View Full Version : decision time...

09-14-2007, 09:04 PM
well i hate to have to come to this decision, but its gotta be made. unfortunately for me i have to decide on selling one of my t3's. i think i have pretty much made up my mind on selling the 86 roller i have been currently working on. my 85 is about 85% done, and i have put tons of time into it. started with just a bare frame, and have quite the sentimental feeling for it.

now my decision is which way do i wanna go...sell the whole roller as one, hoping someone will buy it for a decent price, and take it home and finish it up and get it running, or part it? which i really dont feel like doing cuz i do kinda hate seeing trikes disassembled. but if i could make a bit more cash and help out a few fellow t3 owners i would.

heres a few pics of the 86...

list of things it will need to be complete...
motor obviously
carb, intake boot, reed cage,
thumb throttle (i have the stock twist throttle)
complete exhaust
over flow botttle
new front fender
chain rollers
radiator hoses
rear shock rebuilt
rear caliper
and a few other small things...
the tank is painted, but the shrouds, headlight shroud, and rear fenders are new. seat i just recovered. the frame is paint not powdercoat.

so if i was to sell it as a full roller what would a reasonable price be you all think.
i would be looking to at least get out of it, what i have into it... think you can all understand that. thanks in advance guys...

09-14-2007, 09:12 PM
Ouch, Nice machine here for a kx 500 swap for sure. BGM should buy it and sell me his. lol. Good luck with the sale man. I agree with the not scrapping it moto.

09-14-2007, 10:44 PM
Yeah dont part that, thats an excelent start to a project! They look really nice and could be a beautiful machine if someone was willing to do it. Try to sell it whole first before you part it all out.

digity x
09-15-2007, 07:47 AM
geeze just when you thought we would have both running for winter nope'' ohwell seen these pics before scoot you should sell the blaster take the money and get both of the t3's running.

09-15-2007, 09:24 AM
It's a shame to part it out imo, but if you do, I might be interested in the fenders.