View Full Version : I cannot understand the problems you have....

10-17-2007, 06:34 PM
I just can't "get" why there are so many crazy motor related and other issues here :wondering

I have pulled so many trikes from a backyard with 3 flat tires, cleaned the carb properly and ran it :w00t:

There are too many posts on here that people can't decide whether it's timing, fuel, electric or a mechanical issue and I just can't understand it.

Your posting n classifieds to buy another carb or try another CDI, or maybe the coil is bad..... and nothing seems to get it going.

The jetting crap is CRAZY :crazy: I have put different pistons in everything, changed carbs, changed exhaust and never had the crazy stuff you guys have. I always go back to stock stuff and just start increasing the main jet, backing out the fuel screw and raising the needle a notch. I've done this countless times on both 2 strokes and 4 strokes and half the time I don't even look at the plug. I can hear it and feel it and just try something small a little at a time. I've never found a carb to be "broken" only the parts inside that a 15$ kit will fix.

Maybe some of you are changing too much at once or maybe your going entirely in the wrong direction. But since most of these topics don't come back after a resolution is found, I'm gonna assume that they don't get fixed.

I just want to say that I really feel for some of you, ya have an ATC that just doesn't seem to cooperate and I wish you could come over and give me a stab at it. Almost everything I have ever fixed was a simply overlooked problem that caused much bigger problems. Get yourself a manual and read it, learn how to clean and jet a carb properly and get a multimeter and learn how to use it. Hopefully it will get you up and running soon!!

10-17-2007, 06:46 PM
Salute, i agree 100%. Many people are just begining their venture into the proper workings of small engines. And how things have to happen in sequence, in order run and perform properly. Poor advice and wasted money really is frustrating for people who just arn't sure of what to do or try next.:confused: Next thing ya know, tools are flying, f-bombs are dropped, and many projects are shelved all together.:cry:

10-17-2007, 06:48 PM
meh, I think people just want a reason to post:postwhore kinda like me right here! Honestly alot of people arent as familiar with these bike as some of us, theres alot to making one run and most people seem to think its easier to throw their hands in the air and cry for help. Personally I enjoy making posts and appreciate the responses from people like you that know what the hel they're doing though, its a quicker solution and a reason to kill more time surfin this site ;) I look for any reason to make a thread or post up in someone elses :postwhore

10-17-2007, 06:59 PM
Half of the problem is the fact that nowadays everyone seems to think they can do a mechanics job. You can thank all the TV shows for that. But the fact of the matter is that not everyone is mechanically inclined. Cross this with some people are mechanically adept but have a hard time explaining to other people that sometimes don't understand and are mechanically inept, and you have a serious problem. Anybody can take something apart, most can put those things back together, but few can diagnose and understand it. Just my two cents.

10-17-2007, 08:03 PM
Isn't that why we have this forum? A lot of guys come here for help. I feel we should always help someone out when we can.

10-17-2007, 08:10 PM
Dirtcrasher - for the most part - I agree with you and have had similar experiences as you - clean the carb (or rebuild it) throw on new rubber and chain and sprockets - change the oil and such - and your rusted - pulled out of the weeds machine is fine. On the other hand - the experience I have been having with this little demon of a 110 makes me frustrated. When everything seems to be fine (electrically, and mechanically) and it still don't wanna run right? WTF - that is where suggestions from others on this board helps tremendously. Kind of like a different perspective.

But for the most part - you are 100% correct - Just wait till you get that one machine that is unexplainable!!!!

10-17-2007, 08:13 PM
Isn't that why we have this forum? A lot of guys come here for help. I feel we should always help someone out when we can.

True to that! maybe if you are so inclined you belong in the I know everything forum. The way I see it, to keep the sport alive we need to help to make sure that every broken trike gets FIXED and not torn down for parts just because of a simple carb, spark or compression question. Yes if some people looked in a search they would find what they need but noobs need posts too!

10-17-2007, 09:09 PM
I agree with Dirtcrasher, from the posts on here some people are doing more harm than good trying to fix their bikes. These small motors arent that complicated, start out with a proper repair manual and troubleshoot the problem. Check for spark, then fuel, compression, ect........

Jason Hall
10-17-2007, 10:01 PM
I feel that if the people working on there own machine would take the time to understand what everything does, they would be better off. If you change everything, then you don't know what you did to fix the problem & you learn nothing. If you do one thing at a time & pay attention to what changed then you will learn from It. Kinda like adjusting a carb, If you understand what each adjustment does, then you have a better chance of getting it right. Other wise It's all just guessing. My father told me once, some people just have no clue, he Is right. If you don't know what an engine should sound like when setting your Idle then you should find somone else to work on your stuff. I'm not downing anyone, I just think some people will never understand certain thing's no matter how many times you try to explain It. Others don't even need to look at what you are repairing & they understand It completly. I don't mind trying to explain thing to people, but If they can't understand it then your waising you breath. I have a machinist friend that can run the hell out of about any machine under the sun, but trying to explain something to do with an engine or carb to him & he Is lost. Thats just how It Is for some people. It's not their fault, they just don't get It.

10-18-2007, 12:04 AM
Most of the post you see here are old news, like all the carb and ignition problems. If people would do a simple search and type in the word "carb" I'd be willing to bet more than 100 results will come up on exactly the problem your having, and all you have to do is read and your pretty much done.

10-18-2007, 09:04 AM
I am no motor guru by any stretch of the immagination. But for me to learn how something functions I need to see and fix it myself. It does me no good to pay or watch someone els fix something and then expect to be able to do it myself. Its true Ive wasted $$ fixing things that werent bad trying to solve a problem. I chalk it up to a learning experience. And I figure that its new now so it should last another 20+ years.

I also agree with learning how to check the basics (Gas spark and air). Darn chipmunks and mice are always building nests in the air box. Common problem???? Dont know

The Goat
10-18-2007, 09:10 AM
well...some of us have never rebuilt anything before, and we end up with a rolling frame and a big box of incomplete parts.

it sucks. lol.

10-18-2007, 02:53 PM
My intent of this post was to put forth that I actually "feel bad" for allot of you guys that have these crazy problems or can't figure out how to reassemble a kickstarter or something similar. I has to be extremely frustrating to people to try there best and post here and STILL not be able to go riding.

I enjoy posting answers or suggestions here and the majority of my posts show that. I in no way shape or form claim to "know it all" but I am very fortunate that I can usually get things running well or fix them without hacking up my ATC.

As far as the "use the search button" goes, yeah it's great to view them but it seems that with a fresh post someone always seems to find something we overlooked in the past. That is aside from the carb cleaning or 200X front end on an SX question that constantly come up. Nothing wrong with it, just kinda boring and monotonous.....

As some of your posts above have suggested, I think sometimes people try and change too much at once or get someone elses can of worms. I guess that is partly the reason there seems to be a never ending supply of parts on EBAY.

johnny's X
10-18-2007, 03:20 PM
Can anyone on here tell me how to replace that white thing that makes spark. I also took that big bolt out of the bottom of the motor and this black stuff ran out of it, iam not sure if that is a good thing but iam going riding tonight. My guess is that black stuff cant be good for my motor... Yeah some people should just stick to washing there machines instead of trying to fix them.

10-18-2007, 04:18 PM
well everyone just wants to see someone elses view because they probley did look over the......small thing......and blow off some steam...

10-18-2007, 04:24 PM
It always kills me when someone buys a CDI box, Coil, kill switch, ect because they don't have spark. Then complain when the part ( s) doesn't help them. In the end they find out the exciter coil was bad and is a cheap fix ( after spending countless $$ buying other stuff ).
So Yes I agree 100% with Dirtcrasher. If ou don't know what your doing, then ask. If you don't understand the help, then take it to someone who does.

10-18-2007, 07:10 PM
When I first got on this web site I was the same way, helphelp. But now If you all saw my trike you would cry,not because its so cool but that it looks like death warmed over, and still runs like its on steroids. I had to cut off all the wiring, just the ones you have to have for it to start. just rolled itself down a 45ft hill, snaped off clutch lever, rear plastics are gone, ehxuast crunched, and handle bars, well you understand. Still went ridin rest of the day.:w00t: