View Full Version : tri-z problem!!!

10-19-2007, 09:33 PM
:( I need help, my tri-z has blown water seal:( any body know how to get the fan off and it was running with the seal blown and now it won't start at all, but it still turns over but does not want to start.... i am staring at the fan rotor right now...:(

10-19-2007, 09:36 PM
fan? you mean water pump?

Hows your oil look? I think you just need to get some new seals, pull the clutch cover, and replace whats there. Do you have a manual?

10-19-2007, 09:39 PM
no but i took the water pump cover off and i am staring at the fan... where can i get the manual?

10-19-2007, 09:40 PM
oil is a light grey color...

10-19-2007, 09:44 PM
Dammit on the boards hosts a sit where you can download one. He asked for a small donation in return.


What I would do, is print it off (kinkos maybe) and go to town on it.

Its all pretty simple when you get into it.

Good luck!!

10-19-2007, 11:49 PM
well i poped the case and it seems like every things in good shape except the grey oil... idk why yamaha made a plastic water pump.... i will post pics later...