View Full Version : How Many Run A Lead Additive or Substitute??

09-28-2007, 05:54 PM
I'm wondering how many trikers add a lead substitue to their gas? Nothing more and nothing less.
I've read up on the different theories of why lead should or shouldn't effect valve performance and lubrication, but I am talking two-strokes. Specifically the Atc 250r, which Honda recommends "Any Premium, Leaded Gasoline With a Research Octane Number Between 92 and 100 May Be Used."
Thought I might give it a try, but then again I dont want to poison myself every time I smell my exhaust, as lead is extremely deadly.

You know how its popular for everyone to ride in these long "trains" along the sanddunes?? Ever wonder what was coming out of the 10 peoples exhaust infront of you, such as lead?

09-28-2007, 06:01 PM
not sure if this applies but on my yz490, when i run leaded gas 92 or higher i get alot of carbon build up on the piston compared to running 92 or higher unleaded. seems to me that *Edited**Edited*'s being a 2 stroke also, this would apply.

09-28-2007, 06:04 PM
I run 100LL aviation fuel which has a small amount of lead in it (the LL stands for Low Lead).

09-28-2007, 06:09 PM
I run 100LL aviation fuel which has a small amount of lead in it (the LL stands for Low Lead).

AH HAH!! LL=Low Lead. Always wondered what that meant.

09-28-2007, 08:48 PM
I used to run a lead substitute in my airplane because I burnt premium unleaded pump gas in it. The engine manufacturer, Jabiru, stated that when running automotive gas, a lead substitute had to be used for the valves. The stuff that I used was synthetic, NOT actual lead. I'm not sure if manufacturers would even get by with packaging lead products. Read the label. I don't think it's actually lead. Lead is banned in most, if not all products these days. The stuff I used was called Instead O' Lead.

09-29-2007, 02:32 PM
The stuff I got is called Lead Substitute. So does the 100LL have actual lead in it then?

09-29-2007, 02:47 PM
back in the day we ran that stuff .. didn't do nothing... i also heard that octain booster's mess with the life of two stroke reeds... i don't like it .. seems to make it HOTTER Faster .... not good for Alluminum..
LEAD is Lubricant for two strokes .. and thats good only when you use Cam-2 or any 108 or above Race gas that is Leaded..
i could care less about the atmosphere as long as my RAG is protected with GOOD Fuel

09-29-2007, 02:48 PM
I found a post on another forum that claims 100LL contains 2ml of lead per gallon. No idea if that guy is right or not but he seemed to know his stuff.

09-29-2007, 03:19 PM
i could care less about the atmosphere as long as my RAG is protected with GOOD Fuel

:lol: :w00t:

Thats awesome Ronnie!

I just switched over to 110 race fuel torco. Gotta love the sweet smell of that stuff :)

09-29-2007, 04:49 PM
I found a post on another forum that claims 100LL contains 2ml of lead per gallon. No idea if that guy is right or not but he seemed to know his stuff.

This is true. 100LL's specification calls for a maximum of 2.12 grams of Pb per gallon. The fuel 100LL replaced, 100/130 avgas, contained about twice as much. That's what the "LL" stands for in 100LL----->"Low Lead". [ETA: whoops! I missed that this was already mentioned.] 4 grams per gallon might be typical for many leaded racing fuels (I believe C12 is 4.23g/gal). Some racing fuels with very high octane ratings may get up to about 6+ grams/gal (I believe C16 is ~6g/gal).

Since I'm on the subject....

In the 1960s, leaded pump fuel had a maximum lead content of about 4.3 g/gal by law. The fifth addition of Modern Petroleum Technology suggests that most refiners' blends of premium gasoline actually contained between 2.6 and 3.0 grams per gallon. The EPA will tell you the same. By 1975 the maximum allowed amount was down to 1.7g. By the early eighties the rollout of unleaded gasolines was well underway and the leaded versions of pump gas that remained were down to 1.1 grams per gallon. The outright ban of leaded pump fuel didn't arrive until 1996; although by then it was exceptionally rare to find it anywhere.

09-29-2007, 05:08 PM
I'm not concerned with my health from running leaded fuel or riding with those who do. Although if I was, I would go to my doctor and ask for a heavy metals test. You can find out exactly how much heavy metal content is in your body. If you are around lead you can monitor your exposure. There are even home kits you can buy--some that are general and some for specific metals such as lead.

You shooters out there should be more concerned with your lead levels than most powersport enthusiasts--I would think. I suppose if I had a small child I might only allow them to handle leaded fuel under supervision. I'm not really certain how real the risks are but I do know young children are more susceptible to heavy metal poisoning than adults.

09-29-2007, 08:45 PM
This stuff is expensive but awesome!!

It made my yz490 run so much better. Also seemed to make it start better.

10-01-2007, 10:53 PM
100LL fuel does have lead in it. It is regarded somewhat as a commodity and is "supposedly" tightly controlled and distributed. Any airport caught selling or dispensing 100LL fuel into anything other than an aircraft is up for a stiff fine. I was told by one airport manager that the first offense is a $20k fine. Second offense is revocation of their fuel permit. One thing I found that is interesting is most small airports will pump 100LL into a can - or should I say - make you pump it yourself. They must think if they're not involved in dispensing the fuel, they won't get fined. The larger airports I've tried to purchase 100LL to put in a can said no way, and actually TOLD ME where to go to get it. Thing is, the smaller airports will do more because they are low-budget whereas the larger airports already pump the crap out of 100LL to refuel aircraft. I will say it is high-quality fuel. The one airport I used to frequent is just a few miles from a large dirt-track speedway. The airport manager told me there is literally a line of race car drivers there on Friday evenings waiting to pump 100LL into cans. He told me as long as they're pumping that much 100LL, it's worth it to take the chance of not getting caught. The fuel is actually 100 octane, low lead content and I know for a fact it WILL clean up a badly carboned 4 stroke engine.

10-02-2007, 03:52 PM
lol never thought of lead poisoning from exhaust. I got torco 110 leaded I run in my banshee... I always took a few good whiffs of it, smells great!! Would be crazy "died smelling his 2 stroke exhaust"! I'm sure the amsoil don't help either.. Aye while we are on exhaust subjects, can any1 throw up a post of where to buy the stuff that gives your exhaust scents. I've wanted that crap for a long time, but can never find it!!!! I've heard leaded isn't bad for a 2 stroke what so ever. Wonder if it is for power valved?

10-02-2007, 03:54 PM
lol hancadan's link had the scents!!!! Score!!!! thx man!!!!