View Full Version : Thought I'd pass this along

10-23-2007, 03:23 PM
Throwing this one out to the wolves - check out the very last safety tip at the bottom of the page.

Note - these tips are written by Doctors - the same people who are responsible for medical costs being what they are today!


10-23-2007, 03:27 PM
Crack heads. This same topic has just came up on another forum today. Well everything but the reference to the 3 wheelers

10-23-2007, 03:31 PM
Looks like we've all been cheating death for the last 25 years.

10-23-2007, 03:33 PM
I havnt Ive been dead a few times....

10-23-2007, 03:42 PM
Read all instruction manuals and follow the manufacturers' recommendations for use, maintenance, and pre-use checks.
~opps broke that rule :lol:

Never operate an ATV on pavement or on a public road. Almost 10 percent of injuries and over 25 percent of deaths occurred while the ATV was on a paved road.
~and that one :rolleyes:

Always wear protective gear. Helmets are especially important in reducing the risk of head injury. Protective gloves and heavy boots can also help reduce injuries.
~that one also :D

Do not operate at excessive speeds or after dark. ATVs are difficult to control and collisions with other vehicles can result in severe injuries or death.
~well this one too!! :naughty:

Do not operate an ATV if you have taken drugs or alcohol. According to the CPSC, 30 percent of all fatal ATV accidents involved alcohol use.
~drugs no alcohol..mhm well ya :beer

Never operate a 3-wheeler.
~and this rule deffinatley :TrikesOwn

johnny's X
10-23-2007, 04:09 PM
These are the same as*hole doctors that got there as* beat when they were in school and there moms and dads would not let them have a 3 wheeler. What it is is a bunch of whimpy parents keeping there children for getting a scrap on there leg. Things like this get me so bent bcs I cant stand those kinds of parents. I dont know how many times my mother broke a wooden spoon over my as* for doing something stupid. Everytime I hear something like this I just want to go slap the sh*t out of whoever said it. The will tell you how dumb the people are who run our country. Smoking kills more people everyday than there are trikes left in the world. hhhhmmmm Government makes to much money on the tax of cancer sticks than they do the sale of atc's so why not outlaw them. Now you got me all pis*sed off.

10-23-2007, 04:18 PM
I think we should all email these f***s and let them know what we think. What about cars, guns. here is a link of email addresses for these guys.


10-23-2007, 04:21 PM
I think we should all email these f***s and let them know what we think. What about cars, guns. here is a link of email addresses for these guys.


i agree. that is all some bullshiot. i dont even wanna get started.

10-23-2007, 05:43 PM
oh no i better get rid off mine not

10-23-2007, 05:53 PM
I need to make up a safety decal like on the newer quads and put that last line on there, then stick it on my fender. :lol:

10-23-2007, 08:33 PM
* All ATV operators should be licensed and undergo a hands-on training course.

* The minimum age for operating an ATV on or off the road should be at least 16
years old.
Wait, I thought you're not supposed to operate ATV's on roads? But if you're 16 you can do it? That's beside the point though, I was riding quads and trikes on the roads and off when I was about 8...

* ATVs should be used during daylight hours only.
That's right, that's why they come with headlights!

* ATVs should be used by only one person at a time, no riders.
Whoops again.

* Read all instruction manuals and follow the manufacturers' recommendations for use, maintenance, and pre-use checks.
Whoops once again.

* Never operate an ATV on pavement or on a public road. Almost 10 percent of injuries and over 25 percent of deaths occurred while the ATV was on a paved road.
Whoops for the sixth time

* Always wear protective gear. Helmets are especially important in reducing the risk of head injury. Protective gloves and heavy boots can also help reduce injuries.
For the first 4 years of my quad riding life, I never once wore a helmet. I guess that's why me memory isn't what it should be... :rolleyes:

* Do not operate at excessive speeds or after dark. ATVs are difficult to control and collisions with other vehicles can result in severe injuries or death.
Did them both separately, and at the same time, too.

* Do not operate an ATV if you have taken drugs or alcohol. According to the CPSC, 30 percent of all fatal ATV accidents involved alcohol use.
Common sense.

* Never operate a 3-wheeler.
The funny thing is, I wrecked less on my ATC110 than on any quad I've owned in my life. I think it's because the lack of suspension forced me to go slower...

Fight the POWER :lol: