View Full Version : aftermarket carbs.

09-15-2007, 10:32 PM
On my 250r it has a mic or micuini carb and I was wondering how do I tell if it is over sized? Or what model it is?

09-16-2007, 11:25 AM
What year is your 250R? You would first want to go down to your local AutoZone or auto parts store and buy a digital+manual caliper. These things take care of lots of questions and only take minutes to learn use. They can measure things up to 6 inches wide or more depending on what one you get and the inside of things also. I would read the carb well, look to see if it says PJ, PWK or other name brands. That will tell you what model you have. To check what size it is, use your caliper with the setting on MM's and see how large your venturi is. That is the hole that sucks in air from the air filter. Measure the smaller side that goes into the intake on the inside of the venturi. Once you know these answers you will have the properties of your carb. It also helps to know if the throttle slide is round slide or flat/side.