sarchasic ! Ace

Are you talking to me, Chemical, or Jason???

Ace Mon
05-19-2003, 06:48 PM
the subject does say Jason doesnt it ?

Ace Mon
05-19-2003, 06:50 PM
Just kidding I was talking to Chemical and I wasnt being serious .

05-19-2003, 06:50 PM
cant you guys be a little courteous and make a seperate thread for your arguments/comments/helmet safety ?, instead of rudely hi-jacking this post, thank you and now to the intended post,....

great pics Jason+Ivan glad to finally put faces to names, looks like the place that i took places of the other week



05-19-2003, 06:51 PM
Oh sorry bud I didn't even notice that....I usually don't read those lil subjects, I just read the post.

05-19-2003, 08:44 PM
Im a little ditzy(sp?) myself....but that picture looks a little photoshopped.....am i correct on this??? (first pic of quad jumping)

Ivan T
05-20-2003, 03:28 AM
I read somewhere that in the UK you dont have to wear a helmet while riding a 125m in first gear low range.

05-20-2003, 08:39 AM
Looks like photo shop to me also. Notice the light is only behind him. But if not , sorry. It's still a cool pic. :clap

05-20-2003, 09:41 AM
People that don't wear helmets are f-in squids.
When you fall off and die, ....our sport suffers.
Thanks a lot!
WTF? :twisted:

05-20-2003, 09:59 AM
What a smartass. How old are you, 6?

No, I'm 5. :D

I think your overlooking the real reason YOU should wear a helmet . To cover up that ugly mug of yours ! Jeez dude you could haunt a house ! LOL ! Just kidding and being sarchasic ! Ace

:-D You got me, dude! LMAO!

Im a little ditzy(sp?) myself....but that picture looks a little photoshopped.....am i correct on this??? (first pic of quad jumping)

Looks like photo shop to me also. Notice the light is only behind him. But if not , sorry. It's still a cool pic. :clap

Nope... not Photoshoped aside from Brightness/Contrast and Hue/Saturation to correct for the lack of flash down there in that valley. See below... there's two more shots from that day just to prove that's where the sun was coming through the tree line.

And on the helmet rant... First off, I DID put this in my first post:

**Please note: Thick sarcasim above. Not to be taken seriously.

Maybe you guys taking me too seriously didnt catch that, but it's been there the whole time. I agree that helmets should be worn. I agree that they are life savers... and all that goodie goodie feel good fuzzy safety crap. BUT, I also believe in the freedom to ride helmetless if I want to, or even naked, and I have been trying to talk my hawt wife into just that, but with little to no success so far. :-P Point is, thanks for your concerns and all, and for the most part you are right... but I don't come here for helmet seminars. PEACE. :-D

05-20-2003, 11:48 AM
I agree with chemical. if someone chooses not to wear a helmet..then thats their choice..you cant kram that crap down their throat about helmets helmets helmets!!if the Ivan feels confindent enough in himself to ride without one at slow speeds in the middle of the woods in dirt..then DAMN..quit givin him trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro about it! if you feel you you need to wear one then WEAR IT!..ill be honest, i hardly ever wear a helmet when im riding ..because i mostly ride in orange groves and trails in the woods!..we dont have to many jumps and the ones we do have are in open area's. now i do take the atv's on roads some time going wide open..BUT! i have a helmet on while doing so. All were askin is you people that want to wear helmsts everytime you go for a quick spin in the back yard..go for it..i have nothing against it! but keep your opinions to yourself and dont try to force your belief's onto others.... it makes yall sound like them damn bible thumpers knockin on my door tellin me how THEY believe how god died, and they go on and on and on!..if someone gets hurt because they wern't wearin a helmet..i guess they will learn..but it was their choice..noone else's!

05-20-2003, 12:14 PM
I agree with chemical. if someone chooses not to wear a helmet..then thats their choice..you cant kram that crap down their throat about helmets helmets helmets!!... All were askin is you people that want to wear helmsts everytime you go for a quick spin in the back yard..go for it..i have nothing against it! but keep your opinions to yourself and dont try to force your belief's onto others.... it makes yall sound like them damn bible thumpers knockin on my door...


BRAVO! Thank You. http://www.metzelfeste.de/images/Smilies/yep.gif I'd be curious to see if these Helmet Thumpers wear their seatbelts 100% of the time and always have their hands at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel when the are driving their cars as well. (oh wait, some of them don't even have their licenses yet)

Now, let's get on with the trike tech and our love for trikes...

05-20-2003, 12:37 PM
CMRacer, Im baffled as to how you tie your hostility towards Christianity to this post, unless someone told you "God gave you a brain, and He would expect you to take reasonable precautions to protect it".

Everybody who is an adult has the right to put themselves at whatever risk they would like by choosing not to wear safety gear. The purpose of this website is promote 3 wheeling in a safe and positive light in the face of years of negative publicity. Sure you can ride without gear, but if you wish to put up pics showing unsafe riding, thats fine, but be prepared to handle the fact that people may point out that its unsafe, and is contradictory to the mission of this site. Sure, not everybody puts a helmet on to put around the backyard, but most people dont do much jumping or climbing embankements in the backyard either. And the point is always raised about going slow, but really how fast do you need your head to land on a rock to lose your brains? For those of you who havent had the experience, a 110 or 125 flips over backwards pretty easily when you go up a small ditch bank and it doesnt take much of a rock on the ground when you do it to make you a vegetable. When we get into the "why did they stop production of trikes" discussions, we all seem to blame it on the irresponsible, who injured themselves or allowed their children to ride irresponsibly, which gave us all the negative publicity that ended the production of trikes.

You want to ride without gear, then go for it, but just dont get upset when others point out that we really dont need any more negative pubicity.

05-20-2003, 01:33 PM
I'm with TimSR.
Lets all take a moment and reflect as to why our beloved ATC's have ceased production.
"Your head is full of whitish redish goo that flows out of your skull when cracked open like an egg."
YUP I'm wearing my skid lid because you never know, and it only takes once! :shock:

Ivan T
05-20-2003, 01:46 PM
I feel like a bit of a rebel!! I hope that is the end of the helmet discussions.
It was very bad not to wear one but at any time i could have bailed out and landed on my feet, over confident i guess.
It was gentle sunday afternoon ride (1st and 2nd low range)on terrain which we have ridden for about 15 years.

Just thought you would like to see some smaller bikes in action in the non-american part of the world.
As they are not pics of showroom condition 250rs or 350xs it is obviously a problem.

Jason T
05-20-2003, 02:16 PM
Back to my original question, any one else got some riding pics? :-D

05-20-2003, 02:21 PM
... that pic is real - did anybody else notice that his suspension is maxed out - you can't do that sitting on a quad, sitting flat on the ground.

Billy Golightly
05-20-2003, 02:34 PM
I totally agree with TimSr... But I guess I'm going to have to ask that the helmet debate stop here and now before it gets way out of hand. Any other posts concerning the topic will be edited or deleted as needed.

05-20-2003, 02:59 PM
Heres a few from 2 years ago ....

05-20-2003, 04:27 PM
The Proper way to jump ( on 3 wheels, and a helmet! )


05-20-2003, 04:28 PM
Hey chemical, that Suzuki in the back ground looks smart, is it yours?
