View Full Version : 350x Bent valve...

10-16-2007, 07:17 PM
Ok I have a few questions regarding a bent intake valve in my engine. Will it be ok to re-install a new valve with the old springs and new keepers? If that won't work will it be ok to buy the two springs for just the one valve or will I have to buy new springs for all the valves?? Just tryin to get started on ordering parts, god I want to ride again! lol. Thanks guys.

10-16-2007, 08:43 PM
if your going to have it that far apart, replace both valves, springs, keepers, etc.
also, re-seat the valves.

better to spend a little more money now and have it all done rather than another teardown in a few months, replacing the other half of the stuff.
youll save yourself alot of headache later.

10-16-2007, 09:01 PM
if your going to have it that far apart, replace both valves, springs, keepers, etc.
also, re-seat the valves.

better to spend a little more money now and have it all done rather than another teardown in a few months, replacing the other half of the stuff.
youll save yourself alot of headache later.
Thats about what I was planning on doing. I guess I'm gonna go with the titanium spring kit from powroll, new valves, keepers, and I guess a new set of rings while I'm at it. One quick question, how do you seat the valves? And I have 2 bolts that hold the valve cover on broke off in the head from not putting anti sieze on them when I last had it apart and with my luck the tips of the drill bits i used broke off in both of the bolts....:( Will a machine shop be able to get these out so I can re-use the old threads or will they have to go the next size up??

10-16-2007, 11:17 PM
well, the old threads are gone,so next size up is the only option.
seating the valves is simple. put some polishing compound around the valve seal between the valve and the port, and then spin the valve while pressing it against the port to polish the seat surface. does that make sense, or was it not clear enough? when your done, clean surfaces of all polish. do NOT forget to do that

10-17-2007, 05:30 PM
I have had drill bits break off inside the bolt , You can still drill it out just takes longer .... if you don't have time for this just drop it off at the machine shop...

They can remove them ...

10-17-2007, 05:53 PM
Yes a machine shop can use a carbide bit and get them out. If your talking about the 10mm head and 6mm thread valve cover bolts I'm not sure how much "meat" is there if you did need to use a helicoil. Honda usually leaves enough metal for a helicoil though. Put a dab of grease on every bolt you every dink with and they won't seize and snap off or hi temp anti seiz on the exhaust studs too.

Honda says that there valves are "coated" and not to lap them. Does the seat look good, does it seal with a new valve when gas is poured into the head upside down? Thats what my dealer told me to do when I gave them the head to rebuild.

Did the valve fall into the motor or something out of time? If the spring height is in spec there is no reason not to use them or the keepers. Unless the keepers let go and the valve dropped in the motor and the square edge of the keeper got damaged.

If you were running the stock valves, springs and keepers then the WEBCAM kit is a great upgrade.

I spend ALLOT of $$ on parts so I'm not trying to be cheap, but if there isn't any damage and the parts are in spec then I would use them.

10-18-2007, 11:28 AM
Yes a machine shop can use a carbide bit and get them out. If your talking about the 10mm head and 6mm thread valve cover bolts I'm not sure how much "meat" is there if you did need to use a helicoil. Honda usually leaves enough metal for a helicoil though. Put a dab of grease on every bolt you every dink with and they won't seize and snap off or hi temp anti seiz on the exhaust studs too.

Honda says that there valves are "coated" and not to lap them. Does the seat look good, does it seal with a new valve when gas is poured into the head upside down? Thats what my dealer told me to do when I gave them the head to rebuild.

Did the valve fall into the motor or something out of time? If the spring height is in spec there is no reason not to use them or the keepers. Unless the keepers let go and the valve dropped in the motor and the square edge of the keeper got damaged.

If you were running the stock valves, springs and keepers then the WEBCAM kit is a great upgrade.

I spend ALLOT of $$ on parts so I'm not trying to be cheap, but if there isn't any damage and the parts are in spec then I would use them.

Do I really need to get the other 3 new valves or it be fine with re-using the other 3 that aren't bent?? These were the stock honda valve springs and keepers. I wonder if these springs were floating & they put too much pressure on the keepers causing them to crap out?? You think it could have been out of time?? And about the bolts, I know that one for sure can be taken out with an easy out but the other one I have messed it up pretty bad and it doesn't look like its possible to just dig out the old bolt & re-use the threads so I guess it will have to go the next size up.

10-25-2007, 02:43 PM
Ok after some more investigating I found out that the valve guide from the bent valve has some cracks in it. My manual says to use a valve guide driver to take it out, where can I get one of these? Also what is the correct way to ream a valve guide? One weird thing I noticed is that when I took the other intake valve out it would slide freely about half way down then it wouldn't budge without me pulling extremely hard to take it out. The exhaust valves just dropped out without a fuss :confused:.

10-25-2007, 04:53 PM
As for the intake, your gonna have to inspect it for bends or burrs, something is wrong as it should slide right out. A regular 3/8 pin punch or so will pop that guide right out. I've replaced them before but NEVER with a new one. What happens is that when you press it in, it shrinks just a bit and has to be reamed to the right size. You will need the correct size reamer and use it in a drill, carefully and with lubricant. Might be a standard 10mm ream or so or it could be an oddball like 10.3mm or something. Honda is great for odd sizes!!

You need to spin that valve in the guide or some V-blocks to see if it's bent.

10-25-2007, 06:41 PM
.....if its apart....get all new. youll be happy when you arent tearing into it every 2 years to replace individual parts.......i mean, the machine is what? 20 somthing years old? think of how many times the motor has turned in those years.........its a wonder that these 20 year old machines can still run on their all-origional parts.......

and since its apart, if your sorta wanting an upgrade, spend the extra bux and get the upgrade now. it might cost a bit more, but in the longrun, youll be happeir and it will run better.

check EBAY for new parts, either OEM or aftermarket........always cheaper there.

10-25-2007, 06:42 PM
And did you ever figure out why the valve bent in the first place? make sure that is taken care of before re-assembly and startup...........