View Full Version : KLT 200 A! Starter Install (Help)

J. D. Duff
10-06-2007, 05:21 PM
Hello Everyone,

I recently asked my neighbor what was up with the 3 wheeler in his back yard and he immediately said--'You want it, you can have it.' So, I'm currently up to my elbows in cleaning up an '81 KLT 200.

My problem is that I made the mistake of taking the starter off (I'm painting the engine) and was horrified to see the chain and gear slump as I pulled it out. How in the world do you reinstall it? I drained the oil and hung the engine up-side-down so I could line up the starter and bolted it back on. I wont know if this worked for a couple weeks as I wont have it together until then.

Also, what is the method for replacing the oil on the trans. side and what is the capacity?

Wow, I was feeling good about this project until today....

J. D. Duff

10-06-2007, 07:16 PM
the motor oil is the same oil thats in the transmission...and u have to take off teh flywheel cover to reinstall the starter gear and chain back on the starter....and good luck the KLT's are fun bikes

J. D. Duff
10-07-2007, 01:43 AM
Thanks for the help.

Same oil? I'm an idiot.

Is there a reason why the flywheel cover is held on with phillips screws? Is there a trick to getting them off without stripping?

Well, thanks again.

J. D. Duff

10-07-2007, 09:06 AM
the trick to getting it off is not trying LOL.....drill the heads off then take the rest of the screw out with vicegrips! thats the ONLY way lol

J. D. Duff
10-07-2007, 02:29 PM
Thanks again. That system makes a lot of sense. I'll stop worrying myself sick now.

J. D.