View Full Version : DR7EA in a 200ES 1984?

09-29-2007, 10:49 AM
Is that ok to run?... Manual says DR8EA so the 7 is one heat range hotter. Thanks

09-30-2007, 12:06 AM
I assume it would be fine.

09-30-2007, 12:20 AM
The danger in running a hotter plug is the risk of the plug overheating. If you run a colder plug than standard for the engine, the worst that can happen is the plug will build up more deposits in less time (possibly causing a fouling or rough running condition)--not that big a deal. But if you go in the other direction, the results could potentially be catastrophic. If a plug overheats it can become a source of ignition independent of the actual spark. Now you've got a pre-ignition condition and that type of abnormal combustion can destroy an engine in a hurry.

You may know this, but in case you don't: "Hotter" has nothing do to with the actual spark produced. Hotter vs. colder plugs refers to the operating temperature of the plug. Hotter plugs insulate their tips more so they are less able to transfer their heat into the engines cooling mechanism (your head's fins in this case). Hotter plugs heat up faster and are able to reach higher temperatures. Conversely, a cold plug can more freely get rid of it's heat. They heat up more slowly and will reach lower peak temperatures.

Personally, I would never run a hotter plug then the engine calls for unless I've examined used plugs from the engine and determined it NEEDS a hotter plug.