View Full Version : Help!! 1984 200S carburetor

09-14-2007, 02:05 PM
Hey all,

When I bought my 200s a couple weeks back, the guy I bought it from said the carb needed to be taken off and cleaned.

At the time, it ran, but maybe not as good as it could have, since it had been sitting outside, and it sounded like he didn't drain the fuel before the winter.

Anyway, I took the carb off, took the float bowl off, and sprayed every passage (including mainjet) with Gumout. I also wiped down the airbox.

When I put back together, I put it on choke, it starts, but it is running at a high idle, and the throttle doesn't seem quite right. It seems like something is binding or stuck in the cable?? I thought I hadn't put the carb slide back in right, so I unscrewed it, and made sure the slot in the carb lined up with the brass pin within the carb, so it slides up and down correctly.

I reinstalled, and started up, same thing, very high idle, and I only feel tension on the thumb accelerator at the "half throttle" point or greater (which I know isn't right). IF I pull on the throttle cable, above the carb, and kinda pull it out of the metal "thingy" that the cable inserts into, I then feel "full travel" on the thumb accelerator, ie, it feels like the way it is supposed to, ie, tension on the thumb accelerator from the closed throttle point, all the way to the wide open throttle point. But I know this cable can't be pulled out of the metal "insert" that is on top of the carb

When I look at the throttle on the handlebar, it doens't look like there is any kind of adjustment there, ie, to take up slack, like you see on cable operated clutches and brakes.

What the hell did I do wrong here?

What am I not doing right?

Is there an online manual somewhere, or can someone explain to me whats up.

I want to ride this thing!!!!!!

Thanks very much in advance.


09-14-2007, 02:13 PM
As your sitting on the machine ,On your right side,bend down there and on the side of the carb,there is a screw that adjust's how far the slide drop's down ,thus being you idle adj.Pretty easy,righty tighty,left lucy,lefty being down idle..Also check to make sure the throttle cable is'nt pinched under the tank..

09-14-2007, 06:15 PM
maybe a bent needle that isnt lining up?