View Full Version : 250 Es Wheelies??

10-23-2007, 09:39 AM
ive got sick of riding round in circles on 2 wheels, so i been trying to do wheelies now, having never had any motor bike before, i was unsure if it would be able to or if i woulod be able to make it at least, the only way i can get it to is by standing on the rear rack and taking off in 2nd or 3rd and yaking up on the hangers as hard as i can,it went up easy the first few times, but after my back gave out from trying to do jumping push-ups holding on to the old trike, she didnt lift so easy, i was suprised how straight it went and how easy it is to hold from there, and when it did go to far i steped off the back and it just skided along on its rack till i kicked it over and jumped back on, can anyone else pull wheelies on an es? if so how do u do it? can u do it with any good speed? i got 25 inch tyres, will differnt tyres help? do u think the rack on the front would make much difernce to the weight?

next step is to try to get it on 1 back wheel..... i dont like my chances but ill find out.... :w00t:

10-23-2007, 12:58 PM
when I had my es it would easily pull wheelies,in fact so easy my little cousin flew off the back when he gave it to muth trottle and it went skyward! im a big dude and it lifted easy! no standing on the rcack , just 1st gear, then second then third, then i would runout of room, trees are not fun to wheelie up!

10-23-2007, 03:20 PM
you can push down or up on the gearshift leaver to go into a gear of your choice, then hold it in the up or down position and dont let off. it will activate the clutch, then give it gas and let off the gearshift leaver, then it should bring the front end up.

10-23-2007, 03:29 PM
hell yeah!! I don't mean to brag, but I am a beast with my es!!! I can wheelie through third gear then I run out of room. just like 3w4life said, hold the shifter up with your foot, give it some gas, then let the shifter down. careful though, it is easy put it straight up on the rack! the 25" tires do make it easier to keep up, once you get the hang of it, it real easy to control.

10-23-2007, 07:09 PM
i usee to wheelie the 85 br i had btu dont have anymore so i use my sx;s

10-23-2007, 11:11 PM
So intentionally holding the auto clutch and popping it won't hurt it?

10-23-2007, 11:26 PM
i do it a good bit with out any problems just don"t peg the throttle when you dump it

10-24-2007, 03:02 AM
sweet, im just trying to pump the gas from idel..... i didnt know u could rev it up like that, if i do that it will lift for sure... hahahahaha (evil laugh) cant wait till the weekend :D thatll help with my doughnuts too. thabnks heaps guys... ill get some videos up soon of wheelies..... if u search around here youll find my other videos too..

if theres any other little tricks u can teach me id be very very thankful....... im new to motor bikes, yet alone trikes.... but im gettin there, and even as a learner i make all the dip shits on 2 wheels stare with awe :D especially up the creek and in the bog holes....
gotta love mud wen u own a big red :D

10-24-2007, 03:47 AM
scoot back on the seat and yank on the bars while giving it throttle...it will come up... the higher up you keep the wheel... the easier it is to keep it there... It is so easy to control once you get the idea of what it feels like.. you'll definately be addicted..

10-24-2007, 04:19 AM
haha im addicted already.....;) cant wait till i can find a good 250R round here, the old red is a bit slow and clapped out i think... the cluth slips sumtimes too, and i gotta back off and itll grab better then go again, almost like another gear, although she still roars along at 90+ ks... ill get out on the weekend and see what i can do with my wheelies..... thanks again

10-24-2007, 07:26 PM
i wouldnt reccomend the droppign clutch on a es or sx too much i ahve twisted off universal joints doign that.

10-24-2007, 07:41 PM
just put it in second gear, get moving at about a walking pace and gas it. Should always come up, dem things er dangerous :crazy: