View Full Version : Why the death of 3 wheelers?

10-15-2007, 11:20 AM
So I was riding quads when 3 wheelers where banned from being built. :crazy:
I have asked a few people but most say because they were/are unsafe and that was the reason. Motor cycles in their own right are more dangeruos. what about cars, trucks, steak knives, tin can lids, fishing hooks, big riggs etc.. They are all just as dangeruos. Shouldn't they have been outlawed also? Fair is fair right? In this day and age with the advancments in suspensions and drive trains etc. They could build a 3 wheeler that was almost as stable as a quad and they are not all that stable either. Imagein what a 2008 Honda 3 wheeler would look like and ride like.

1. So what was the final reason for outlawing 3 wheeler productions?
2. Anyone ever started a petition to bring them back? If not, I would like to start one. With all the knowledge this place has there could be a real chance to bring them back.

Also if there is no petitions then we could start a thread with valid reasons why it should be allowed again.

Drop your thoughts!

10-15-2007, 11:25 AM
man, this has been covered SO much.. and a petition...well... there would have to be ALOT more than just the whole forum membership sign a pettition for this to even have a mino effect, just recently we had the opportunity to have a "new" trike but, either from only a small amount of interest or the companies so called woried about problems later deal, it never went all the way through. Do a search you will find 1000's of pages of threads concerning this.

10-15-2007, 11:31 AM
The "death" of our beloved trikes was due to: lawsuits, money hungry lawyers, and "concerned" parents with nothing else to do.

What it comes down to, is parents putting 12 year old Johny on a bike thats to big for him, and then blamming Honda for building an "unsafe" bike.

They werent banned, the companys just agreed to stop production for the United states. Since we were their biggest market, production didnt last long after that in other countrys.

This topic has been discussed indepth, theres not a snowballs chance in ---- that trikes will ever be produced again, just shy of the little Chinese ones that are in the foreign market.


10-15-2007, 11:44 AM
you want a new trike you build your own...just pick your color, motor and chassis and build what ya like.

10-15-2007, 11:55 AM
They werent banned, the companys just agreed to stop production for the United states. Since we were their biggest market, production didnt last long after that in other countrys.

So you can still mass produce and sell 3 wheelers? Am I understanding that correctly?

10-15-2007, 12:02 PM
not sure...there were other 3wheeled vehicals but those have stopped also.

cushman golf carts were 3wheeled up to 2001 and road legal....??? dont ask me how or why.

john deer made them 5 wheeler gators also...that was still in the early 90, i think 92/93ish i remebered seeing them new at the dealers.

10-15-2007, 12:05 PM
They aren't dead yet, some of us plan on keeping them alive forever!! :beer :w00t:

10-15-2007, 12:25 PM
Yes - If Honda wanted to start making & selling 3 wheelers again in the United States - there is no law saying they can't. the Consent Decree was lifter almost 10 years ago.

10-15-2007, 05:04 PM
They werent banned, the companys just agreed to stop production for the United states. Since we were their biggest market, production didnt last long after that in other countrys.
So you can still mass produce and sell 3 wheelers? Am I understanding that correctly?

as far as i understand, you can still produce and sell them, just not in the usa. but places like Canada, or Europe should be fine. so getting 3 wheelers to be produced and sold in other countries is a possibility and can be done, but it is highly unlikely.

Yes - If Honda wanted to start making & selling 3 wheelers again in the United States - there is no law saying they can't. the Consent Decree was lifter almost 10 years ago.

i maybe wrong, but i think the cpsc just recently passed a complete ban on 3 wheelers. they can no longer be sold in the usa ever again, unless the cpsc voluntarily lifts the ban. see this link.

10-15-2007, 05:09 PM
man, this has been covered SO much.. Do a search you will find 1000's of pages of threads concerning this.

at least a 1000. ive bin on this sight a while and seen that same question asked so many times it gives me bad dreams. :lol: :lol:

dam that crappy baby sitting service called the cpsc :twisted: dam em to HELL!!!

10-15-2007, 11:42 PM
wait.....how can the CPSC ban something like that without putting it to a *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* vote? its DO NOT TYPE AROUND THE WORD FILTER., the public should be allowed to vote on weather or not somthing is to be banned.....not let some......DO NOT TYPE AROUND THE WORD FILTER!!!!!!!!!!!!decide it for us..........

and has anyone seen those 3 wheeled cars? there like 4000 brand new and get like 70MPG and top out at 50mph.....

10-16-2007, 04:30 AM
i still say cpsc is the recarnation of hitler

10-16-2007, 06:29 AM
i still say cpsc is the recarnation of hitler

exactly rite mt friend.

now for the question "how can the cpsc do this" well it easy they are the cpsc and can do what they please. arnt you guys glad they are protecting us from them deadly 3 wheelers :rolleyes: if there is anything i hate bad it is the cpsc. it gotta be the only group of "experts" that i truly HATE. no not dislike but HATE. ooo well i guess nothing i can do about it. except this :TrikesOwn :TrikesOwn . lets just hope the new "hitler" falls and goes to hell where they belong.

10-16-2007, 11:03 AM
Well, heres how i see it, ill run for president when i get to be 35 in 20 years and when i get elected president i WILL BRING EM BACK!!! but that 20 years away. Myabe honda should make 3 wheelers in caniada or china and sell them in caniada and have co vet people smuggle them accross the border?? I think itll work get the word out.

10-16-2007, 11:15 AM
Why don't we start a Small Company Like Tiger Did , Made in the USA !

ROTAX Motor's ...

10-16-2007, 11:23 AM
Why don't we start a Small Company Like Tiger Did , Made in the USA !

ROTAX Motor's ...

Easier said then done. You need a LOT of money to get production started. Im sayin you would need a HIGH ROLLER to back.

I would buy at least one.

10-16-2007, 12:19 PM
Well, heres how i see it, ill run for president when i get to be 35 in 20 years and when i get elected president i WILL BRING EM BACK!!! but that 20 years away. Myabe honda should make 3 wheelers in caniada or china and sell them in caniada and have co vet people smuggle them accross the border?? I think itll work get the word out.


10-16-2007, 03:00 PM
Who cares if there is thousands of threads, its good for you to rant. I was off work for a week when I wrecked my 350x, all I heard was "stay off those damned three wheelers" for months........ The fact that it was a 3 wheeler made no effect, if I would have been on a quad I would have not been able to turn as sharp and hit that damned trampoline head on!! The people in charge seem to think they are absolutely better then us in every way, and need to think for us. But in realality (where few of us live nowadays), they are the useless ones. Who fights the wars, who pays their checks, who does all of their dirty work? Us, and we are getting hosed, hosed badly..... And now we can't even ride a damn trike on the trails without a fuss.

10-16-2007, 07:45 PM
Erase my posts but not this idiot's. This sites a joke.


The bad thing is,you just came off a 30 day ban for your personal attacks.
Watch your step,the post you refferd to has been corrected.

10-16-2007, 08:33 PM
Erase my posts but not this idiot's. This sites a joke.

any1 know what this clown is talking about?

Edit: QUIT WHINING. that post isnt going to cause any of our members to fight amongst ourselves......everyone here shares the same feelings about the CPSC, so STOP WHINING!
just because one of your posts got relocated/deleted because the Admin thought it would cause problems with the members.

just follow through with your original plan to leave and never return, instead of trying to get the admin to admit they were wrong to delete your topic of conversation and apologize.

10-16-2007, 09:24 PM
three wheelers are dead forever except for the ones that we keep running and if u dont like that then too bad cuz there isnt anything we can do to have a company make a three wheeler ever agian. its NOT gona happen. the machines got in the hands of the wrong people and they ruined it for all of us. we cant change that, so we have to deal with what happens when someone else ruins are fun.

10-16-2007, 09:53 PM
i will do any thing to get them made again when u wreck that is how u learn i have had my share of them now i no what i can and cant do

10-16-2007, 10:00 PM
atleast they still make some parts. without that we would be shiot outta luck

10-16-2007, 10:57 PM
well if these guys keep it up, atvs will be banned period :(

10-16-2007, 11:09 PM
I've been thinking about this lately, especially seeing the custom trikes built by derrick adams and jason hall at trikefest this year, and I realized that while there is really basically a zero chance of the major companies stepping up and building trikes again, thats really not a big deal so long as more "little guys" start making their own.

Think about it, if next year you get 3 - 5 more people to build "new" trikes like derricks 07 Tri Z 450, then a few more the next year, after just a few years these things will be getting more and more popular, and eventually its going to be hard for the rest of the atv industry to ignore us. while that doesnt mean we will get new Honda built trikes, it is entirely possible that then maybe a few other atv guys and shops will build and get orders for "new" trikes. If that Tri Z (which was totally awesome) can capture dirt wheels attention like it did, think about what the rest of the atv community would say when they see more and more of these popping up in the dunes and trails.

At the very least, I bet a lot of parts will start to be made again, and more after market available. I dont see Japan building us new wheelers, but why does that mean we cant make them for ourselves? Keep in mind I have never built one of these and cant imagine how much work really goes into it, but I hope to tackle it to some degree soon when I can finally get back to work on my 480 and other future projects.

Basically all I'm trying to say in my typical extremely long post is that theres no reason to worry about Japanese companies building them again or our safety cops taking them away when you can buy one new from your own country. give it time, I see this sport of trikes growing...

10-17-2007, 12:36 AM
i would have to agree, and the funny thing is that nobody really cares if you ride one or not, it is god giving right to ride one if you want, and if you get hurt don't ruin it for the rest of us by saying it was the bikes fault, because it is your fault for not practicing and getting a bike that is way to big for you or you are a cluts, or even because you just reck on them, just keep trying to ride andyou will learn....

10-17-2007, 08:14 PM
I'm still chuckling about the short little battle with the moderators in this thread=}
I say, yeah, everyone should step it up and build they're custom trikes, if they can. But honestly, I see it as a pipe dream that three wheelers will ever go back into production. That's alright though, everyone on here has carved out quite a unique little niche in the ATV world, how punk is that!

10-17-2007, 08:20 PM
It only takes one deep pocketed person to enjoy them and want to build them and they could come back again... I think also it is very possible.

10-17-2007, 11:39 PM
It only takes one deep pocketed person to enjoy them and want to build them and they could come back again... I think also it is very possible.

he is absolutely correct.

i do wonder what would be involved with chopping the front end of a quad and making it a trike. sounds like it could be a fun endeavor.

10-18-2007, 12:19 AM
Every time I go out to gordons in california, old guys come to me and tell me storys on how they used to race them and ride them.
Some of them even said if they started making them again they would trade in there quads and buy one.
One guy even came up to me and said "can I please ride it up the hill, its been 10 years since I rode one". Well I said sure and when he came back he talked about the good old days and his first trike.
And I laugh at everyone I beat cause they get pissed that they got beat by my 3 wheeler.
Your right thoe, stupid people ruin it for everyone to enjoy what they love.