View Full Version : 200x head 200s -200 the same valves?

10-08-2007, 04:24 PM
Are the 200x and 200s and 200 valves the same size? What is different if so?

What about a 185? I thought all these heads were the same and could be interchaned with no difference.


10-08-2007, 04:29 PM
they are the same valves. just different valve springs i believe.

edit: give me some years to work with and ill look em up.

10-08-2007, 04:36 PM
lmao - wow - uhh well .. my 200x's parts are all early years like 83-85... and my 185 200 parts are all early too.. like 82 -83

but I just bought what was supposed to be a 200x head and it looks the same as a 200 as far as valve seat dia goes - maybe the stems are different? no idea. - i will try to see what year it was supposed to be

thanks 200s

10-08-2007, 04:52 PM
ok the intake valve on a 83-85 200 x will fit the fallowing

84 200es atc

84-85 200m atc

84-86 200s atc

84 200 trx

80-82 cb125s bike

the 83-85 200x exhaust valves fit the fallowing

80 185 atc

81-83 185s atc

81-83 200 atc

82-83 200e atc

84 200es atc

84-85 200m atc

84-86 200s atc

84 200 trx

80-85 cr125s bike

79-85 xl125s bike

79-83 xl185s bike

83-84 xl200R bike

79 xr185 bike

80-84 xr200 bike

81-02 xr200R bike

those are valves, not springs or anything else. if you want me to look up springs and that stuff pm me your e-mail address and ill type it all out tonight
for ya.

i hope that helps ya a bit buddy. let me know if ya need anything else.

10-08-2007, 05:07 PM
basically same exhaust valve... different intake depending on the model

10-08-2007, 05:25 PM
pm sent back to ya homie. ill be on for a while yet.