View Full Version : How often do you ride your trikes?

10-08-2007, 06:02 PM
Just wanted to know how often do you ride, you are a daily rider or do you have them only to post pics at 3ww ?

10-08-2007, 06:07 PM
well, untill I blew my 300 I rode everyday for at least 30 mins did alot of weekend out of town and local riding and racing as well... now....im all bumed Im tired of riding my gf's pink blaster

10-08-2007, 06:08 PM
At least every Sunday.:w00t:

10-08-2007, 06:24 PM
i ride mine dam near everyday (when i have it going). im still building my auto-x but when its done i will be riding almost everyday.

the tecate kid
10-08-2007, 06:25 PM
I try to at least weekly, my son and daughter however ride daily. religiously, rain or shine.

steven 250sx
10-08-2007, 06:27 PM
*Edited**Edited* i moved to city it was everyday but now i;m lucky if i get once every 6 months, moving back to woods soon lol rednecks don't belong in big cities

10-08-2007, 06:27 PM
Seems like I've been building and/or repairing more than riding lately... Damn Yamahas..:eek: :D

10-08-2007, 07:28 PM
i try to ride as much as possible. the machine is at my cousins house in the country, i live in the gay ass city :( no room to ride, or neighbors to put up with the BRAAPPP!

10-08-2007, 07:30 PM
evey day rain or shine when it is going and ever week end

10-08-2007, 07:42 PM
I ride every Sunday all day and try to get in a night ride once every couple of weeks. I take something out almost every day that I'm home and I'm working in the yard to take a few laps on the track.

10-08-2007, 07:51 PM
Im re-building my tri-z right now so I cant ride at all right now. But when my trikes are running, they are out nce a week at least.

10-08-2007, 08:00 PM
When I have a working 70, I ride for at least 20 minutes every few days (that’s when I am home from school). Excluding the 70, I get a good trail ride in every few months. It doesn't help going to school 350 miles from the trikes and having to trailer them to the trails when I am home.

Now you see why I have a motorcycle, a lot easier for me to just go for a ride with that. There are a lot more roads then trails, and for the last 2 years I have brought it to school with me (not this fall though:( ).

10-08-2007, 09:39 PM
Every Sunday!!

10-09-2007, 08:03 AM
Sadly, only a couple times a month.

Bryan Raffa
10-09-2007, 08:10 AM
I ride something everyday...even if it just around the house

10-09-2007, 09:13 AM
Sadly, only a couple times a month.

Well that's far better then me, I'm a couple times a year, maybe once the R's done though it will light my fire .

10-09-2007, 09:19 AM
everyday I get a chance, usually like twice a week or so

10-09-2007, 12:08 PM
I voted daily rider, but in fact it is many times a week.
I use it on the farm to ride around the field, and when i'm lazy, between the garage and the house ( 30 sec walk.....)
What is cool is that my driveway is very long and oval shaped and very width. So on the straight I shift the 4th gear.

10-09-2007, 12:08 PM
i used to ride my lil 110 every day that i could.. and even if it was going i prolly wouldnt b sitting on the comp.. and *Edited**Edited* the frame broke on my four wheeler i rode that every day also

10-09-2007, 12:19 PM
All my tickers get a chance to go out and see some dirt throughout the week, kinda rare for me to miss a day without going for atleast 10 mins.

10-09-2007, 12:24 PM
I ride the one of them almost everyday in the spring, summer, and fall. Unfortunately, its only around my cul de sac to have a beer at one of the neighbors' houses.
In the winter we tend to do more "real" rides on weekends than in the summer. These are most fun between 7pm and 4am in 2"-8" of snow at 10-32 degrees F.

johnny's X
10-09-2007, 12:41 PM
Well I take it out a few times a week just around the house, but on a real ride its more like a couple times a month,, wife and kids try to keep me home.

10-09-2007, 01:17 PM
couple times a month for me. I live in the burbs, so I have to drive at least an hour in any direction just to ride. Everytime I ride its a big production. Pack the truck, load the trailer, and spend lots of gas money to get where Im going.

I think its good that way though, if I had the option of riding everyday, I might get board with it. Everytime I ride its exciting.

One thing I dont like about it is the testing side. I cant just rip it around the neighborhood after I complete a build.

10-09-2007, 01:21 PM
Seeing I live on a dirt road and we have land in the back to ride and play around we go out at least every weekend right out our front yard. Yea it gets boring because you ride the same stuff but to just take a relaxing ride it's worth it to us

10-09-2007, 02:22 PM
I voted one or two times a month, riding in the beach is "not allowed" here, i have to go to some friends farm. The part i hate most is the prepairing, loading the trike into the trailer, etc....i wish i had a truck to carry my trikes

the great gazoo
10-09-2007, 03:22 PM
Even though I live in the middle of Baltimore City, I've got 2 spots to ride, one's about 10-30 acres of hilly trails with a nice stream running through it. I ride there twice a week, even if it's only for an hour or two- It also helps to have the trusty SX with me in my van:D I fire up my DR350 every day & ride it, even if it's just to the store, I'd rather ride than walk...

10-10-2007, 01:05 AM
I bet I ride mine more often than anyone else here on the board..
Every day to work.

10-10-2007, 11:29 AM
back when i was younger i rode everyday no matter what...but now im going to school have a girlfriend and looking for a new job so i probly ride once a week ...haha getting older sucks!

10-10-2007, 12:15 PM
havent gotten to ride mine yet, its still being built.

10-10-2007, 12:19 PM
I bet I ride mine more often than anyone else here on the board..
Every day to work.

Can you elaborate. Where to? How far? On what terrain? I only ask cause I lived in Utah down around Provo. The whole time I wished I had and Atv. YOur lucky as heck bud.

10-10-2007, 11:57 PM
Can you elaborate. Where to? How far? On what terrain? I only ask cause I lived in Utah down around Provo. The whole time I wished I had and Atv. YOur lucky as heck bud.

First off, I didn't mean to sound so cocky,kinda came out wrong.
I'm lucky to live in a small town where we can get away with a lot of stuff that normally one couldn't do. Mantua (where I live) has an ordinance that allows atv's , when properly registered with the State and Mantua, to operate on public land.. This includes all city streets and roads within city limits. As far as I know, ours in the only town in the U.S. with this kind of law.
There is a major trail system that extends from Southern Utah to Northern Utah, known as the Piautte Trail, Great Western Trail, or Skyline Drive. Other cities, such as St. George (I think) and Ephraim UT, have certain designated streets in town that have been designated as part of this trail system. This allows atv'ers to access gas stations, restaurants, and stores in town that would normally otherwise be illegal to drive an atv to. It is my understanding that you are only allowed to drive an atv on these designated streets when coming or leaving the trail system. This is different from our ordinance. Mantua's ordinance allows atv's to be driven basically anywhere a car would normally be driven.
Mantua has about 700 people and 225 households its valley. I am lucky enough to have one of the only jobs offered in Town, and am employed by the town in the Public Works Department. Our shop is only about a mile from where I live, and I normally drive the Atc200 to work and back every day. "On What Terrain?" As far as driving to work, if I go my normall route, its asphalt the whole way. If I go around the the other side of the block there is a dirt atv trail I can take.
We dont have curb and gutter, no stops lights, no lines on main street, and there are lots of dirt roads around town. A lot of times when I get off work I will take an hour ride or so on the way home. Only the main streets in the center of town are paved, other than that there are plenty of dirt roads. Sometimes I will drive through the campground, or go down to the lake (which is also at the end of my street) and ride around part of the dike. If I go to the north end of town there are some trails and a fireline I can ride all the way over the mountain to Cache Valley and Logan. If I go West I can ride the pipleline along the canyon and drive all the way down to Brigham City. If I go east I can ride over that mountain ridge all the way over to another dirt road that I can access Cache Valley again, or ride all the way down to Huntsville, which is up Ogden Canyon. If I go shouth I have a dirt road that leads to some mines, campgrounds, beaver ponds, and mountain peaks, called Willard Peak. From this road I can take an all-day ride down to Hunstville and make a loop and come back in from the trail on the east end of town.
In the winter I hook the snowplow up to one of our Big Red's and use it to plow our town hall and church sidewalks, along with mine and everyone elses driveway. Then we can hook up the sleds to the back and pull the brothers up and down the road. As I said we have a resevior in town. I think it is 5 miles around the lake. Anyway, its not to shabby of a lake, not deep, but covers large portian of the valley. When I go ice fishing I will load all my gear into a sled and tie it to the back of my BW and drive out of the yard and down right onto the lake. I took my 200 out last year and did donuts on the ice on my way home from work, just for the fun of it, thats untill I could hear it cracking. lol.

When my dad was growing up in Orem Ut, he used to drive his Big Red right outta his driveway to the mountains too. However, Orems not like it used to be, and my grandmas house that once sat in the middle of fields, is now in the middle of a subdivision. And my dads old riding area is now asphalted with houses.
Like someone else said how they used a 3wheeler on their farm, I use ours around the property quite a bit for yard work, irrigating the field, and checkin on my little flock of sheep.

I hope I am elaborating o.k.? I hope I'm giving a little information in the area you wanted it in.
I'm not trying to be cocky or anything, I just love my little 3 wheelers to death, and theres no better place to do it than here.
Non-residents can experience this same opportunity too. All you have to do is show your registration to the Clerk here, and for $10 ($5 for residents) you can register your atv with our town and get a Mantua sticker that allows you this same freedom too. But there is a catch like always, the speed limit for atv's is 20mph within city limits. lol

Maybe I can get some pics to post up. I think it would interest a few people just to see what it would be like.
